The village, the wolf, and the boy (Yarrowpaw)

Apr 16, 2023
Name: Yarrowkit > Yarrowpaw
Yarrow for the white locket on his chest, reminiscent of the flowering herb

Allegiance: Apprentice of ShadowClan
Age: 4 moons
— Ages on the 19th of each month
— Born April 19th, 2023

Gender: Cisgender male, he/him/his
Sexuality: n/a
Creation date: April 13th, 2023

Appearance: A large chocolate tabby with pale blue eyes and a white locket on his chest.
— Bears a mackerel tabby pattern
— Oversized paws & ears
— Poised, sometimes delicate posture
— Smells strongly of pine trees

+ Loyal, kind, intelligent
± Clingy, proud, honest
- Fussy, insecure, weak-willed

— Betonyfrost x Unknown, gen. 2
— Brother to Comfreypaw and Jitterpaw
— Loves his family
— Admires Roosterstrut, Starlingheart
— Likes Swankit
— Friendly with most of ShadowClan
— Wary of other Clans but curious

Birth | 4/19/23
Apprentice ceremony & bear invasion | 6/15/23
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Original adoption application:
Name: Yarrowkit.

— Named for the flowering herb; his white locket is reminiscent of yarrow's small white flowers.
Gender: Cisgender male; he/him/his.

Appearance: A towering chocolate tabby with pale blue eyes and a white locket.
Yarrowkit will be born large, perhaps the largest of his littermates, and he will grow like a weed until he reaches adulthood. He will eventually come to loom over many other cats, neither especially brawny or lanky so much as simply large.
As a kitten, he will resemble nothing so much as a tumbleweed made flesh: a singularity of fluffy chocolate fur and tippy-tappy paws. The kitten-blue of his eyes will not change much over time, with his final eye color resembling a stormy sea; this contributes to an overall appearance of boyishness that likely will not fade until he's well into warriorhood. His coat is short along most of his body, with a significant neck ruff and thick, fluffy tail, which makes him appear even larger than he is. A light, creamy base coat is elegantly striped with a rich brown and brightened by a white locket on his powerful chest. His ears are large and rather pointed at their tips, and his paws are large with vibrant pink pads to match his nose.
Despite his imposing size, Yarrow will fail to strike most people as frightening. Perhaps it is the softness of his eyes or the poised, almost delicate way he carries himself, but he will have no advantages in the intimidation department.

+ Loyal: Yarrow will be a faithful partner, friend, and ShadowClanner - to him, loyalty is second nature, and he will hold the most anger in his heart for traitors and turncoats.
+ Kind: Yarrow's heart is large and welcoming; he will always be inclined to speak gently, offer a helping hand, or listen to someone's complaints.
+ Intelligent: Attentive, observant, and quick-thinking, Yarrow's wits will perhaps be his greatest asset (other than his large size).

± Clingy: Despite his best efforts, Yarrow cannot help but fall hard and fast for the ones he loves; and when he loves someone, he will always seek them out and crave their company almost all of the time.
± Proud: Yarrow will be proud of his heritage and of his Clan, and - moreover - will develop a very particular set of ideals about what being a good cat and a good warrior is about; his pride gives him a certain amount of dignity, but it also can lead him astray.
± Honest: Alas, Yarrow will very rarely - if ever - acknowledge the utility of a white lie.

- Fussy: Yarrow likes things a certain way and no other way; some could accuse him of being prissy or obsessive.
- Weak-willed: Though he is no coward and he strives to conduct himself in a way others can respect, he is easily swayed by the strong feelings of others, and struggles to follow his own compass.
- Insecure: Due in part to the way Betonyfrost became a mother and raises her kittens, Yarrow will possess deep inside a fundamental insecurity about whether or not he's worthy of love and whether he's doing the right thing.

Plot ideas:
Over the course of his life, I think it would be interesting to have him grow and develop through his clinginess and his insecurity, possibly through forming a strong, healthy relationship (or friendship) which helps him realize that he is worthy of love and he need not hold on so desperately. Similarly, I think him eventually becoming a father could be super intriguing to explore.
I think he will need to adjust to his size over time: as a kitten, he'll probably knock other kits over, hurt them without meaning to, or crush bugs on accident. A more serious incident of accidentally injuring someone - at any stage - could shape his view of himself and others around him, and contribute to him becoming more cautious and/or self-doubting.
I could see him becoming very reclusive - perhaps after a rejection by someone he loves - and developing a firmer edge through that isolation, possibly shoring up his pushover tendencies. This could also be accomplished by having a close, supportive network of loved ones in his life who give him faith in his own wants and needs.
— Yarrow the herb is known for attracting butterflies, and I think it would be fun for Yarrow the cat to be drawn to them (and they to him).