camp a mask of my own face ❀ growing up

Two sets of paws walk together on the return home, and over the rubbery skin of a frog, Lilacfur can't help but squint at the trail of pawprints left behind.

The rosette had been told from a young age she would grow into hers whenever her clumsy, weighted gait pulled her down. She had in time, with careful rearing and robust encouragement, Fleabounce had made a true fighter that threw the weight of a heavy paw with ease. Now, as her son stuck to her side she couldn't help but notice the mimicry of his set to hers.

They place their catches upon the prey-pile, but there is a pause. A lone amber eye looked over cinnamon spotted fur, so much of Siltcloud yet so much of her all at the same time. "How did you do that?" Her voice shifted into something softer. "You're growing up and it's freaking me out! Who even are you right now? Your paws are like mine, and you can look at me without tipping your head up... It's weird." There is a smile spread across her maw, however. It's so jarring to think he had once been a feral little kitten beside Marblepaw, spitting at noses that poked too close and crawling away from the eyes of his Clanmates.

  • // @Sycamorepaw! but no need to wait
  • 82313904_EOrjiqreK2nTja8.png
  • LILACFUR she/her, 22 moons, mother to marblepaw and sycamorepaw
    lh lilac rosette with yellow eyes (carrying cinnamon, solid), a torn left ear, missing her left eye and most fur from a multitude of claw-marked scars
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by this loser@gonkpilled on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Wow
Reactions: Sycamorepaw!

[ ༻ 𐃉 ༺ ] Sycamorepaw walked in stride next to his mother, he hadn't realized it-why would he? Everything had moved so fast, from being made an apprentice to now being 9 moons in age. He didn't notice how tall he had gotten or how his muscles rippled underneath his fur. Every day he looked more and more like a tiny carbon copy of Lilacfur while still keeping those same eerily features of Siltcloud. None of this had gone noticed until his mother pointed it out, green eyes blinking when he looked directly into his mother's eyes.

"I had not realized until you said something..." he noticed the smile on her lips and his green gaze softened. His fluffy tail swayed side to side while a soft amused chuckle coaxed from his lips. Did his mother feel old now when she looked at him, or Marblepaw? It felt strange to think, it's been 8 moons since his arrival within Shadowclan. He's really bloomed since he was small and now his mother was pointing it out to him "Before you know it, I'll be a warrior" he stated teasingly towards his mother, that's right... It won't be long until it would be time to receive his warrior name. Surely, Lilacfur would feel odd with even that in her mind...Sycamorepaw...grown up.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Sycamorepaw 𐃉 He, She, They, Shadowclan apprentice, 9 moons.
    LH Rosetted Cinnamon Tabby with low white and green eyes, has an extra set of toes
    Lilacfur x Siltcloud
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Gigglepaw hasn't really given much thought to how much she's grown since she was born. She still carries with her an array of girlish features, ones that won't disappear for a long time, such as the way she lopes around camp or tries to slip into smaller spaces that she once would've walked through with ease. Growth just isn't something that's been on her mind, and the only reason she comes to think about it is when she overhears her aunt and cousin discussing it amongst themselves.

Like Sycamorepaw, Gigglepaw has grown enough to not have to look up when it comes to addressing her seniors. Her fur is long in patches, with a spikiness at the back of her neck that is reminiscent of the father she's never known.

"Wow! That means I'll be a warrior soon enough, too! Since I'm only a lil' younger than you, Sycamorepaw." Gigglepaw chimes in, tail flicking behind her as she offers her kin a wide smile. She hasn't even begun to think about what her warrior name might be, only that as a kit she'd thought that Chilledstar would be here to give her a good one. Now, she looks to Mirepurr for that honor, and knows with the same conviction that her name will be good no matter which leader of ShadowClan gives it to her.

"When we become warriors, we'll all go on tons of patrols together, okay?" She says as she looks between Lilacfur and Sycamorepaw. She feels as though the last few moons of training have left her distant from her family, even if in return she had gotten closer to Forestshade. Once they were all warriors, they'd have all the time in the world to bond.

With warriorhood on the horizon, growing up was on Shadepaw's mind, too. It felt like years ago that she had finally been allowed to go out on patrols, after an agonizing month of waiting. Then, she had still been small, fur more wispy than sleek, legs more spindly than just long, a frequent visitor to the nursery to check on the bundles of fluff she called little siblings. It was strange enough for her to no longer look down at them- she could imagine it was even stranger for Lilacfur with her kits, being their mother. Her surprise at Sycamporepaw's size earned an amused smile from Shadepaw, but Gigglepaw's arrival brought them over. "Hey, bring me on those patrols," They chirped, tapping the lilac tabby on the leg with their long tail. Gigglepaw being a warrior in a matter of moons... that was strange to think of, even stranger than their own looming ceremony. Another den change. They felt a strange twist in their chest, knowing that they would be down a littermate for the next move.

"We'll all be in the same den, soon enough. Does it ever- does the warriors' den ever get too crowded?" Their moss-green gaze flickered to Lilacfur again. The apprentices' den always seemed to have room, whether it be because a new section of apprentices was always graduating or because they endured the classic ShadowClan fate of not making it to warriorhood. Warriors were more permanent. She had poked her head in the den plenty of times, asking for Ferndance or Needledrift, but she had never really considered whether there was a certain cap for how many cats could fit under the bramble bush.​
"The warrior den holds plenty of room. Besides, the more bodies in there then the warmer it becomes during leaf-bare. So consider yourselves welcome additions when the time comes." Willowburn purred as he drew closer to the cluster of cats. He had been earwigging into their conversation when approaching the fresh-kill pile to examine the latest catches in hopes of spying something good. The tom grabbed himself a small mouse to snack on before he settled himself down. ”So, what sort of warrior names do you think you’ll each get?”
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