A Tunnel Has Been Discovered! // tunnel information


Love And Trust
Jul 15, 2022

Everything Stays

This was absolutely insane! A tunnel that lead all the way to Shadowclan! Inkylotus couldn't believe the tunnels reached that far into the territories. Did they also go into Riverclan? Thunderclan? Skyclan? He wasn't entirely sure but he had an itching feeling that might be the case. The black cat burst from the tunnel entrance, after a while of walking through the tunnels to get back to the moors, and he turned back to Pebblenose with a bright grin, "We have to tell Duskfire and the clan what we discovered! Can you believe it? Shadowclan of all places!" His tone was light and joyful, this could be a great help to the clan! If a fire ever started on the moors, they'd have an easy escape into other territories!

The sightless cat then moved to follow the path back to camp, a little bounce in his step, and smiled widely, "Sootstar! Duskfire! You'll never believe what we have discovered," Inkylotus all but crowed in his kit-like excitement.


Sootstar! Duskfire!

Eyes of emerald hue flicker to the gorse tunnel to spot a excited and grinning Inkylotus, just behind him was her sister, Pebblenose. You'll never believe what we have discovered! Sootstar is intrigued, but she expects it to be something simple... Perhaps an odd-looking bug or a peculiar looking piece of prey, but surely the both of them would know not to bother her with such nonsense?

She's expecting the least, so Inky was right, she was about to be knocked off her paws.
"You have my ears." She meows, head dipping so that one of them would proceed.


This medicine cat business was a fair bit more complicated and stressful than he initially expected, but Dandelionpaw was determined if anything else; he had the will to back up his other faults and he had the enthusiasm to keep trying, eventually he'd settle into a rhythm but for now he was just treading water and trying to stay above the surface. His thoughts were a continual repetition of plant names, colors and uses that he mixed up on several occassions but was getting better at memorizing slowly. He just had to get over the idea that he'd figure it out fast, because this was going to be a long process.

What in StarClan had Inkylotus so excited? The sepia point trotted along after Sootstar curious to the cries of the dark warrior and Pebblenose with both mismatched eyes wide and curious. It had to be something big, he pondered briefly what might be the case before deciding it was best to just sit and listen for now so he halted to a stop alongside the blanched pelt of the WindClan leader.




He wasn't sure if Pebblnose would ever be one of his favourite cats after their little altercation, but Dusk couldn't deny his fondness for Inky at this point. The black tomcat had been kind to Dusk ever since he'd first shown up at the Windclan border, and he was finally at a point where he could admit to himself that they were maybe actually friends. It wasn't something the bengal tom had been able to say before, but at this point they'd spent so much time together that if he was going to declare it true about anyone, it was Inkylotus.

And so when he heard his name called alongside Sootstars in excitement, green eyes were quick to search out and land on the familiar figure of the dark feline. With a grin Dusk would get to his feet and quickly make his way over, chuckling at the others excitement as he brushed against them in greeting. "Yeah, don't keep up waiting, Inky." he prompted, just as curious to know what had them so worked up.

windclan warrior - male - 17 months - homosexual - polyamorous - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat

Everything Stays

The ghostly black tabby was a bit out of breath with his excitement, catching it for a moment as cats gathered. Then Duskfire brushed up against him and he gave a light purr, "Pebblenose and I were in the tunnels, for a very long time it felt like, and it is crazy! The tunnels lead us to Shadowclan! Can you believe it? All the way to Shadowclan!" Sightless face lit up brightly and those large ears perked up with his excitement, "It makes you wonder how far the tunnels go! What if they went all the way to Skyclan? Or further?" It was a crazy concept but this could be useful in a way. What if they could use it to help others? Or spy on others? The possibilities where endless!

Ivory's attention too would be caught at the commotion as the tom entered camp. Surely with that reaction it wasn't anything awful. "Is everything alright?" Moving to anxiously look over her clanmates, she would settle in near Sootstar once she determined there was no need to send for the medicinecat. While she had no medicinal knowledge herself, she didn't see why she couldn't outwardly care and show concern for her clanmates. "Tunnels?" Pausing, Ivoryflight would tilt her head, unsure of why there would be tunnels to the other clans. Do the other clans know about this too? "I suppose if the tunnels went to Shadowclan, then why wouldn't they reach to the other clans?" Taking more time to think it over, she would wonder how Sootstar would feel about this discovery. Would Sootstar want to use it to Windclan's advantage? "If they're that big, it's a good thing you were able to find your way out! What if you were to get lost in there?" Worry laced her words as she glanced between the gathered members, hopeful that they wouldn't look past the potential dangers of the tunnels.