adopt a windclan warrior's siblings


an angel's inverse ♡°.
Jun 7, 2022

Adopting out siblings for my Windclanner Kestrel! This family was born and grew up on the moors, and will already be there when the clan moves into the territory. All of them are 36 moons old and age on the 22nd. They are going to join the clan together, though where they go from there is up to you. If you want to move the character later that is completely fine! I would just ask that you give some time for the siblings to have some threads together first.

As for Kestrel herself, on the surface she is abrasive and rude. This makes her hard to get along with for those that don't know her. Internally though, she does care deeply about her family, even if she shows that affection though biting banter. Though she is going to be highly critical of the parts of Windclan she thinks strange, she will jump at the potential safety and food security their numbers offer.

Sire: LH red cameo w/ low white (masking black tabby, carrying chocolate and non-silver)
Dam: SH chocolate torbie (carrying longhair)

Toms can be red tabby, black tabby, chocolate tabby, red cameo, silver tabby, or chocolate silver tabby
She-cats can be red tabby, torbie, chocolate torbie, red cameo, silver torbie, or chocolate silver torbie
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits with no white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- red tabbies will mask black tabby or chocolate tabby
- shorthaired kits will carry longhair; silver kits will carry non-silver; black-based kits will carry chocolate

The names for this litter are all going to be birds of prey. I listed a few below just for convenience sake, but any bird of prey works.

EX: Falcon, Hawk, Buzzard, Vulture, Condor, etc.

1. Kestrel
2. open
3. open
4. open