aim for the sky - open, first catch

Jun 16, 2022
Pumpkin was desperate to prove herself useful. Her whole time spent in the colony was just being a burden to the group- Just like Mother told me. She thinks bitterly with a hot flash of anger that coursed through her veins. When she arrived here, she was no more than a scared kit with flattened ears and sharp teeth. But I had fought in my first battle. Surely thats enough, right? Wrong. Pumpkin didn't even get the chance to throw paws with someone and as her group retreated she wished there was an offensive way to flip them off with her paws.
She'd had her fair share of failed hunts and nights of going hungry, but again, she was desperate. Desperate enough to get her hopes that maybe one of these times she'd catch a fat bird or a squirrel large enough to feet multiple. She finds herself alone in the marsh once more, imitating the stalking technique that she had saw Soot do. She sniffs the air but its all so confusing and there are so many scents that even if she wanted to, she wouldn't be able to mark a single trail. Dammit! Inwardly she wants to pound her paws against the floor and throw a tantrum, but these things take time… right?
Shes just walking aimlessly now, numbness filling her chest and aching her to the very core. It sucks, the fact she would not be able to provide- what the hell was that thing!? She reels back but becomes rigid as she spots a mouse, prey, finally, this was the closest animal she had ever been next to and her heart was pounding. Everything she watched Soot do is out the window and immediately her paws drum against the marsh floor as she chases after it. She catches up, lunges for it and lands on top of it, hearing a crunch. She begins to panic- how the hell does she kill this thing? She panic picks it up and begins to shake it, and it finally goes limp in her mouth. Her chests heaving and shes in shock. She finally caught her first prey- oh gosh, finally. She begins to walk back to camp with her head held high and a new light in her eyes.


The scent of fresh-kill causes the queen to salivate from where she lays, sprawled out, within the walls of camp. It wasn't a scent that entered camp too terribly often anymore and just the vague smell was enough to catch the blue-furred cats' attention. Immediately her head rises from the ground and her gaze pivots to Pumpkin. In her jaws is a rodent- and not some dirty rat either! A mouse.

Oh to have a mouse right about now... huh?

Without thought, she rises onto her short limbs.

"Successful hunt?" She inquires in a faux attempt to be friendly, though she masks it well. "Congratulations. You look proud of yourself! Should be too with how hard it's been to find a damn thing around here." Some senseless small talk might be the key to getting a bite or two out of the rodent... Worth a shot.


Freshkill was a scent unrivalled. Ever-pleasant, it never failed to rouse Berry from whatever slumber he found himself in the throes of. Today was of course no different- eyes half-lidded (one noticeably more than the other) lifted and flickered to land upon a she-cat, pride in her strides, a mouse hanging from her jaws. She carried herself like a master of mouse-catching, chest puffed out and light in her gaze, the start of a grin playing upon her muzzle- perhaps this was a first catch, or a particularly impressive one. Either way it was freshkill- though the blood-scent was more noticeable than usual. A messy kill, maybe?

From afar- for he wished not to move much closer to the scent in case it made him ill- he watched. Soot had stepped in, likely attempting to stake a claim- any fresh kill was pounced upon here, dead or not. He did not blame her- meat was meat, and mouse was much nicer than most that happened to prowl around these parts. He did not think another frog would be received particularly well.
( ) "Ohh, what a lovely catch," Crow breathes, eyes following Pumpkin as the young molly struts into camp. The mouse that she carries elicits a low grumble from their hollow stomach, salivating at the aroma of fresh-kill. How long has it been since they've enjoyed a mouse? It seems like a lifetime ago... They've grown far too accustomed to the slimy amphibians and greasy rats that they've forgotten how good a mouse smells. Although Soot has already made a move on the rodent, Crow approaches anyways. With a glance towards Soot, their tail tip twitches with unease. Things would undoubtedly be tense between the two after the other day... Admittedly, Crow feels a bit bad for the things they said to their groupmates.

"Why don't we share the mouse?" Crow offers to the other two, forcing a small smile. Pumpkin deserves to enjoy her catch, and Soot... While Crow isn't fond of her, he wouldn't deny a pregnant she-cat a meal.
She's watched Pumpkin blossom since joining their ranks, embracing their way of life. Now she sees the fruits of those efforts as the young molly drags a freshly killed mouse into camp. Her catch is not only lucky but valued among the frail corpses of frogs and lizards that barely satisfy their dwindling prey pile and empty stomachs. She's done good, proven her worth. She should be proud, just as Soot tells her. Fur bristling with excitement - no, pride - for her young soldier, Briar pads over to give her congratulations.

"Soot is right. You should be proud of that catch, Pumpkin," she mewed. Her mouth waters for a bite but there are those who need that mouse more than her. Soot grows the future in her womb, and Pumpkin is young, just learning to hunt, and the proud owner of such a valuable catch. If anyone should be eating that mouse, it was them.
Pumpkin enters the camp with bright eyes, a happy smile and immediately Soot is the first one over, her praise causing the younger girl to go red with bashfulness. The queen herself actually complimented her, what a day! "A-Ah! Thank you. It's actually my first catch, ever, im really proud. I- I mean its no biggie! I could catch bigger things if I wanted to!" she immediately goes back to good ole Pumpkin as she drops the mouse before her paws. Berry was next, not speaking but the look of hunger the two had on their faces was unmistakable.
Pumpkin is about to open her mouth and then Crow approaches, causing her fur to slightly bristle. No hostile words were spoken and she let out a sigh of relief, giving her a small smile. "Sure. I wouldn't mind sharing or even giving it to you guys. Just because y'know, i'm selfless. Hehe." she sticks her tongue out, nudging the mouse forth. Briar approaches next and she's practically glowing now, beaming as Briar speaks. "I can always catch another one! Come get a piece Briar!" what a wonderful day! Everyone was so proud of her! Shes kneading the ground now, happy as can be, ears perked up. In the back of her mind she wonders if Mother would ever praise her like this if she had been in her presence. No, probably not. I was never good enough.