- Jun 27, 2022
- 39
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Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░
The battle seemed to rage onwards, leaving behind not a single soul to be picked up and carried off the field. Not a body had been moved from where they had fallen and no one seemed to even notice the dead ones around the grass. Blood was splatterd upon green grass, slowly turning brown as the oxidation of the blood started and yowls could be heard echoing through the ground. A cinnamon mink point had been off to the side of the throng of it, sitting down under a fern bush that had crimson splattered on its leaves. Gorse lay not too far from him, lifeless and growing cold almost instantly, and a soft sigh escaped a cinnamon maw.
Dawn couldn't wrap his mind around it. Couldn't even begin to think that he had killed a cat, let alone someone so old. She didn't deserve to die, she didn't need to die, yet her blood stained his paws and this coldness warped through his chest. There was no sense in any of this. Dawn got to his paws, his right back leg shaking under his weight before it gave out. He gave an annoyed growl at the fact his back leg no longer seemed to work, and he couldn't feel anything. There was an aching pain in the right hip on the tomcat and he wondered just how hard Gorse had gotten him when she collided down on him.
Still, he wasn't about to stick around here much longer. There was no sense in it, sitting around waiting for someone to come for him and take him out. He'd rather get back to camp and forget this whole ordeal. Get back to Dusk and Eventide, let them know that something had happened to his leg and he wasn't sure what it was. How could that be done when he couldn't even get up enough to walk? Dawn pushed himself up once more, favoring his back leg above the ground, and moved slowly away from the battlefield. There was too much too see and he just wasn't here for it.
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