to be your own master
Aug 27, 2022
Exhaustion has become a common sight on Thornpaw's face. More often than not, he is found with his fur wet or scuffed up, lying limp and drained at some spot in camp only to spring up whenever someone speaks to him. The small bursts of energy never seem to last long– Whitethroat will ask something of him, or Foxpaw will be busy, and soon enough he'll be back to staring off into space in some corner of camp, occasionally blinking to show that he is still alive somewhere in there. Whitethroat will inevitably ask something more of him, but today– today he has asked nothing. And slowly, his energy has recuperated. It's a pleasant feeling, and one he had not remembered well until this very moment. Stretched out near the riverbank, Thornpaw slowly inhales and then stretches as he exhales, slowly righting himself from his side to his belly. Just in time, too, because there's Foxpaw some few strides away. "Fox!" he calls, with clear excitement, ignoring the other young faces around her. "I have to show you something! Out past the river It's cool."

  • 1_by_puffasto_df6njr5.png
    ooc: please wait for @Foxpaw ! and apprentices only in this thread, please!! they are going to break the rules, no warriors allowed <3
  • THORNPAW. snarky apprentice of riverclan, at least for now.
    ──── uses he - him - his and will not acknowledge others.
    ──── eight moons old. formerly a marsh group member.
    ──── sexuality unknown, seems uninterested in everyone.

    a tall, lanky brown tabby with ragged ears and intense amber eyes. though he carries himself with predatory certainty, his shoulders are often hunched and his body low as if to make himself smaller.
  • "speech"
Foxpaw has just finished grooming herself, tired from an earlier patrol but otherwise content for the moment. Her fur, like Thornpaw's, is often damp with river water now, and she's astonished to find herself liking the scent. She's far from feeling comfortable in RiverClan, but she's starting to feel less alien in their camp.

Thornpaw is a key part of that, though the two of them are on such different schedules now that they are apprentices that it seems she hardly gets to see him. Round golden eyes glow with mirth as he bounces toward her, long limbs reminding her of a rabbit's. "I have to show you something! Out past the river. It's cool."

She smiles and leaps to her paws, enormous ruddy tail fluffing up beind her. "Oh! Hi, Thornpaw." She gives him a slow, warm blink before giggling at his enthusiasm. When he gets excited, it's infectious. "Um - I mean, are we allowed to go?" She gives the area around her a nervous glance before shrugging. "Well... it'll probably be okay if we're together, right?"


✵ ღ ☾ IT TOOK ME BY SURPRISE - Her eyes don't want to find the familiar calico pelt, but she is always there. It's as if fate is playing some twisted joke, always having Foxpaw a fox-length away. Whether she be in the middle of a meal and hear her familiar giggle, or out hunting even. She was inescapable. Even with Lakepaws inflated ego- or the one she attempted to have- the blue tabby knew that this wasn't the intentional doing of either of them.
She is in the middle of grooming her own feathery pelt when that forsaken name rings through the air, this time called by a huskier voice.
It only takes a quick glance upwards to see a windy bundle of bracken hurling towards Foxpaw, excited chattering ensuing.
Lakepaw cannot help but notice how close the two have gotten, not that she cared, really but…
But she is striding over before she can think much more, catching the end of the conversation with interested ears. ❝ There's strength in numbers. ❞ She hummed as she stopped beside Foxpaw, though her eyes were deliberately trained away from the calico, ❝ May I come too? ❞ She now prompted towards Thornpaw, who had extended the invitation in the first place. She wasn't completely sure why she had decided to approach, perhaps the thought of them being out all alone struck a cord of concern in Lakepaw, but either way it wouldn't be shown.
❝ Speech. ❞
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