Jun 17, 2022

A bird had whisperd into his ear that the borders were closing itself towards joiners if it not already had. What a fortunate for himself then to have joined right before a such decision had been made...Raven hadn't been here for long just a few couple of weeks at most. He had arrived one day asking to stay and here he now was getting used to his new life rather quickly. Adapting was hardly difficult for him to do having done so before. With the cold season creeping in on them all Raven could with a clean conscience say his time of joining couldn't have been more then perfect. Who knew if he would stay after the cold season was over but personal matters like that was nothing he shared openly on. For now he would act his role as an Warrior to win thier trust to pretend he was a fully devoted warrior to this clan. That was the easy part...

this sort of obsticle though he had in front of himself right now was not.

Raven would stare into the water with a hidden contempt for the unkown that lived in there. Water was not something he feared but he would much rather not step a paw into it however sacrifices needed to be made sometimes and he was fully commited to this task...Today he was gonna catch his first fish or at least attempt to. With how much this cats here loved the water and to eat fish surely they would get impressed if he come home with one?. Surely, that would make him win thier trust if not for a little bit, or better yet he would capture the eye of thier very leader himself. If he could win them over for sure his stay here wouldn't get threaten.

It would be worth it in the end.

With his focus on the potential of this outcome the tom took the first step into the water, and instantly he frown upon the cold touch that meet his sunbathing warm fur. For the lack of any better words the sensation was disgusting. He hated how the bottom felt, the cold water that reached up his leg the deeper he went like a snake crawling up his leg... Raven had half a mind to turn back and abandon this...mission. It was tempting he couldn't lie about that. Somehow though he keept on going while trying to think of something else until the water reached up to his stomach. There he would stop, humming to himself to help himself to remain calm and still. No need to panic and make a fool out of himself. Always act with grace. Words that was long since deep digged into his very veins. Never forget. How could he?.

Finally he could relax as he started to get used to the water no longer feeling this chilling sensation he had felt only a second ago. Perfect. Now he could focus on his mission. Raven started to look around into the blue searching for something that moved in there. Once he found what he was searching for, that silvery shinning scale he did what he had seen the riverclan cats do before as he had watched and observed thier behavior down here by the shore for days now. He used his paw to swipe it out from the water as he aimed for the fish underneath the surface hoping to capture it between his paw claws. Unfortunately, his lack of knowledge and experience made him fail completely. He capture nothing as his paw fly out from the water and all he meet was drops of water that splashed at his face while the fish fleed away. A rather poor and somewhat embarassing first attempt. Raven knew this wouldn't be easy though he had not expected it to be. What fun would it have been if he had succeeded straight away?. He no longer needed to be perfect at everything all of the time. No one was watching him no more. No eyes that was watching his every move.

Oh wait....maybe he had wrong about that?.

" Did you enjoy the show? " He adressed whoever was watching him on the shore. Raven leaned his head back a slight bit so his amber orbs could meet the other watching eyes while some few water drops fell from his face. Now, who could it be?.

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( ) having lived off of fish and scraps her whole life, the lanky smoke is used to life by the river. her paws are deft enough to snatch fish from their icy home, claws precisely snapping spines and necks of her prey. it's second nature to her, almost an art form at this point. it's been quite an adjustment to live with those who do not understand the water as she does. still, she tries to teach them, gives them the benefit of the doubt, knowing one day, the training will pay off. however, she can't lie and say it isn't amusing when one of her clanmates misses a catch. they always look so shocked afterwards.

sitting on the bank in the cool morning air, they watch the water with verdant eyes, trained on the creatures who lurk in the depths. those who have defied claws yesterday now swim forth in hopes that they will live until tomorrow. it's not likely. still, when the sunlight hits the water just right, and silver scales turn rainbow, it's hard to want to end that life. a splash will alert willowroot to another's presence, and they glance up just in time to see the failed attempt from one she has not yet had the chance to get to know. whiskers twitch in quiet amusement as the tomcat stands there, face dripping, staring into the water. ah, the first try- always a bit funny to watch. almond shaped eyes widen as raven turns and glances behind himself, meeting willowroot's gaze. amber collides with sage and the warrior is caught off guard for but a moment before they recover.
"oh immensely." they declare, pushing themself to their paws and flicking their tail above their back. "i appreciated every intentional move." whiskers twitching again, willowroot stalks closer. "want some pointers? or do you prefer to fight it out alone?"

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riverclan warrior. 32 moons. tags

chase the sky into the ocean

Clearsight knows the river as well as Willowroot does. He was born here, after all, never had the heart to wander. He's always been sentimental; these waters are home.

He'd joined the marsh cats for awhile, the only exception to that rule-- but there was a reason for that. A painful one.

And now he was home again, with a newly-formed family-- some of them, ah. A little less experienced in the water. He doesn't laugh as Ravendusk makes his first attempt; he's a little too soft for that, his heart swelling and a fond smile gracing his features. He loves this river, and he loves his Clan. He loves how bold these cats are, making a home here and diving in headfirst, not riverborn but determined to learn just the same. Such a resolute attempt, and though it ends in failure Raven does not relinquish his pride. Clearsight loves it. He loves what it represents.

Ravendusk is a RiverClanner if there ever was one.

Clearsight purrs and sits on the bank to watch, tail curling around his paws. Willowroot's offered to help, so he'll lifeguard. "Don't worry," he calls, "you won't drown either way. Everyone struggles at first, so we're used to fishing cats out."

& something wild calls you home

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"yes," it's a clear voice, hints of amusement as she looks upon the failings of those not water born. she had already had the world taken from her, born of something new and strange, this was the last remaining enjoyment she held. the two before her understood the small currents and the work of shadows. how flightly the fish could be, where the lazy ones lay and the younger ones fight for their survival. "you might want to join the kits who are just learning too." there's no shame in it, far too many older cats grow embarassed by having the same skill set as one younger than them. she can understand it, but when it comes to understanding the waters and its residents, it's best to put one's pride behind them.

she does not offer her help, caraway has that covered. clearwater does not need assistance if the tom before them were to be swept away. the more other cats intervene, the harder it can be to pull a cat from the waters. the earthen-pelted woman instead simply watches. eyeing the fish dart away and settle to the sides. she's simply residing for her own enjoyement.
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Chamomile water was out and about, simply trying to find a spot she could fish in private, without the judgemental stares of her clanmates burning into her pelt as she failed a few times.

An audible splash would draw her attention and the molly would make her way towards the source without much thought. Peeking through the reeds, she would spot a tomcat she had caught some glimpses of In camp but had yet to talk to.

Her ears would flatten lightly with sympathy when he did not catch a fish, but she brightened up in optimism. Practice makes perfect after all! The cream tabby was about to step out and tell her clanmate as much when three cats she did know appeared and she fumbled to stop herself.

Willowroot, Clearwater, and Buckdash. Cats who were quite literally the exact opposite of her own personality. Graceful. Confident. Powerful. Chamomile both admired them and was terrified of them as if she were a kit who didn't want to stumble and get under their paws while they did the real work around Riverclan.

A part of her wanted to just scurry away, let the other three handle this. But then she thought, how was she supposed to make new friends if she ran away?

So, Chamomile water would take a deep breath and push through the reeds, smiling warmly to all those present as she purred, "Hi everyone! Are we having fishing lessons?"

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Hmmh, looked like he had been incorrect...There had been more then one cat who had been watching him apperantly. It was a bit embarassing for sure but nothing he would shy himself away from. Raven was very much new to this and if others wanted to take advantage of that to turn it into an entertaining show then so be it.

The first cat he would land his eyes upon was nobody then thier lead warrior herself. Willowroot. Thier eyes meet and as he blinked his eyes at thier words, a soft chuckle would start to rumble in his throat. Intentional. Aha, this one had a bit of humour had they not?. After everything he had gone through meeting someone with a bit of a humour was hardly something he would pass down on. So to speak he could very much need some amusement in his bleak life. A pleasant smile would dash across his maw, one that for sure would become a well traced one for them all in none time. " Well i suppose i should feel grateful that i manged to entertain our lead warrior for a lil bit." he said jokingly, accepting his fate of having made a fool out of himself in front of everyone. What could he say. They had captured him on a good day.

" Only a fool would say no to your guidence Willowroot. I have heared you are rather skilled in the water. It would be an honor to learn from you. "Her offer was more then generous and Ravendusk was not even close to a fool to deny to learn from a cat who actually knew what they where doing. If not Ravendusk could be a bit to prideful at times to ask for help from others he for sure would have gone this route from the start. But if looking on the brightside not everything had gone to waste.

Ravendusk would until Willowroot had given thier final answer to him turn his attention to the rest of the crowd...None of them had been laughting at him this far to belittle him for not being on the same level as them. That was a pleasant change from what he was used to. Speaking about that...turned out there was another cat with humour among them. Ravendusk would hum softly in amusement as he observed Clearwater, her remark of him drowning was...a bit of a dark turn in how things could end up for him in the water. Even so he looked amused. " I expect my life lays safely in your paws then, Miss Clearwater if things would turn to the worse...." Now he had no intention for this event to turn into that but he suppose it was nice to know someone would help him out if his life would get endangered.

"you might want to join the kits who are just learning too." Buckgait said and Ravendusk wasn't entierly sure at first if that was meant as an insult or not. So this amber eyes would watch carefully for a minute as he tried to figure thier intentions out. At the end he had turned his position around so he was facing them all but his eyes were still locked upon the future deputy of this clan. " I will for sure consider it. Thank you." And he meant it. Insult or not Ravendusk didn't mind to spend sometime with the kits of this clan. At least kits were always being honest and pure. Thier company he never found unpleasant no matter what reason lay behind.

Lastly his eyes settled on Chamomilewater who came in a bit later then the rest of them. She seemed to come in with a cheerful energy warmly greeting them all. " Hmmh, i suppose you could say that. Why?, would you like to join me?." he would ask curious over what her answer would be. If more cats come down to join him in the water he no longer needed to be the only cat who made a fool of himself...unless they all where very skilled already. In that case he actually should join this fishing lesson with the kits later....

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