- Jan 7, 2024
- 177
- 28
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clay // claypaw CLAYTHORN
--- AFAB // she/her // pansexual polysexual
--- created on 01.07.2024 // 20 moons old // ages every 7th
--- posting goal: 10-20 per month
--- penned by @/dallas
--- AFAB // she/her // pansexual polysexual
--- created on 01.07.2024 // 20 moons old // ages every 7th
--- posting goal: 10-20 per month
--- penned by @/dallas
✘ named for the rusty orange, and deeper browns, of her muddled pelt at birth by HAZEL.
✘ named for her prickly, but extremely loyal and dependable behavior, by SMOKESTAR. -
✘ carries dilute, solid✘ reference
✘ claythorn is tall, and strong built. not necessarily shaped for swimming, she's built for prolonged battles or stamina-filled land-hunts. she has already grown into her pelt, and as a full-grown adult, stands as tall as some of the tallest toms in riverclan. her pelt is varied between a russet red and a deep chocolate brown. she looks as if she has a mane, deepest of the oranges sitting on those fur strands. over her left eye is a deep chocolate, offsetting her face half and half. her body has a chocolate patch over her left shoulder, and her left paw.
✘ her eyes are a mismatched yellow and deep gold,, her nose a dark black.
✘ a scar winds beneath her right eye, and between her eyes down underneath that first scar. another marks the left side of her muzzle, a final one settling on the backside of her left ear. a long, winding scar cuts over her back, and another on her right hind paw. -
✘ claythorn keeps to her own- and the select few she considers her own. she's reserved, speaking only when she absolutely needs to, or finds value in what she's going to add to the conversation. when she does speak, she can often be abrasive or cold in her tone, finding being named 'thorn' apt for her behavior. she does this in interest of protecting herself, her heart, and others she keeps near. there isn't any reason to be nice to their enemies- that much, she knows.
✘ claythorn doesn't play into niceties or small talk, as much as possible. she plays cards close to her chest, and has carefully curated her expressions to be outwardly flavorless- marble like, seeming untouched and unswayed. this is akin to her reasoning for being reserved or abrasive: she is protecting herself and others.
✘ claythorn is incredibly loyal to those she considers her own, or worthy of following. there are select few, and they must earn her respect: lichenstar has done that for her. at that pace, claythorn is incredibly protective of others she is loyal to, and at rare moments, kind to them. she reserves kindness without judgement for most far younger then her: kits, and young apprentices. -
✘ sibling to: none.
✘ kits withotterbite: dark-kit (her shadow), onyxkit (her glimmering stone), sparrowkit (her hatchling)✘ adoptive kits: eelkit (her hawk-eyes) and dropletkit (her little raindrop)
✘ cicadaflight, moonbeam, lichenstar
✘ many
✘ as forementioned: claythorn is reserved, and cold about it. if you want to befriend her, work in actions that matter to her, but not so much it can be seen as 'kissing up' to her. she can, and will be able to tell. if you want to become her enemy, work in opposites. bother her. annoy her. attack her chosen friends and family. go ahead, you won't. -
warrior training HUNTING: ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇
FIGHTING: ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◇◇
CLIMBING: ◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇
SWIMMING: ◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
MEDICINE: ◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
LEADERSHIP: ◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ -
╰┈➤[ KITTEN ]she was born to hazel and her npc father. hazel nursed her until she was two moons old. at that time, she was thrown to the wilds without care or regard of her well-being. some loners took pity on her, training her, feeding her. others, rogues, wished to flay her limb from limb and eat her in absence of other meat. she was near-drowned by these rogues, escaping at the cost of another loner's life. she traveled for a while, being taking in by the ripple colony and raised from there.
╰┈➤[ APPRENTICE ]when ripple colony merged with riverclan, clay became claypaw, and first appeared in her intro. she spent some of her earliest days in riverclan being near wavepaw, ensuring he grew up- perhaps the closest to a little brother she ever had. not long after that, lichentail ordered other ex-colonist members to be killed on sight. she still is not sure about being in riverclan, especially due to this issue here.
not long after that, claypaw continued to sew discourse when wavepaw was threatened by asphodelpaw, giving back the hell wavepaw was given. she is sure she belongs here. it didn't stop here, because when valepaw shoved asphodelpaw in the river, claypaw had a whole lot to say, continuing to rip a ravine between herself and 'pure-blooded' riverclanners.
some time passes, but as claypaw integrates with clan life, lichentail leads a patrol to find the rogues that were in the territory. while they were attacked, claythorn helps to defend perchberry in word while defend herself physically. not long after that, another rogue appears on the territory, attacking moonpaw and otterpaw specifically- HAZEL, her own mother. claypaw kills hazel in defense of her clanmates, and in rotten anger that has been held since she was abandoned as a kit. as they return to the patrol, they are questioned by smokestar and others.
not long after their return to camp, claypaw speaks to moonpaw about what has occurred, and shares her worries about being related to the rogues who are invading their territory. while moonpaw reassures her nothing will happen, otterpaw begins to blackmail claypaw over her heritage, asking her for a 'favor' in exchange. just two days after the threats begin, she has her assessment with darkbranch and lichentail, revealing one of her deepest fears to lichentail.
claypaw causes some drama at the border over coyotestrike's wild greeting, and is defended by smokestar.╰┈➤[ WARRIOR ]at the beginning of april, she becomes a warrior with the name CLAYTHORN. directly after the meeting, she moves her nest, bothered by a 'friend'. she stays true to the code as she holds a vigil with now full warrior, OTTERBITE. being a warrior is seemingly uneventful until the eclipse, where she makes sure to take care of queen and kit alike during the scary time.
she attends her first gathering- both as a clan cat, and a warrior, and is surprised by the kindness a windclan apprentice shows to her. not long after does she attempt to make good on the 'favor' she is asked of by otterbite, but brookstorm gives her some surprising advice instead. only one or two days later, she shows her support to lichentail in wake of smokestar's disappearance and eventual death. she cheers beepaw on, in favor of beating midnightpaw in a 'spar'.
claythorn finally swallows her pride and asks otterbite out, finding it actually agreeable, as she'd be able to be valuable to someone, finally, right? she discovers troutsnout missing, questioning if it was windclan, or a twoleg. she welcomes LICHENSTAR home despite her mood. she watches moonbeam get taken, and reports to camp about it. she has a conversation about moonbeam with beepaw, and shortly after goes on a misison with ospreypaw to discover hunting dogs by the twoleg camp.
she goes back out to investigate the twoleg camp with others from riverclan, and in the following nights, helped free her clanmates from the clutches of the twolegs. with everyone in camp feeling relieved, it still wasn't safe- she helps defend robinheart and the kits from a dog. she takes a breather in this entire non-stop mess to think about something else: otterbite. she picks out a stone for something in the future, braving the water in order to obtain it. while she did this, petalnose and aspenhaze fight off a dog- claythorn sees them off.
stepping in for another clanmate, she kills a rogue in defense of troutsnout. not long after that, claythorn is on a patrol, meeting a windclan patrol deep into their territory by the gorge- her life is saved by ferngill, and results in a concussion. these events spark tension with otterbite, who has an argument with her while she is in the medicine den about her risking her life. she speaks to moonbeam, who reassures her that she isn't quite so crazy. with this bravery in mind, and when she is able to be up and moving, she speaks to otterbite once more, deciding to give her life to him and raise his kits by offering him the stone she found before the dog attacks. she speaks to beefang about the attack, and cicadaflight's tantrum. cicadaflight continues his run-in's, and she helps him to the medicine den after an attack.
after her decision with otterbite settles in, she takes time to acclimate to the water, believing she'll need to for her kits. which, speaking of, she has moonbeam check for kits. she heads to her last gathering before she's nursery-bound. -
blah blah blah
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