camp Flower in your hair {RTA}


𝒬𝓊𝑒𝑒𝓃𝓈 & 𝒱𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓃𝒹𝓈
Jun 14, 2022

So many things had changed in the three short moons since her kittens' birth. The former soldier had melted into the shadows of the nursery, keeping an ever-watchful yet silent eye on her children. Rumors ebbed and flowed in regards to the sire of her litter, and such words only grew in confidence as the kits grew older and their pelts shone silver and their eyes glowed with the faint hues of violet.

Today, with the apprenticeship of her kits looming just overhead, Moonshadow would finally leave the nursery. Her nostrils would flare lightly as she took a deep breath in the chilled morning air, her dark sapphires slowly opening to peer up into the sky overhead which was now beginning to lighten with the coming of dawn. The molly would stretch leisurely, muscles rippling beneath her long glossy pelt of obsidian and alabaster, the one pristine paw kept clean from her moons in the warm kitten den.

Looking around the camp, she would make a note of how things had changed since her kitting, and she made a mental note to ask one of the others to catch her up on the goings on within camp. Taking long, powerful, and confident strides towards the fresh-kill pile, she would blink at the size of it before one of the smaller items for herself. Once the kittens were made apprentices and under the care of their mentors, she would get back to work hunting and stock up for the cold days.

Confident that her children would follow her out of the nursery shortly, the molly would return to the front of the nursery, taking a seat with her fluffy tail curled around her paws and beginning to eat her breakfast.

@Periwinklebreeze. @ASPENKIT @Wisteriakit
Tagging the kits for funsies! Feel free to post before them!


"Just remember to stay in the shade. Don't go out alone." Hyacinthbreath speaks to a warrior leading a hunting patrol, violet hues turning towards the sound of kittens talking. She'd recognize those little voices anywhere, the way they spoke so kindly to each other and everyone around them. Despite Wisteriakit's own rebellious personality though, Hyacinth found fondness in her son.

Her son. She had children.

The thought makes her pause for a moment, waving off the Warrior she had been speaking to in favor of turning and watching the three not-so-little bundles of fur walking behind their mother. "It's.. Good to see you outside again, Moonshadow. And you, little warriors." She meows softly, awkward hesitance in her gait as she seats herself next to the fresh-kill pile. She rummages through, picking out a lizard to munch on. They would be gone soon, hiding from the cold, and Hyacinth would be without her favorite snack once more.
( ) Within the confines of the nursery, surrounded by moss and other warm bodies, the chill in the air remains unnoticed to Aspenkit as she slumbers peacefully on. She curls into herself slightly, settling in among her siblings, before a nagging sense that something has changed causes her to blearily blink her eyes open. Surprised, she blinks a few more times as she processes the fact that her mother is no longer there with the rest of them. Aspenkit rolls to her paws, trying to avoid stepping on tails and ears belonging to her siblings, and makes her way to the nursery entrance. Peering out at the rest of the camp, she notices a few scattered figures wandering around, though her attention is caught by Moonshadow. Scampering forwards, she makes her way over to the molly and plants herself down on the ground, still shaking herself awake.

"Good mornin', Mama," she drawls out, followed quickly by a large yawn. Even though she's almost ready to be a full apprentice, Aspenkit hasn't quite gotten the hang of early mornings just yet. Her fur sticks out in what is surely an unsightly manner, but the only thing she does to fix it is to attempt and shake out a few loose bits of moss she must have carried with her from the nest. At Hyacinthbreath's greeting to Moonshadow she looks up, abandoning any effort to make herself look slightly more presentable. "Good morning, Hyacinthbreath," Aspenkit responds with a bob of her head. "Oh, but we're not warriors yet. Not even apprentices!" she adds, processing the lead warrior's greeting. Even if she wanted to be a strong, brave warrior one day, Aspenkit knows she's definitely not qualified for that yet - she hardly knows anything yet! But, that would change soon, wouldn't it? When they all became apprentices, she and her siblings would learn a ton!

Being primarily kept within camp's invisible walls grew tiring- but with the malicious sky out there, what else could he do? Cobwebs still unsettled the fur on his stomach and side, his injury all but congealed but with pain still stinging-nettle sharp when he moved. In a markedly better mood knowing that his recovery would suit his plans to go to the gathering well, the large tom found solace in simply sitting, watching... a vulture in the trees, waiting for finished meals so he could find bones with which to pass the time.

Seeking out this specific goal, fissures of wide silver found the meal lying at Moonshadow's maw- and only then did his mind register Moonshadow herself. Ears set upon his heavy cranium swivelled forward, attention settling upon the ensuing conversation- apprentices, warriors. How funny it was that words so meaningless to Mallowlark moons before today were settled within the entire worldview of their children. The moor that had once been his home was now theirs, and their training-place and their territory to protect. His gaze widened ever-more, emptied.

"Won't be long till you are, though!" he called, cheeriness in his voice breaking the boundary of his smile. His chirp, cheery as ever, sprung free almost ill-fitting, not meeting the hollowness of his frozen-grin expression. Pupils tumbled back toward the meal Moonshadow was working through... when she was done, he would swoop.
periwinklekit | 02 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff

It's rare that peri gets to spend anytime with his family lately - it seems more often than not he's been sleeping through the most important activities. A quiet yawn slips past his lips as he wobbles momentarily, eyes heavy and blinking rapidly. He doesn't want to miss out on time spent with his mother, but every limb feels heavy and the world itself almost seems blurry. He doesn't let this stop him however, a hesitant smile full of pearly whites tossed hyacinths way - she's still so odd around them, but at least she's not avoiding them anymore; before he waves a paw at mallowlark. While the tom's smile is a tad bit unnerving, he actually likes his sense of humour, odd though it is. "G-g-good mornin-" he echoes shyly, doing his best to simply tuck himself into his mothers side. He just doesn't feel up to much more than that today.




"Are you looking forward to getting back to being a warrior?" Dusk asked as he made his way over, the question purely driven by curiosity. He wasn't a queen and couldn't pretend to understand what it was like to birth and raise a litter of kits, but he knew that if he'd been holed up in the nursery for three months looking after adorable, chaotic little furballs he'd definitely be looking forward to being able to stretch his legs and socialize with some cats his own age. These days he couldn't fathom sitting in one place for more than a few minutes, let alone a hours and days and weeks. It took a lot of patience, a lot of dedication, and he wasn't sure he had that in him.

As green eyes shifted to the kittens trailing out of the den behind their mother, Dusk couldn't help the small smile of fondness that settled on his lips. Even if he didn't think he had the skill to sit and raise a litter full time like Moonshadow had, that didn't mean he disliked kits. If anything, he was just a little uncertain of what to do with them or how to act since he hadn't really been raised around them -or even seen them- until coming to Windclan. Of course, Slitherpaw and Duskkit were helping with that, but as always Duskfire still felt leaps and bounds behind the rest of them. "Mallowlarks right, you know. Are you guys excited to become 'paws' and get mentors of your own?" he asked.

windclan warrior - male - 20 months - homosexual - polyamorous - single - tall, strong bengal tomcat
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At Hyacinthbreath's approach and awkward greeting, Moonshadow would simply make a slight sound of acknowledgment in her throat before turning her clearly adoring gaze onto her kits as they tumbled into the open one by one. A soft chuckle of affection would flow from her now, as she bent her head down to lick Aspenkit's head, and her tail would move to curl around Periwinklekit as she nodded to Mallowlarks' words.

"Good morning, my beauties. Mallowlark is correct, Soon you will be exploring the moors and learning its ways. I am already proud of you three." She would speak to her kittens softly, before turning to the warriors and her deputy, dipping her head in respect before speaking, "I am. As much as I love being a mother, doing it alone does take a toll on a cat." Her words were spoken calmly and with a lightness that would suggest it was simply an observation with nothing else beneath it. As Duskfire asked the children about their upcoming apprentice ceremony and she would appear thoughtful as they all answered. Once they had, she would speak to those gathered once more.

"How have things been in the moorlands? I heard about the hawks...Are you healing well, Mallowlark?"

( ) Her mother's tongue rasps against her head and Aspenkit's nose wrinkles slightly, but she doesn't move to pull away; rather, she leans further toward Moonshadow's warmth. It doesn't seem like she's in for a full bath right now, which she's grateful for; having the tangles combed out of her fur is far from her favorite thing. As Mallowlark approaches, she gives him a bob of her head in greeting, though Aspenkit's not sure if the warrior notices or not - he seems more focused on Moonshadow's breakfast than anything else. Mallowlark's fascination with the discarded remains and bones of prey is certainly odd, since nobody else in Windclan seemed to share it, it doesn't really unnerve Aspenkit, considering she's simply never really known anything different from the tom. Not that she particularly shares his interests, she does have to admit there's a certain charm in finding use in every part of a piece of prey.

As Mallowlark and then Duskfire remark upon their upcoming apprenticeship and warriorhood, she has to bite back an insistent retort that she and her siblings really aren't close to being warriors - apprentices, sure, but they had to make it all the way through moons of training to become warriors. At three moons, becoming a warrior seems like such a long way away to Aspenkit, though she supposes maybe it's not as long as she thinks, since her fellow clanmates seem so sure it will be time in a flash. The idea that one day she might also consider that stretch of time to be short baffles her; right now, it's hard to even imagine what she'll be like a moon from now, let alone six. Hopefully she'll be just as skilled and as her older clanmates, and maybe she'll even understand how they think time can fly by so quickly, though she has doubts about that last one.

"I'm definitely ready to be an apprentice! I can't wait to learn how to hunt, and to fight, and to be able to explore around too," she answers, eyes shining with excitement and chest puffed out from Moonshadow's praise. Thus far, Aspenkit's perception of the world has been limited to Windclan's camp, and while she's heard about how large Windclan's - and the other clans', too - territory is, she's certain that it's going to be something else entirely to see it for herself. She's also curious about the other clans, as well; even though she's vaguely aware of the fact that Windclan isn't on the best of terms with most of the other clans, she's still fascinated by the idea of groups of other cats living somewhere other than the moorlands. It's all so new and exciting to think about, and Aspenkit can hardly wait to start making these discoveries for herself.
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