private fluffy days & nights

Perhaps it was a little silly, but since finding out his namesake flower had some kind of medicinal use he had taken to viewing things with a lightly rose tinted lens. Dandelionpaw had always been a cat who felt everything served a purpose and cruel judgement was not oft a method others should take in regards to viewing the world around them. Maybe he was naive. Maybe he just didn't understand the view point being pushed by the older cats in the clan.
The sepia point stretched his legs out before him where he laid, his hunt was going well and he'd buried several vole nearby to collect later but right now he wanted a moment. It was sunny, the grass was especially soft and his paws deserved a rest.
Dotting the landscape around him the telltale tufts of white dandelion heads, puffy and delicate, could be seen from his lounging vantage point. They were an odd flower, started as gold lion-mane like bursts of petals and expanded out into tiny little wisps of white clouds that would scatter at the smallest push of the wind. Would he be as fragile when he got older? He hoped not, but age did things to a cat that he couldn't comprehend yet.
With a burst of energy he sprang up and dove into a cluster of the cotton-colored flowers, sending the bits and pieces of stringy white tufts scattering in a chaotic whirl; the wind snatching them all to sweep away without hesitation. A few lingered, dancing above him in light twirls and erratic twists and he stared upward to watch them as they moved, looking very much like little white stars that had fallen from the sky above.

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Dandelionpaw's moment would get interupted by a sneeze not far away from the field they both stood on. Some of this stupid seeds had blown away into his direction and got into his nose!. Leechpaw would hiss underneath his breath in annoyence before his dagger looking glare settled themselves on the sepia colored tom. " Tch, it just had to be you out of all cats, did it?." he would mutter when he saw who it was. Leechpaw had come out here all on his own to get away from everyone back in camp, to get some time for himself to reflect on his thoughts only to end up running into this barn cat.

Speaking about that, what was this idiot doing anyway filling the whole sky with this stupid flowers. Playing around like he was some kit. Didn't he had apprentice duties to do?. Leechpaw would have loved to remind him about that for a second time but he himself had been neglecting his own duties this past couple of days and he would absolutely hate it if his own words got used against him. So he didn't.

" Don't you think you are to old for chasing flowers...or whatever the hell you were doing." he decided to say instead, and would frown at them while giving a flink of his tail like he was running short on time to waste here or something. Flowers made him feel more bitter then usual right now since flowers reminded him of Rosepaw, and he hadn't spoken to them since he had chased them away. Didn't left a good feeling in his chest.


"Yer always so happy to see me, Leechpaw! Real pleased to hang out with ya as well!" The dark and grouchy tom's approach did not damper his spirits in the slightest. If he got his feelings hurt or moped everytime Leechpaw was a bit of a stick in the mud, then he'd be doing nothing but being miserable.
So he ignored the harsh and standoffish manner in which his fellow apprentice approached, cheerfully continuing to chase the few remaining dandelion tufts as they scattered around before his ears pricked up at the other's final remark but not for the reason they probably expected.

" called'em flowers." Dandelionpaw said, tone light and expression soft in response to the dark tom's harsh words. Whether Leechpaw realized it or not he wasn't so bad a cat, little prickly but hardly what the sepia point would call a bad person. He was just a bit...rough around the edge. The fawn and chocolate-colored apprentice smiled down at the ground for a moment before lifting his head back up; grin bright.
"Ye know...lotta people see weeds when they look at a dandelion. They're real hardy lil'buggers. Grow everywhere, all over the place, pop up'n places they ought not be in." Like a certain point apprentice with strange eyes. He felt no shame at the mental comparison.
Having briefly overheard the fight that lead to Rosepaw's distraught state not too long ago he raised a paw to pat the ground next to him, offering the other a place to sit. "Ye know what flowers ain't as hardy? Roses."


Leechpaw would just snort, bemused with Dandelionpaw's constant 'kill with kindness' technique towards him. Did they never grow tried of being so damn bright all of the time?. He guess he never would understand cats like them, beside the fact how they always got under his skin. Flinking the tail impatiently his ears perked upwards when Dandelionpaw said something with a different tone from before that actually made his attention rise. At first he was confused because surely dandelions was flowers?. He personally had little interest in flowers but Rosepaw had an obsession for them and had informed him that even dandelions were flowers. So if his friend said they were then surely that was true?.

Dandelionpaw went ahead to explain and it wasn't very hard to pick up the pieces to what the medicine apprentice actually was talking about here. That came as a suprise. Leechpaw had always thought a cat like Dandelionpaw most have had a easy life considering how carefree he seemed to be about exactly everything. The idea that some other cat might have a negative meaning to thier name like he did had never crossed his mind, not when it come to a cat like this tom who seemed to have everything going for them. " Doesn't look much different from a flower to me." He answerd through a mumble after taking a moment to reflect in his thoughts. " I mean just look around you. There is flowers everywhere, poping up wherever they like without caring if they are wanted there or not. Sounds just like any other flower." Maybe it sounded like an insult but in his own way Leechpaw was trying to tell Dandelionpaw something, and that was he was no different from any of the other cats. It was possibly he even tried to cheer them up.

That topic quickly changed into something more sour. Instantly his mood changed again, looking more annoyed again knowing exactly what Dandelionpaw was going by mentioning that name. Leechpaw wouldn't seat himself beside them, standing just in the same spot like before as his ears slightly fell back. " If you have something you wanna say then just say it." Leechpaw had noticed that Rosepaw had grown closer to...other apprentices in the clan since thier fight and although he never would admit it he was jealous that they had found other friends that wasn't him. An emotion he really hated to feel.


He smiled his usual lazy smile, listened with a knowing look and a gentle nod along to the dark apprentice's remarks. You would be surprised just how many cats felt otherwise, he'd seen the farmer swearing at a patch of dandelions before ripping them up with his bare hands in anger, no idea what the fellow was saying but he sure seemed bothered by them. Weeds, he was told, choked the life out of other plants around them. But if that was true then why was all this grass here? These wildflowers? Dandelionpaw stretched his paws out in front of him, the offer of a friendly sit down rejected as he expected it would be.

"Ain't gonna preach to ya, Leechpaw. Not my style and certainly ain't yers either." The apprentice gave a sudden sneeze as bits of dandelion fuzz got into his nose from a short inhale, maybe he should'nt have pounced on so many of them after all. It was a lot!
"...we ain't all always gon' get along, its how it is. How life is. Eventually, even the best o'pals are gonna bump heads over somethin' or another." He sighed and then quickly regretted it, gagging momentarily as a fuzzy flower seed got into his mouth and his humble little life lesson was interupted by a serious of hacking until he had dislodged it, "Gosh-darnit, maybe I ought not to have scattered so many o'these at once! VARMINTS!"
With a laugh he shook his head, "Anyways, first step to fix'n a mistake is an apology. Ain't sure exactly what ye and Rosepaw done got into arguin' 'bout but 'es a good cat. Gentle like. Figure he'd forgive ya if ye asked, even if ye don't mean it. But I reckon ye might."


Well, he guess they had at least something in commen then if neither of them liked to talk about thier personal matters. Leechpaw would give a huff in agreement still annoyed though maybe because of how carefree Dandelionpaw still acted. The only time he had ever seen them upset was when Sootstar did something violent in front of the clan. That was something he himself was pretty much used to. Leechpaw was unresponsive towards that first sneeze, acting like it hadn't happen at all as he just frown at them. Words contunied and he remained in his silence while the other apprentice spoke looking quite serious until, suddenly Dandelionpaw lesson of how friendships worked got interupted by him always getting choked to death by one of this seeds. Leechpaw couldn't deny that in that very moment the medicine cat apprentice looked stupid.

A choked sound followed afterwards, that sound when someone tried to choke down thier own laughter to crack out. Leechpaw quickly tried to hide it ever had happend by putting a paw over his mouth with an avoided glance as his head turned away from the other apprentice. He had not been prepared for an suprise attack like this. For Dandelionpaw to have looked so funny in that split second when he had been choking on that seed. Hopefully Dandelionpaw would not have noticed. That would have been very embarassing if so.

Collecting himself, after the laughter had died down from the other apprentice the conversation from before contunied where it had been left off. The ears flinked towards them, listening carefully. An apology?. Leechpaw grimaced at themselves. Was it really that simply?. Would an apology really fix everything?. Conflicted with this suggestion he started to kick one of the dandelions that had landed in front of his paws. " I told him he was suffocating me..." he mumbled out, almost like a whisper. Going into a guilt trip again his ears would flatter slightly back in shame. " I doubt an apology can make up for that. " He was honest. Leechpaw might be many things but he was not a dishonest cat. There was no way he was gonna give a half-hearted apology to Rosepaw...he deserved better then that. An apology wouldn't fix what he had said even if he regretted to have said it at all.


"Oh sure, laugh at me while ah'm sufferin'!" He had noticed the laugh, but outside the comment and his own chuckling in response he didn't linger on it, it was obvious his fellow apprentice struggled with being seen as anything but cool and aloof so he would not tease him much. "...but anyways..."
Back to the actual topic on paw, he imagined Rosepaw's gentle friendliness and continued attempts to keep Leechpaw company might have been a lot for the usually brash tom.

When he heard suffocating he tried to imagine getting that feeling from another cat and couldn't. Dandelionpaw was not like Leechpaw when it came to socializing, he enjoyed the presence of others, he flourished with activity and speaking to other cats. But if he imagined it like the tunnels then he could relate a little more. The idea of being deep in one of those winding underground paths made his heart race. He was terrified of the idea of going in one, fretful about possibly being trapped inside and buried alive when it collapsed. That cats could give a similar feeling, he wasn't familiar with but could not deny he imagined it possible. Sootstar, he figured, was a cat who might often come across suffocating.

Raising a paw to his nose to rub at it furiousy, he placed it down before giving an abrupt sigh that felt a little too heavy for a cat his size and age, "So yer jus' gonna assume it won't work and give up then is it? What's the worst that can happen? Rosepaw refuses yer apology and ye go back to not talk'n again like ye are now. Nothin' changes, but I wager ye give it a go anyways only if ye mean it and see if it helps..." Outside that, time would tell. A bit of space and perhaps Rosepaw would feel comfortable enough to approach him back. He remembered the red tabby crying, he would not be sobbing so unhappily if he hated Leechpaw-they were tears mourning something he felt he had done wrong to the dark tom.