FROM NOW ON [intro to River]

✵ ღ ☾ IT TOOK ME BY SURPRISE - Her family had joined Thunderclan by now, they were long gone.
Azalea, however, had decided to remain in the marsh group to ponder her own path, only to come to the conclusion that Riverclan had been calling her name since the gathering.
She had left the marshes just before the sun had kissed the horizon, putting her speed to the test as she booked it out of there, the only thing in her possession being a bundle of brightly colored plants, though she was careful not to sink her teeth into them.
The run was longer than she would have imagined as she reached the fourtree's, her stamina low but senses on alert as she tried to recall the direction Cicada and his cats had left in.
Within a minute or two she was able to recall, and took off again, staying close to the rivers shore as she followed it to a bridge and down a steep slope, skidding to an exasperated stop as she looked for a way to cross, her brow bone furrowed in thought.
Refusing to swim, she finally caught sight of the trail of jagged rocks that stretched out across the blue surface, water lapping gently around the edges- it was simply her best bet.
Gingerly she hopped from one stone to the next, thankful for her practice in grace as she determinedly maneuvered herself across the river, letting out the tiniest breath of relief once her paws were once again on damp soil.
Though, now she was… lost. Looking around, she opted to continue trudging forward, ears swiveling for any sign of her former clanmates, or any kittypets that had decided to join Cicada.
❝ Speech. ❞

It wasn't too long ago that Lily had found herself in a minor confrontation with a silver-furred she-cat. The two of them had been chasing the same mouse and unintentionally stumbled across each other, losing the mouse, and then promptly blaming each other for the failure. The encounter had stuck with Lily as it was really the only notable confrontation she had ever had, besides some minor squabbles with other young cats in the Pine Group. There was also the fact that Lily could not shake the image of the pretty cat out of her mind for almost a week afterwards.

So it was definitely a surprise for Lily when she saw that exact same silver she-cat, standing looking lost on the land that RiverClan had claimed for their home. When Lily came trotting out of the bushes, she stopped dead in her tracks when she spotted Azalea, her eyes wide. "It's you..." Her voice trailed off as she spoke, and she found herself blinking a few times as if to check if this was all real. When she became convinced that Azalea was really standing there, Lily adjusted her posture, becoming more defensive but not outright hostile. "What are you doing here?" She inquired, giving the other she-cat an appraising glance.
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Fox has ached for the familiarity of her former colony, missing Froggy, Dizzy, and Rocky especially with a pain like claws in her heart. Cicada is here, but so many of these cats who have joined them are from the pine forest, and while she finds herself becoming acclimated to the idea of sharing her home with them...

Admittedly, it's not the same.

That's why when a familiar, long-legged silver tabby makes her way towards their camp, Fox finds herself conflicted. Azalea, of course. Her first instinct is to say something rude to the blue-eyed femme. Fox has made it a point to avoid her ever since she'd rudely turned her away from a hunting expedition.

She notices a flare of recognition in the yellowish eyes of a former pine cat. A tortoiseshell, not too much older than they are, but Fox finds she has little in common with her so far. The calico has not made an effort to befriend her, and she frankly has no desire to. They're Clanmates, but they don't have to be friends.

"Where is the rest of your family?" Fox turns cold eyes on Azalea. Perhaps not the warm welcome she was expecting, but she never promised to forgive old grudges. Dewdrop is gone. Her siblings are in ShadowClan. What's the point?

✵ ღ ☾ IT TOOK ME BY SURPRISE - The relief that sparkled in Azalea's gaze at the sight of another was very short-lived as familiar verdant eyes peered back at her, well, if it wasn't the flame-speckled mouse thief.
It's you…
she says, almost in disbelief. You? Azalea echos back, her tone laced with surprise, though slightly muffled by the stems in her maw. Their confrontation now refreshing itself in her mind, Azalea felt her pelt prickle, not with hostility, but more shock. At the mollys prompt, Azalea clears her throat and sets down her plants. ❝ What does it look like? I'm moving in sweetheart ❞ Azalea retorts, though keeping her tone smooth. This is just great… living with a pretty, food-stealing-
Foxy's voice catches her attention before she can finish her grumbling thoughts, and a sharp gaze is turned to the calico in an instant, her cold gaze sparking indignation in Azalea's own.
❝ Thunderclan. ❞ She replied curtly.
Of course it would be just her luck for these two to be the first faces she runs into. She casts the brindled molly a side glance, making a mental note to inquire for her name later on. ❝ Anyways- which direction is camp? ❞ She now prompted, her gaze now fully focusing on Lily, having no interest in being stared down- or rather up at- by Foxy's icy optics any longer.
❝ Speech. ❞