giant - intro

Sunlight shone from high above, dappling the branches with spots of light. Fly moves carefully through the trees, timing his movements precisely, lest he planned on falling to the ground below. He had left the group early this morning, having awoken early from his slumber. Not that he had gotten much sleep in the first place - he had been lost in his own thoughts. Thankfully, it was nothing bad, just Fly's own tendencies to overthink things. Although the clans had only recently been formed, he found himself reflecting on his place within ThunderClan, pondering whether it was the right decision to have followed Emberstar away from the Fourtrees. Given that a lot of Rain's group had gone on to become SkyClan, it might have been expected he would have stayed there, but for some reason, his paws had led him here instead. Given his current position in the leafy canopy, it might have been a more fitting place for him too given that they were fond of climbing. Fly, however, was not so fond of it. He had some skill but he did not like lingering in the trees for long, though he could at least recognise the benefits of catching or stalking prey from up high.

It was a small mercy that Fly had no family left to tie him back to SkyClan. He had friends, sure, but no one he was particularly close with. Two of his three sisters were dead, as were his parents, laid to rest among the trees they had so dearly loved. His other sister, Moth, was a kittypet now. He had considered the idea of joining her once, before quickly deciding against it. He had no qualms about kittypets so long as they pulled their weight in some way, but the notion of living inside one of those strange twoleg nests filled him with dread and repulsion. And how would he hunt in those strange strips of land they had?

It made him glad that he was here in the forest. Fly could not imagine not being able to hunt, or at least being limited to what he could hunt. He wouldn't say hunting calmed him, but it helped focus him, give him a direction to follow. To hunt meant to provide, and he would do what he could to provide for his clan so long as he still could.

Fly returns to the task at hand, putting aside his indecision in favour of focus. His target is a large blackbird, glossy wings catching the occasional ray of sunlight as it flitted between the branches. From where it sits now, Fly is not far behind, cautiously waiting for it to look away so he can pounce from above. He is aware it knows something is here but is unable to locate him. Finally it turns away and Fly seizes his opportunity. He bunches up before leaping on top of it, quickly grabbing it before it can dart away again. Beneath his paws it squirms in a panic, a few desperate squawks erupting from its beak before Fly puts it out of its misery and kills it with a swift bite to the neck. The bird tenses in his jaws before going still, the metallic tang of blood teasing his tongue.

Satisfied his prize has been caught, Fly waits a moment before dropping it to the floor. Most cats would carry their prey back down with them, but Fly had always found it difficult to descend from above with prey partially obscuring his vision. As the blackbird hits the floor below, Fly hears a yelp of surprise, and peers down from his branch to see one of his fellow ThunderClan cats, staring at the bird in surprise. "Sorry!" He calls down to them, apologetically. "I did not realise anyone was there."
Her thoughts are dragging, more than they ever have. If not for the haze of doubt and uncertainty clouding her head, Quail would have been concerned she is losing her sharpness. As it is, she knows the culprit for the fog she's found herself in.

Cinderfrost. And, by extension, Emberstar, who had come to their territory in peace, convinced them to join ThunderClan, and then harbored a murderer among them.

A protective fire burns in her belly when she thinks of Wildflower, of Cotton and her kits, of all the cats who deserve to live in peace, without fear of being randomly attacked. She hasn't spoken to the blue molly since the incident occurred, and she has no desire to. StarClan or no StarClan, she'd committed a crime one does not simply atone for. It's only a shame it has led Quail to doubt Emberstar's ability to lead as well.

She's startled from her funk as a heavy black bundle drops in front of her from the sky. She leaps back, screeching in shock. Leaf-colored eyes flit to the branches, widening as they meet Fly's.

"Tryna give an old lady a heart attack?" She wheezes, trying for a goodnatured tone and failing. Her heart is kicking like a mouse before the death bite. She feels like she should sit down for a moment before it bursts out of her chest.


Not far behind the other she-cat, Howling Wind trod. She didn't stop until her companion lurched backwards, letting out a screech of surprise as a bird thumped to the ground before her. The tabby herself flinched, caught off guard before her own eyes glanced up to see the culprit. Quail's words drew a mrrow of amusement from her and she padded forward to stand beside the older molly and give her shoulder a nudge. "We don't need you retiring just yet, so you'd better keep that heart of yours pumping. You won't be leaving me to deal with these young cats by myself!" She purred good-naturedly. Another look up and she cast an approving nod towards the young tom clinging to a tree branch. "Impressive catch. You like to hunt in the trees?" She had done it from time to time, but it was never a preference.
"Oi oi oi!" Wolf exclaims, squawking her indignance as she looks wide-eyed into the branches. "Spare these poor old souls, tree hugger!" she demands, flashing a good-natured grin at the two warriors, though her annoyance at Fly isn't completely for show. She silently scrutinizes him for a moment, bright yellow luminaries narrowing into slits, before she'd tilt her chin upward and strut toward the feathered prey.

"I think I should common- commend- commandeer this prey to make up for what you've done!" she suddenly declares, picking up the bird between small jaws before anyone can contest.

Seeing that it was Quail who he had unintentionally scared he couldn't help but feel bad. Although she seemed in good spirits about the whole thing, he did worry slightly more when she mentioned a heart attack. By the time Howling Wind and Wolf came over to join the older she-cat, Fly began to make his descent down the tree, jumping to one of the lower hanging branches before using the trunk of the tree as a base to get down. When he had all four paws safely on the ground, he was quick to turn to Quail.

"Sorry if I scared you," The blue tabby apologised again. "Believe me, it was not my intention to nearly kill you." A faint mrow of amusement followed that, and he hoped that based on Quail's earlier disposition, she didn't mind the little teasing at her expense.

Wolf declared that as punishment for his actions she was commandeering his bird from him. Fly laughed out loud before nodding his head in consent. "Well, it was going to feed the camp anyway so I don't mind giving it up," He told her. "Just make sure it goes to someone good, okay? That little bird put up a bit of a fight."

Fly's attention now went to Howling Wind, who had complimented his catch and queried whether he liked to hunt in trees. "Ah, not really," He admitted, with a nervous chuckle. "I'm not fond of the height myself, but I can see that it has its advantages for hunting and stalking enemies." A playful wink was directed to Quail as he said that. "It's mostly just some skills I picked up from watching other cats in the Pine Group, but they were the real impressive ones with how they jump from tree to tree."