

New member
Aug 15, 2024

I'm Meese — I learned about this website after a random wave of nostalgia hit me and I decided to find out if there were any Feralfront-esque websites out there haha.

I was active on FF for many years from middle throughout most of high school, a lot of characters and a lot of good memories <3 if you recognize my username feel free to say hi!

On another note — I joined the Discord but don't seem to have access. Could I have access to it please? <3 I'm also brewing some ideas for characters so help on there is appreciated!
Nice to meet you!! A lot of us are FF veterans so you'll fit right in :^) What characters did you play? I was mostly in extended around BlizzardClan and here and there in SunClan/Solaris Kingdom and BloodClan/Sanguine Ruins.

I did dabble in traditional rp but let's just say that this site handles the universe and lore way more skillfully LOL I was a certified trad hater but this place changed my mind for sure
Nice to meet you!! A lot of us are FF veterans so you'll fit right in :^) What characters did you play? I was mostly in extended around BlizzardClan and here and there in SunClan/Solaris Kingdom and BloodClan/Sanguine Ruins.
I played a character named Mack in BlizzardClan long ago! He was a macaw-dog hybrid :) I also had a Sanguine Ruins character (also ex-RiverClan) named Crocodiletears which was a wolf with a crocodile tail! I've played many other characters over the years including Maiyun (DarkClan way back when), Bernardo, Tundra, Freiheit (the Stadt/WindClan I believe? A Levi Ackerman based character lol), Kaiden, Dash, and probably others I can't recall!
Hi nice to see you! Like Beats said there a lot of us from FF here so it's good to have another familiar face! ♡
I played Athena of The Exiles and Pantera of The Black Heart Rogues but that was quite a while ago and my memory of that time os pretty spotty so I apologize if we missed one another / I don't remember you if we did ever interact ! I went by a different username back then as well (ForbiddenGames —> Ghostgarden)

I hope you like it here and find it easy to settle in! Please let myself or any other staff member know if you need any help at all and welcome! I can't wait to see what characters you bring here!!
Oh my gosh! Mack!! I still remember his design. Crocodiletears also sounds familiar :)) I played Jerseyboy and I brought him to Blizz but I don't think they rped together toooo much? Aaaaa so cool to see you around after all these years!
Omg hi welcome to tt, I'm so glad that you found us!! I totally remember Mack in BlizzardClan! I primarily rped Alastor in BlizzardClan if you remember, that angsty panther that was based off of the phantom! My previous name is Sky if that rings a bell! I can't remember if we interacted that much back on ff, but I'm looking forward to seeing you around here & I'm excited to see who you bring in! <33
hi welcome to tabbytales!!! i remember mack, i played ghost/orchid at the time in blizzardclan if you remember him!! it's nice to see you around again, i look forward to seeing what sort of character you bring in!
WELCOME WELCOME!!! We're so happy to have you here!! I never really roleplayed in ext and only hopped into FF trad near the end so I don't think we ever ran into each other but I'm excited to get to know you here!! Feel free to ask any questions you may have!