high tide || thunderclan patrol

// @Sloepaw @Flamewhisker @. Wildflower . Feel free to tag your characters' apprentices if they have one! RiverClanners - you can post before the ThunderClanners

The sun sinks low in the sky as the ThunderClanners finish their rounds. The SkyClan border had been relatively quiet with nothing to report besides stale scents from the dawn patrol. Now, they traverse along the river. Howling Wind herself sticks to the grass higher up the bank - like most in her clan, she isn't a fan of water and has no desire to get her paws wet or sandy. Her gaze remains fixated on her dark-pelted apprentice, a small glint of worry hiding in emerald eyes. "If you need to slow down, just let me know," She murmurs lowly to him, unsure how affected his lungs are after the events of the fire. She hasn't forgotten the courage he had shown on that day. She'd never known a kittypet such as him could have demonstrated such heart, but watching him run into flames to try and save his mentor and her daughter isn't something she'll soon forget. Now seeing her apprentice in a new light, she sticks close by his side, almost dotingly. "Flame, what do you smell?" The deputy calls back, gazing over her shoulder at the fiery young she-cat. She was still new to the clan, and the tabby wants to make sure she's learning all of their neighbors' scents.

The sound of voices filtering through the territory draws Clayfur's attention, and the warrior changes course to wander to meet the strange voices. He's expecting a WindClan patrol, prepared to bristle at them—since one of them hurt his leader, Clay has held no fondness or even tolerance for the moor-running clan. He pushes through the reeds and grasses on the riverbank, and his gaze lands upon several felines.

This is the first time that Clay has met a patrol on the border and not been immediately on edge. He recognizes some of their familiar faces, and his shoulders relax once again. The brown tabby considers swimming over to meet the patrol, but it's easier to talk to them while he's not swimming, so he settles for only taking a step closer to the river.

He stares hard at the ThunderClan deputy—Howling Wind doesn't seem panicked or concerned. And the rest of the patrol looks, to him, like nothing more than a routine border patrol. Even so, he steps closer to the water and calls across to the other side of the river, "Hello, ThunderClanners! Do you guys need anything?" A bright smile settles upon his muzzle; he hopes that they aren't here for some terrible reason.


Frostpaw had been out on an early training with her mentor and co-apprentice when the sound of voices caught her attention and she was quick to make her way to the border, finding that Clayfur was quick to greet the Thunderclanners and she relaxed a bit while a warm smile pressed onto her lips as she slid to stand next to the warrior, her gaze fitting onto the other clan, remembering their time before the gathering and how they weaved and decorated their fur. She had been sad when they had left but...happy to see them at the border.

"Hows everything back in the forest?" she would ask, both expressing their concern yet, friendly manner to their newly made allies. Ears twitching slightly as she scanned the patrol wondering who was apart of it besides the deputy, hopefully antoher recognizable face. They seemed better but she still wondered how everything was doing within their clan

A sloped spine and low-lidded eyes advertised his exhaustion. After the fire he had been on edge, afraid to pull at the healing burns on his shoulder and of sound the coming crackle of embers on the wind. Howling Wind's recent hovering over him was an extra distraction, though he had to admit it did bring him a little solace some days.

Lethargic footfalls brought him along the river's edge, one step forced after another. The water source was pretty enough, like a liquid thunderpath. In hearing the call from across the bank, he lifted his head. Nose still trailing into the fur of his chest, he responded. "It's aight." Dry, Sloepaw's words were an unhelpful croak.

And then, poking his mind into motion, a set of rusted eyes appraised the Riverclan cats. He tried to commit them to memory at least. Silver and siltstone. That would do.

/sorry he's being super antisocial ahjsj
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( ) When she had been chosen to attend the patrol along the Riverclan border, it was hard to ignore the relief that had rushed over her. So far, she knew where the Skyclan border was, and because of the fire, she now knew where the border was here. The flame hued tabby followed closely behind their deputy, pausing every few moments to take in any new scents. She noticed that she was starting to fall behind, and began to hurry up, not paying attention to the smells anymore. Suddenly, she was startled slightly as Howling Wind's voice broke her concentration of catching up. She paused, parting her jaws to take in a breath. Her fur on her shoulders rose slightly, "I smell cats, Riverclan. They are coming."

Seconds after the words left her mouth, she heard Clayfur, and shortly after his words, Frostpaw emerged. The ginger tabby rose her tail in greeting, and offered them both a friendly smile. She opened her jaws to respond, then glanced at Howling Wind. The brown tabby was the most experienced here, and she was still learning the rules. It was probably best to not talk yet.
Howling Wind flicks her ears back, Flame's statement grabbing her attention. She halts, now peering over the rushing river just as a pair of cats steps out of the reeds - Clayfur and Frostpaw, she recognizes. "Just patrolling the borders," She calls back in response to the muddy brown tom, a friendly smile on her maw. RiverClan had gained newfound respect in her eyes after the events of the fire. They'd have a friend in the ThunderClan deputy for quite some time. Sloepaw casually responds to his fellow apprentice, and Howling Wind turns to fully face the RiverClanners. "Send Cicadastar our sincerest thanks. Many ThunderClanners are hunting mice and squirrels today because of your clan." Like her. Like Sloepaw and Flame.

The apprentice who stands at his side asks about how things in the forest territory are going. After helping to rescue some ThunderClanners trapped in their own camp, Clayfur has only gained another nightmare that rotates through his mind every few nights.

The deputy asks them to pass along thanks to their leader, and Clayfur's smile brightens further. "Will do," he replies with a dip of his head. "How is the clan doing now? Is your camp all fixed up?" He feels a bit bad continuing to remind them of their misfortune, but he wants to be absolutely certain that they are still doing well.

While they were not suppose to be out of the medicine den, the absence of Frostpaw was driving them mad. What if something happened to her? What if Spiderfall got to her and he was out there some where just- waiting. The thought had spiraled into more paranoid and panic than anything else like what if someone in the clan hurt Frostpaw or that fox came back. It was a mess for sure, and they had to get out of the den to be able to breathe for once. The walk through the territory was something they'd never get tired of. It was so bright, colors of the trees had started to change color and the air held a colder, crips tinge to it. Fall was coming, and they weren't sure if it was going to be a good thing or not.

Voices in the distance pulled Raccoonpaw from their thought, and the moved towards the sound quietly and slide through the reeds with ease. Even though it pained their sides to move through the foliage, their flank still covered in cobwebs as the puncture holes healed. Though every movement became more numb as their brain tried to tune it out and surprised to find a patrol, Thunderclan and some of their own clanmates.

Things were friendly between Riverclan and Thunderclan since that of the fire, and they relaxed a bit when spotting familiar blue fur. Also a few faces they had seen but never talked to when they where in camp. Raccoonpaw had found themselves busy with fighting foxes and getting nearly murdered. The whtie bodied cat moved their black legs through the reeds and out towards the river, "Hello!" They greeted as cheerfully as their wounds would allow, taking in a few shuddering breaths.