Life had taken a lot of unexpected turns for Semper in the last few weeks. The tom had left his brother behind for the first time in his life, abandoned the streets of twoleg place, and had ended up volunteering to look after another cat. To be fair, he didn't dislike looking out for Rory. The other cat was nice to be around, and making sure they stayed safe and fed and happy kept his mind off the fact that his brother had never come looking for him. But Sempers intention had never been to stay within the treeline on the edge of twoleg place, and the cream tabby had only bothered to stay because Rory was too weak to make the journey elsewhere.
It had been a couple weeks since Semper had first come across the scared, starving tomcat though. Rory was doing a lot better now, and while the bobtail still had a ways to go before Semper would consider him back to an acceptable level of health, the time had come for them to move on to greener pastures. Originally the tabbys plan had been to simply go- to just walk until he found something that proved to be of interest. But the time spent lingering on the edges of twoleg place had given way to rumors of wildcats out on the moors and forest, and it had intruiged the tomcat far more than just wandering like a rogue.
And so he'd lead them out, away from the forest and out toward the stretch of land beyond the river where he'd been told the border of this group could be found. "How are you holding up, Rory?" he asked, glancing over to the bobtail. He'd been extremely vigilant of the other cat, making sure not to outpace them and making sure to check in with them every now in then in case they needed to rest or something. Needless to say, the cream tomcat had become rather protective over the other in the few weeks they'd spent together, and it had become a habit of his to subconciously dote on them. "We should be just about there if that loners directions were right.."he mumbled before parting his jaws to scent the air.
As he'd expected, the scent of other cats was quick to meet the roof of his mouth. He didn't know much about the clan cats outside of the rumors he'd heard in passing from other cats, but he'd heard enough for it to catch his interest. Enough of it for him to test his luck with trying to join.
male - 20 months - riverclan - homosexual - single - a large cream and white tabby cat with broad shoulders and powerful hindlegs. has amber eyes and splotches on his face that are reminiscent of freckles.
To say that the last few weeks hadn't been a whirlwind would be an understatement. First running through the twolegplace like his life depended on it, which it did, to escape that of the kitten mill then some how finding himself alongside Semper. While it wasn't like he was ungrateful to the cream tom, he owed him his life as of now, Rory wasn't too sure about the feralness he had succumbed to. Hunting was rather difficult, and he couldn't fight due to not having claws for such a thing, but it wasn't the worst thing to happen to him. At least out here he was fed, had a place to sleep and fresh air unlike the dirty, feces covered cage he was use to.
Semper had taken care of him when he escaped, showing him how to hunt and where to go for shelter and the like. The two had becoem quite close in a matter of a few weeks, and Rory was rather thankful for it. Though of course things had to keep changing, they couldn't stay in the treeline forever. Semper had suggested staying with new found colonies within the forest and Rory agreed, but was hesitant. Would these colonies allow for such a thing? They were loners at best and these feral cats didn't sound friendly. At least not from the rumors about them.
"I'm fine, don't worry 'bout lil ol' me," He answered Semper with a twitch of his ear, southeren accent now full and strong. Since Semper had been taking care of the tortie tomcat, Rory has been doing a lot better. Gained some weight, wasn't as close to dying as before, and could talk further each day. Though as they crossed the river, he was uncertain. Was this place the best they had? What if they were chased out?
The bobtails words would prompt a small smile and nod from the tabby, and wh en they came to the border a few moments later Semper would stretch out before taking a seat in the grass to wait.
To be perfectly fair, he was very much aware that these cats might not be the friendliest, and there was every chance that they could be turned away and sent elsewhere. But he wasn't too concerned about being outright attacked. None of the things he'd heard had said anything of the clan cats just jumping loners who were passing by, otherwise he wouldn't have allowed Rory to come until he'd personally scoped it out beforehand. If anything, he was expecting to be told to just get the hell away from their territory, but hopefully it wouldn't come to that. After all, Semper was certainly capable of contributing in all the ways that mattered, and there was definitely something Rory could do to pull his weight as well.
"We'll wait here then until someone shows up. Hopefully they're still accepting cats." he said, turning his gaze out toward the territory.
Riverclan had seemed like the most interesting of the groups to Semper. Their camp was well guarded by the river and access to the best water-sources, meaning prey would be abundant during hotter weather, drawn to the waters edge. On top of that, he kind of like the idea of not being surrounded by anything, having been walled in by the buildings of twoleg place his entire life. Out here it was just sprawling skies and open spaces, grassland cut through by the river with patches of tall grass and brush spattered throughout it.
It was fresh, and he could use something fresh in his life. Rory probably could too.
male - 20 months - riverclan - homosexual - single - a large cream and white tabby cat with broad shoulders and powerful hindlegs. has amber eyes and splotches on his face that are reminiscent of freckles.
− ♱ ABOUT : they were increasing steadily in numbers since their a establishment along the river, despite the pushback he'd received from cats lingering by the waterside. it was a small nuisance, the refusal to join despite his open borders, offering nothing towards their growing clan but spats in his direction and an extra mouth to feed. while the river was in no short supply of kill to bring back to their drained camp, his patience for such insolence was beginning to wane, corroded like the wave - slickened stone at his shores. their heated gazes have begun to prick the beginnings of dread into the nape of his neck, needles of anxiety in each pawstep — he would not be in the midst of another war. he would not find himself in briars pawsteps so quickly, if at a smaller scale. he refused to find himself in her pawsteps at all, through no fault of her own. new faces continue to show and with it his worry begins to increase, lips parted and nostrils flaring in attempts to catch the briefest whiff of kittypet or what was now skyclan. it's what brings him to his own borders, snow - tipped paws firm along the pebble - studded ground, water clinging to freshly - dampened curls.
the scent of twolegplace brushes his senses and he pauses, head cocking to listen. voices. nerves grip at his chest like a beast caged, narrowed pupils flicking to narrow in on two newcomers, just beyond the swaying reed. they were unassuming enough ; a massive, broad - shouldered cream and white tabby alongside a tom far, far smaller. a tortie, looking not quite as confident as his companion in their stance, " you're looking for riverclan? " his accented vocals come before he does, narrow head appearing through the flora moments later, long limbs bringing him towards where the two tomcats now settled. his skull tips just slightly to convey his lack of outward hostility, despite how pale icewater eyes still sing apprehensive, " you've found it. what are your names, and where have you come from? "
− CICADA ; he / him, roughly thirty seven months old, riverclan leader
− tall black smoke tortie chimera with icecap eyes and curly fur, homosexual
− speaks with a german accent, former marshlander, penned by antlers
The sound of a voice would quickly capture Sempers attention, and amber eyes would shift to land on the form of another tomcat slipping from the reeds. The news that they'd reached where they needed to be brought the smallest of grins to the tabbys muzzle, and he didn't hesitate in offering the stranger a nod of greeting in return, a silent agreement that this was not meant to be a hostile encounter.
"That's good to hear. My name's Semper. I used to live wild in twoleg place with my brother until a short while ago. My friend here is Rory- he was a prisoner of some twolegs and managed to escape." he replied, tone relaxed and forthright, making sure to keep things respectful. He had nothing to hide after all, and neither did the tortie beside him.
"Neither of us has a home anymore, and we heard you might be taking in cats. If that's the case, we'd very much like to join. Rory doesn't want to be around twolegs anymore, and that place lost its appeal to me a long time ago." he explained.
male - 20 months - riverclan - homosexual - single - a large cream and white tabby cat with broad shoulders and powerful hindlegs. has amber eyes and splotches on his face that are reminiscent of freckles.
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