- Jun 8, 2022
- 874
- 643
- 93
Twilight settles, and stars begin to glitter the violet sky.
Sootstar sits perched atop of her rock, gazing past the gorse walls and out into the rolling hills of WindClan. She searches for black figures against the grass and purple backdrop, her ears stand listening for faint voices carried by the wind. She's perched like that for quite a while, tapping her paw with impatience and slight anxiety. Where are they? Sootstar couldn't think of any good scenarios that would've kept them out of camp for this long, they should've been back long ago.
It wasn't just her who worried for her clan-mates, she heard whispers begin to boom below, cats peaking their head out of the gorse wall to see if they'd spot the patrol heading in.
Sootstar hates to think of it... so many cats had went on that patrol, her deputy and medicine cat apprentice being among them. Plenty of warriors and apprentices. What had happened? Were they dead? A significant drop in clan numbers that would be, a significant trouble for WindClan. Whatever happened, the tiny she-cat couldn't keep waiting. She was a woman of action, so she leaps from her perch and is camp-exit bound.
"Capable felines to me! I'm finding out what happened to that damn patrol before nightfall is fully upon us." She swears to the stars if she finds them all sprawled out in the grass stargazing, she was going to be pissed. She doesn't give much time for cats to decide if they'd be staying within the walls of camp or uniting with their leader, she's pushes past the tunnel and follows the scent of the patrol.
There is little chatter from her, the ebony nose she wore was too busy twitching and sniffing. Her sister had always been the better tracker, hence her warrior name, but Sootstar was capable of such things herself too. She and her clan-mates follow the scent to the outskirts of the land, in the distance she sees the trees of ThunderClan begin to form. Within the small cluster of trees on WindClan land though were small feline-like figures, hunkered down and laying underneath the shadows.
The smell of blood is in the air. "Thats them. They're hurt." Sootstar would say before breaking out into a sprint, paws kicking up dirt as she runs downhill. She picks up such a speed it's almost hard to stop when she reaches the group of cowering WindClanner's, but with a minor skid she manages to come to a halt. One quick look scans over all of her present clan-mates, a majority if not all were injured and bleeding. Many were minor... but some of these cats looked like they had been through hell and back.
Sootstar looks to her high-rankings, but really at this point, she'd accept an answer from anyone. "What happened?!"
//The cats in the hawk attack thread have hunkered down at the outskirts of WindClan territory and cower in the shadows of trees. A rescue patrol has found them around twilight and will be bringing them back to camp to recieve help! You DO NOT have to sign up to be in this thread, this is open for anyone
Sootstar sits perched atop of her rock, gazing past the gorse walls and out into the rolling hills of WindClan. She searches for black figures against the grass and purple backdrop, her ears stand listening for faint voices carried by the wind. She's perched like that for quite a while, tapping her paw with impatience and slight anxiety. Where are they? Sootstar couldn't think of any good scenarios that would've kept them out of camp for this long, they should've been back long ago.
It wasn't just her who worried for her clan-mates, she heard whispers begin to boom below, cats peaking their head out of the gorse wall to see if they'd spot the patrol heading in.
Sootstar hates to think of it... so many cats had went on that patrol, her deputy and medicine cat apprentice being among them. Plenty of warriors and apprentices. What had happened? Were they dead? A significant drop in clan numbers that would be, a significant trouble for WindClan. Whatever happened, the tiny she-cat couldn't keep waiting. She was a woman of action, so she leaps from her perch and is camp-exit bound.
"Capable felines to me! I'm finding out what happened to that damn patrol before nightfall is fully upon us." She swears to the stars if she finds them all sprawled out in the grass stargazing, she was going to be pissed. She doesn't give much time for cats to decide if they'd be staying within the walls of camp or uniting with their leader, she's pushes past the tunnel and follows the scent of the patrol.
There is little chatter from her, the ebony nose she wore was too busy twitching and sniffing. Her sister had always been the better tracker, hence her warrior name, but Sootstar was capable of such things herself too. She and her clan-mates follow the scent to the outskirts of the land, in the distance she sees the trees of ThunderClan begin to form. Within the small cluster of trees on WindClan land though were small feline-like figures, hunkered down and laying underneath the shadows.
The smell of blood is in the air. "Thats them. They're hurt." Sootstar would say before breaking out into a sprint, paws kicking up dirt as she runs downhill. She picks up such a speed it's almost hard to stop when she reaches the group of cowering WindClanner's, but with a minor skid she manages to come to a halt. One quick look scans over all of her present clan-mates, a majority if not all were injured and bleeding. Many were minor... but some of these cats looked like they had been through hell and back.
Sootstar looks to her high-rankings, but really at this point, she'd accept an answer from anyone. "What happened?!"
//The cats in the hawk attack thread have hunkered down at the outskirts of WindClan territory and cower in the shadows of trees. A rescue patrol has found them around twilight and will be bringing them back to camp to recieve help! You DO NOT have to sign up to be in this thread, this is open for anyone