noia's testing nook


Doing my best every day
Nov 27, 2022
Don't mind me, just trying random stuff in here and finally not in a reply of a random thread <3
Please do not use without permission. If you're interested in using something, let me know! Most of this is being hard tested so I can't always guarantee it works exactly as I intend it so I don't want people getting a bad template
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  • Love
Reactions: Deidre
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Colors
web-safe colors accessible on all machines and can be used in place of hexcodes

black* black* black* black* black* black*
dimgray* dimgray* dimgray* dimgray* dimgray* dimgray*
gray* gray* gray* gray* gray gray
darkgray darkgray darkgray darkgray darkgray darkgray
silver silver silver silver silver silver
lightgray lightgray lightgray lightgray lightgray lightgray
gainsboro gainsboro gainsboro gainsboro gainsboro gainsboro
whitesmoke whitesmoke whitesmoke whitesmoke whitesmoke whitesmoke
ghostwhite ghostwhite ghostwhite ghostwhite ghostwhite ghostwhite
snow snow snow snow snow snow
white white white white white white

floralwhite floralwhite floralwhite floralwhite floralwhite floralwhite
ivory ivory ivory ivory ivory ivory
oldlace oldlace oldlace oldlace oldlace oldlace
seashell seashell seashell seashell seashell seashell
linen linen linen linen linen linen
antiquewhite antiquewhite antiquewhite antiquewhite antiquewhite antiquewhite
papayawhip papayawhip papayawhip papayawhip papayawhip papayawhip
moccasin moccasin moccasin moccasin moccasin moccasin
peachpuff peachpuff peachpuff peachpuff peachpuff peachpuff

cornsilk cornsilk cornsilk cornsilk cornsilk cornsilk
beige beige beige beige beige beige
blanchedalmond blanchedalmond blanchedalmond blanchedalmond blanchedalmond blanchedalmond
bisque bisque bisque bisque bisque bisque
navajowhite navajowhite navajowhite navajowhite navajowhite navajowhite
wheat wheat wheat wheat wheat wheat
burlywood burlywood burlywood burlywood burlywood burlywood
tan tan tan tan tan tan
rosybrown rosybrown rosybrown rosybrown rosybrown rosybrown

sandybrown sandybrown sandybrown sandybrown sandybrown sandybrown
peru peru peru peru peru peru
chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate
saddlebrown* saddlebrown* saddlebrown* saddlebrown* saddlebrown* saddlebrown*
sienna sienna sienna sienna sienna sienna
brown brown brown brown brown brown

crimson crimson crimson crimson crimson crimson
red* red* red* red* red* red*
firebrick* firebrick* firebrick* firebrick* firebrick* firebrick*
darkred* darkred* darkred* darkred* darkred* darkred*
maroon* maroon* maroon* maroon* maroon* maroon*

indianred indianred indianred indianred indianred indianred
lightcoral lightcoral lightcoral lightcoral lightcoral lightcoral
salmon salmon salmon salmon salmon salmon

coral coral coral coral coral coral
darksalmon darksalmon darksalmon darksalmon darksalmon darksalmon
lightsalmon lightsalmon lightsalmon lightsalmon lightsalmon lightsalmon

tomato tomato tomato tomato tomato tomato
orangered orangered orangered orangered orangered orangered
darkorange darkorange darkorange darkorange darkorange darkorange
orange orange orange orange orange orange

goldenrod goldenrod goldenrod goldenrod goldenrod goldenrod
darkgoldenrod darkgoldenrod darkgoldenrod darkgoldenrod darkgoldenrod darkgoldenrod

gold gold gold gold gold gold
yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow

lightyellow lightyellow lightyellow lightyellow lightyellow lightyellow
lemonchiffon lemonchiffon lemonchiffon lemonchiffon lemonchiffon lemonchiffon
lightgoldenrodyellow lightgoldenrodyellow lightgoldenrodyellow lightgoldenrodyellow lightgoldenrodyellow lightgoldenrodyellow
palegoldenrod palegoldenrod palegoldenrod palegoldenrod palegoldenrod palegoldenrod
khaki khaki khaki khaki khaki khaki
darkkhaki darkkhaki darkkhaki darkkhaki darkkhaki darkkhaki

greenyellow greenyellow greenyellow greenyellow greenyellow greenyellow
chartreuse chartreuse chartreuse chartreuse chartreuse chartreuse
lawngreen lawngreen lawngreen lawngreen lawngreen lawngreen
lime lime lime lime lime lime
limegreen limegreen limegreen limegreen limegreen limegreen

palegreen palegreen palegreen palegreen palegreen palegreen
lightgreen lightgreen lightgreen lightgreen lightgreen lightgreen
mediumspringgreen mediumspringgreen mediumspringgreen mediumspringgreen mediumspringgreen mediumspringgreen
springgreen springgreen springgreen springgreen springgreen springgreen

darkseagreen darkseagreen darkseagreen darkseagreen darkseagreen darkseagreen
mediumseagreen mediumseagreen mediumseagreen mediumseagreen mediumseagreen mediumseagreen
seagreen seagreen seagreen seagreen seagreen seagreen
forestgreen forestgreen forestgreen forestgreen forestgreen forestgreen
green green green green green green
darkgreen* darkgreen* darkgreen* darkgreen* darkgreen darkgreen
yellowgreen yellowgreen yellowgreen yellowgreen yellowgreen yellowgreen
olivedrab olivedrab olivedrab olivedrab yellowgreen yellowgreen
olive olive olive olive olive olive
darkolivegreen* darkolivegreen* darkolivegreen* darkolivegreen* darkolivegreen darkolivegreen

aquamarine aquamarine aquamarine aquamarine aquamarine aquamarine
mediumaquamarine mediumaquamarine mediumaquamarine mediumaquamarine mediumaquamarine mediumaquamarine
lightseagreen lightseagreen lightseagreen lightseagreen lightseagreen lightseagreen
darkcyan darkcyan darkcyan darkcyan darkcyan darkcyan
teal teal teal teal teal teal

aqua aqua aqua aqua aqua aqua
cyan cyan cyan cyan cyan cyan
lightcyan lightcyan lightcyan lightcyan lightcyan lightcyan
paleturquoise paleturquoise paleturquoise paleturquoise paleturquoise paleturquoise
turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise turquoise
mediumturquoise mediumturquoise mediumturquoise mediumturquoise mediumturquoise mediumturquoise
darkturquoise darkturquoise darkturquoise darkturquoise darkturquoise darkturquoise

powderblue powderblue powderblue powderblue powderblue powderblue
lightblue lightblue lightblue lightblue lightblue lightblue
skyblue skyblue skyblue skyblue skyblue skyblue
lightskyblue lightskyblue lightskyblue lightskyblue lightskyblue lightskyblue
deepskyblue deepskyblue deepskyblue deepskyblue deepskyblue deepskyblue
dodgerblue dodgerblue dodgerblue dodgerblue dodgerblue dodgerblue
cornflowerblue cornflowerblue cornflowerblue cornflowerblue cornflowerblue cornflowerblue

mediumslateblue mediumslateblue mediumslateblue mediumslateblue mediumslateblue mediumslateblue
royalblue royalblue royalblue royalblue royalblue royalblue
blue* blue* blue* blue* blue* blue*
mediumblue* mediumblue* mediumblue* mediumblue* mediumblue* mediumblue*
darkblue* darkblue* darkblue* darkblue* darkblue* darkblue*
navy* navy* navy* navy* navy* navy*
midnightblue* midnightblue* midnightblue* midnightblue* midnightblue* midnightblue*

cadetblue cadetblue cadetblue cadetblue cadetblue cadetblue
steelblue steelblue steelblue steelblue steelblue steelblue
lightsteelblue lightsteelblue lightsteelblue lightsteelblue lightsteelblue lightsteelblue

indigo* indigo* indigo* indigo* indigo* indigo*
slateblue slateblue slateblue slateblue slateblue slateblue
mediumslateblue mediumslateblue mediumslateblue mediumslateblue mediumslateblue mediumslateblue
darkslateblue* darkslateblue* darkslateblue* darkslateblue* darkslateblue* darkslateblue*

mediumorchid mediumorchid mediumorchid mediumorchid mediumorchid mediumorchid
mediumpurple mediumpurple mediumpurple mediumpurple mediumpurple mediumpurple
rebeccapurple* rebeccapurple* rebeccapurple* rebeccapurple* rebeccapurple* rebeccapurple*

blueviolet* blueviolet* blueviolet* blueviolet* blueviolet* blueviolet*
darkviolet* darkviolet* darkviolet* darkviolet* darkviolet* darkviolet*
darkorchid* darkorchid* darkorchid* darkorchid* darkorchid* darkorchid*
darkmagenta* darkmagenta* darkmagenta* darkmagenta* darkmagenta* darkmagenta*
purple* purple* purple* purple* purple* purple*

thistle thistle thistle thistle thistle thistle
plum plum plum plum plum plum
violet violet violet violet violet violet
orchid orchid orchid orchid orchid orchid
fuchsia* fuchsia* fuchsia* fuchsia* fuchsia* fuchsia*
magenta* magenta* magenta* magenta* magenta* magenta*

hotpink hotpink hotpink hotpink hotpink hotpink
deeppink* deeppink* deeppink* deeppink* deeppink* deeppink*
mediumvioletred* mediumvioletred* mediumvioletred* mediumvioletred* mediumvioletred* mediumvioletred*

mistyrose mistyrose mistyrose mistyrose mistyrose mistyrose
pink pink pink pink pink pink
lightpink lightpink lightpink lightpink lightpink lightpink
palevioletred palevioletred palevioletred palevioletred palevioletred palevioletred

darkslategray* darkslategray* darkslategray* darkslategray* darkslategray* darkslategray*
slategray slategray slategray slategray slategray slategray
lightslategray lightslategray lightslategray lightslategray lightslategray lightslategray

honeydew honeydew honeydew honeydew honeydew honeydew
mintcream mintcream mintcream mintcream mintcream mintcream
azure azure azure azure azure azure
aliceblue aliceblue aliceblue aliceblue aliceblue aliceblue
lavender lavender lavender lavender lavender lavender
lavenderblush lavenderblush lavenderblush lavenderblush lavenderblush lavenderblush

*(likely) not suitable for character speech
in order:
no format, italic, bold, bold + italic, black outline, black outline + bold
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PUT ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎YOUR ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ FACE ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ IN ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ THE ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ SUN
apprentice - riverclan - 10 moons - tags

P U T ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎Y O U R ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ F A C E ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ I N ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ T H E ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ S U N
apprentice - riverclan - 10 moons - tags

WORD ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎WORD ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ WORD ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ WORD ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ WORD ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ WORD

W O R D ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎W O R D ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ W O R D ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ W O R D ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ W O R D ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ W O R D

[box=60%][height=18px][size=18px][font=monospace][outline=SECONDARY][color=PRIMARY]WORD ‎‎‎  ‎ ‎WORD ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ WORD ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ WORD ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ WORD ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ WORD[/color][/outline][/height][height=20px][color=SECONDARY]【 whatever - words - lyrics - [url=LINKTOTAGS][color=SECONDARY]tags[/color][/url] 】[/height][/box]

START TEXT HERE, ONE LINE DOWN. Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet marshmallow topping cheesecake muffin. Halvah croissant candy canes bonbon candy. Apple pie jelly beans topping carrot cake danish tart cake cheesecake. Muffin danish chocolate soufflé pastry icing bonbon oat cake. Powder cake jujubes oat cake. Lemon drops tootsie roll marshmallow halvah carrot cake.

Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet marshmallow topping cheesecake muffin. Halvah croissant candy canes bonbon candy. Apple pie jelly beans topping carrot cake danish tart cake cheesecake. Muffin danish chocolate soufflé pastry icing bonbon oat cake. Powder cake jujubes oat cake. Lemon drops tootsie roll marshmallow halvah carrot cake.

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CHARACTER NAME is a RANK of CLAN (and was formerly a RANK of CLAN). PRONOUN identifies as GENDER and uses PRO/NOUNS. PRONOUN is monogamous/polyamorous and is single/dating/mated (to CHARACTER{S}).

CHARACTER NAME was BORN/CREATED mm / dd / yyyy at X moons. PRONOUN is currently AGE and ages every DATE.

CHARACTER NAME is written by @you (and can be contacted at...)


CHARACTER NAME is a APPEARANCE with EYES and OTHER THINGS. 1 line short ref​

Then here you're going to give a longer description about them. Obviously this can be however long you would enjoy it being. Personally, I hate writing these. So I also just do how they feel about themselves or how they feel about their own appearance. This is also a great place to talk about accessories, health issues, or anything else that they've got going on! Even just this much is a great little box! Easy peasy.


CHARACTER NAME is best known for STRONGEST CHARACTER TRAIT(S) HERE. Expand here: They are also known for... They think their best trait is....

However, NAME/PRONOUN is often NEUTRAL TRAITS HERE. These may be things that contribute to your character, but only in specific moments, or as a side effect of something else.

Unfortunately, NAME/PRONOUN is also known for NEGATIVE TRAITS. Feel free to change the wording on this as needed. This is just an example template for how I would write it personally while including three sections of traits. Can also include mannerisms, etc.


CHARACTER NAME was born to CHARACTER and CHARACTER and is a FIRST/SECOND/ETC generation Xclanner. PRONOUN is sibling to CHARACTER, CHARACTER, and CHARACTER. Add an elaboration about how they feel about their family, being a sibling, etc., here.


PRONOUN (is being/was) mentored by CHARACTER. (PRONOUN is currently mentoring CHARACTER(s)). Expand a little on how they feel about their mentor, their mentees, their position or their role, etc.

CHARACTER NAME is best friends with CHARACTER. PRONOUN is friends with CHARACTERS. In general, PRONOUN likes CHARACTERS. CHARACTER NAME admires CHARACTER for x reason if you want. However, PRONOUN does not get along with CHARACTER, and hates CHARACTER. PRONOUN would consider CHARACTER as an enemy.

Make this your own! Again, all of this is just a template of suggestions and is free to be changed however you need it to fit.


intelligence ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
confidence ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
empathy ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
humor‎ ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
emotional ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
wisdom ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
charisma ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
creativity ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
luck ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
logical ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎​

strength ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
stamina ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
offensive ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
clan skill ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
physical health ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
dexterity ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
endurance ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
defensive ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
clan skill ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
mental health ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎

CHARACTER NAME (will/will not) start fights AND/BUT (will/will not) end fights. PRONOUN (will/will not) flee AND/BUT (will/will not) show mercy.

In battles, CHARACTER NAME excels at SKILL, but is poor at SKILL. Expand more here please. This could be medical skill, offensive versus defensive, anything you think makes your character unique in a non-peaceful situation. Basically expand on your traits from above.

CHARACTER NAME is inspired by INSPIRATION, or voice claim, or whatever. PRONOUN often smells like SCENT.
Character speech is COLOR. Peaceful powerplay allowed. basically a little blurb to fill this out.
last updated 00/00/0000
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i really want to do something w this just need to figure out what. Lemon drops croissant sesame snaps cookie jelly beans tootsie roll muffin. Liquorice liquorice fruitcake tiramisu sesame snaps sugar plum lollipop gummi bears cookie.

Sugar plum sugar plum pie I love gummi bears sweet roll bear claw. Jelly-o dessert cookie powder I love dessert wafer jelly-o candy. Danish ice cream dragée wafer topping topping icing chocolate chupa chups.

Soufflé shortbread chupa chups lollipop carrot cake lollipop gingerbread. Chocolate cake topping caramels cupcake chocolate bar apple pie.


❝Hey look it's lorem ipsum! Keep it short, about a line ❞

CHARACTER NAME is a RANK of CLAN (and was formerly a RANK of CLAN). PRONOUN identifies as GENDER and uses PRO/NOUNS. PRONOUN is monogamous/polyamorous and is single/dating/mated (to CHARACTER{s}. PRONOUN is a (parental term) to CHARACTER.

CHARACTER NAME is a (short, one line description of appearance or major notable things).


PRONOUN (is currently/was) mentored by CHARACTER. , (and is mentoring CHARACTER{S}.

CHARACTER NAME was BORN/CREATED mm / dd / yyyy at X moons. PRONOUN is currently AGE and ages every DATE.
PRONOUN is written by @you (and can be contacted at...)

CHARACTER NAME is a (short, rapid line description of appearance or major notable things).. !!!!!CHARACTER IMAGE IS OPTIONAL!!!!

Elaborate on appearance stuff here. This should be at least a couple lines in my opinion. However, you will also be sharing this space with your character's personality, so like, 50/50 this. Personally, I use this longer description space to talk about my character's own opinion on their appearances. But that's also because I don't like writing long-form descriptions most of the time. Is this enough filler text that isn't lorem ipsum? Mayhaps.




(if you like mbti, etc. add it here)
PERSONALITY!! Expand on your personality here. Sugar plum marzipan chocolate donut I love. Pastry tiramisu gummi bears pudding I love oat cake bonbon I love. Cake muffin gummi bears I love pie I love donut. Lollipop chocolate bar danish liquorice sugar plum cotton candy gingerbread.

Croissant tootsie roll powder cheesecake dessert. Chocolate cake tiramisu jelly beans candy jelly beans sugar plum toffee jelly-o. I love cookie oat cake tootsie roll macaroon sesame snaps bear claw gummi bears.



Identifies as SEXUALITY, Monogamous/polyamorous..


A short description here related to how this character trusts, how they feel about their social roles, how they feel about their family, their mates, or maybe even any important history or generic information! Talk about their favorite people! I don't know, honestly you need like two or three sentences to fill this space.

currently mentoring/mentored by: CHARACTER

admires – answer. One sentence why.
friends with – answer.
likes – answer
dislikes – answer
enemies with – answer. One sentence why.

intelligence ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
confidence ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
empathy ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
humor ‎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
emotional ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
wisdom ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
charisma ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
creativity ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
luck ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
logical ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎

❝ Hey look it's lorem ipsum! Keep it short, about a line ❞

strength ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
stamina ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
offensive ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
clan skill ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
physical health ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
dexterity ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
endurance ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
defensive ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
clan skill ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
mental health ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎

In battles, CHARACTER NAME excels at SKILL, but is poor at SKILL. Expand more here please. This could be medical skill, offensive versus defensive, anything you think makes your character unique in a non-peaceful situation. Basically expand on your traits from above!

thread title — development
a description or impact of this thread here
thread title — interaction
a description or impact of this thread here
thread title — etc
a description or impact of this thread here
thread title — desc.
a description or impact of this thread here
thread title — desc.
a description or impact of this thread here

A BIT OF HISTORY HERE! if you wanna, or just fill this with threads and or other things.
This page includes a place for character colors/aesthetic colors. I've used placeholders here. You can also add more or less circles.
Everything is suggestion. Feel free to edit and adapt to your needs in terms of what I have written here for categories, information. etc. Please be careful when editing. If a tag is left open, the sliders or spacing will break.

If you have too much information, scrollbars will appear. This is bothersome for me personally, but if you don't care, go wild.

If you would like new categories added, have any other ideas, etc., please let me know and I'll be happy to help!

[SLIDER height=550px][SLIDE]
[center][size=22px][font=monospace][color=mediumpurple][outline=blueviolet]⌈ NAME OR LINE OF TEXT ⌋[/outline][/color][/font][/size][/center]
[color=mediumpurple][i]❝Hey look it's lorem ipsum! Keep it short, about a line ❞[/i][/color]

[color=lavender][justify][font=arial]CHARACTER NAME is a [color=mediumpurple]RANK of CLAN[/color] (and was [color=mediumpurple]formerly[/color] a RANK of CLAN). PRONOUN identifies as [color=mediumpurple]GENDER[/color] and uses [color=mediumpurple]PRO/NOUNS[/color]. PRONOUN is [color=mediumpurple]monogamous/polyamorous[/color] and is [color=mediumpurple]single/dating/mated (to [abbr=player,desc.,etc]CHARACTER{s}[/abbr].[/color]  PRONOUN is a (parental term) to [abbr=player,desc.,etc][color=mediumpurple]CHARACTER[/color][/abbr]. 

CHARACTER NAME is a [color=mediumpurple](short, one line description of appearance or major notable things).[/color]

CHARACTER NAME was born to [abbr=player,desc.,etc][color=mediumpurple]CHARACTER[/color][/abbr] and [abbr=player,desc.,etc][color=mediumpurple]CHARACTER[/color][/abbr], and is a sibling to [abbr=player,desc.,etc][color=mediumpurple]CHARACTER[/color][/abbr], [abbr=player,desc.,etc][color=mediumpurple]CHARACTER[/color][/abbr], and  [abbr=player,desc.,etc][color=mediumpurple]CHARACTER[/color][/abbr]. 

PRONOUN (is currently/was) mentored by [abbr=player,desc.,etc][color=mediumpurple]CHARACTER[/color][/abbr]. , (and is mentoring [abbr=player,desc.,etc][color=mediumpurple]CHARACTER{S}[/color][/abbr]. 

CHARACTER NAME is best known for [color=mediumpurple]POSITIVE TRAIT, NEUTRAL TRAIT, NEGATIVE TRAIT[/color].  PRONOUN [color=mediumpurple]excels[/color] at SKILL. but is [color=mediumpurple]poor at[/color] SKILL. 
CHARACTER NAME was [color=mediumpurple]BORN/CREATED mm / dd / yyyy[/color] at X moons. PRONOUN is currently [color=mediumpurple]AGE[/color] and ages every DATE.
PRONOUN is written by [color=mediumpurple]@you[/color] (and can be contacted at...)
[fleft][bimg height=100px width=100px][/bimg][/fleft][justify][color=lavender][font=arial]CHARACTER NAME is a [url=REFERENCE][color=mediumpurple](short, rapid line description of appearance or major notable things).[/color].[/url] !!!!!CHARACTER IMAGE IS OPTIONAL!!!!

Elaborate on appearance stuff here. This should be at least a couple lines in my opinion. However, you will also be sharing this space with your character's personality, so like, 50/50 this. Personally, I use this longer description space to talk about my character's own opinion on their appearances. But that's also because I don't like writing long-form descriptions most of the time. Is this enough filler text that isn't lorem ipsum? Mayhaps.

[fleft][color=mediumpurple] + POSTIVE, +POSITIVE, +POSITIVE 



(if you like mbti, etc. add it here)[/color][/fleft] PERSONALITY!! Expand on your personality here. Sugar plum marzipan chocolate donut I love. Pastry tiramisu gummi bears pudding I love oat cake bonbon I love. Cake muffin gummi bears I love pie I love donut. Lollipop chocolate bar danish liquorice sugar plum cotton candy gingerbread.

Croissant tootsie roll powder cheesecake dessert. Chocolate cake tiramisu jelly beans candy jelly beans sugar plum toffee jelly-o. I love cookie oat cake tootsie roll macaroon sesame snaps bear claw gummi bears.

[fright][color=mediumpurple] [indent=1][center]PARENT x PARENT[/center][/color]
Sibling to [abbr=player,desc.,etc][color=mediumpurple]CHARACTER[/color][/abbr], [abbr=player,desc.,etc][color=mediumpurple]CHARACTER[/color][/abbr], and [abbr=player,desc.,etc][color=mediumpurple]CHARACTER[/color][/abbr].

[color=mediumpurple]RELATIONSHIP STATUS[/color] (to [abbr=player,desc.,etc][color=mediumpurple]CHARACTER[/color][/abbr]). 
Identifies as [color=mediumpurple]SEXUALITY, Monogamous/polyamorous.[/color]. 

Parent to  [abbr=player,desc.,etc][color=mediumpurple]CHARACTER[/color][/abbr], [abbr=player,desc.,etc][color=mediumpurple]CHARACTER[/color][/abbr], and [abbr=player,desc.,etc][color=mediumpurple]CHARACTER[/color][/abbr].

[/fright][/indent]A short description here related to how this character trusts, how they feel about their social roles, how they feel about their family, their mates, or maybe even any important history or generic information! Talk about their favorite people! I don't know, honestly you need like two or three sentences to fill this space.

[center][color=mediumpurple]currently mentoring/mentored by:[/color] [abbr=player,desc.,etc]CHARACTER[/abbr][/center]

[color=mediumpurple]admires –[/color] answer. One sentence why.
[color=mediumpurple]friends with –[/color] answer. 
[color=mediumpurple]likes –[/color] answer
[color=mediumpurple]dislikes –[/color] answer
[color=mediumpurple]enemies with –[/color] answer. One sentence why.

[fleft]intelligence [color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎[/color]∎∎∎∎∎
confidence [color=mediumpurple] ∎∎∎∎∎[/color]∎∎∎∎∎
empathy [color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎[/color]∎∎∎∎∎
humor ‎[color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎[/color]∎∎∎∎∎
emotional [color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎[/color]∎∎∎∎∎[/fleft]wisdom [color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎[/color]∎∎∎∎∎
charisma [color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎[/color]∎∎∎∎∎
creativity [color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎[/color]∎∎∎∎∎
luck [color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎[/color]∎∎∎∎∎
logical [color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎[/color]∎∎∎∎∎[/indent]
[center][color=mediumpurple][i]❝ Hey look it's lorem ipsum! Keep it short, about a line ❞[/i][/color][/center]

[indent=3][fleft]strength [color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎[/color]∎∎∎∎∎
stamina [color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎[/color]∎∎∎∎∎
offensive [color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎[/color]∎∎∎∎∎
clan skill [color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎[/color]∎∎∎∎∎
physical health [color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎[/color][/fleft]dexterity [color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎[/color]∎∎∎∎∎
endurance [color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎[/color]∎∎∎∎∎
defensive [color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎[/color]∎∎∎∎∎
clan skill [color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎[/color]∎∎∎∎∎
mental health [color=mediumpurple]∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎[/color][/indent]

In battles, CHARACTER NAME [color=mediumpurple]excels at[/color] SKILL, but is [color=mediumpurple]poor at[/color] SKILL. Expand more here please. This could be medical skill, offensive versus defensive, anything you think makes your character unique in a non-peaceful situation. Basically expand on your traits from above!
[color=mediumslateblue]⬤[/color][/size][/fleft][url=LINK][color=mediumpurple]thread title[/color][/url] — development
[indent=1][i]a description or impact of this thread here[/i][/indent]
[url=LINK][color=mediumpurple]thread title[/color][/url] — interaction
[indent=1][i]a description or impact of this thread here[/i][/indent]
[url=LINK][color=mediumpurple]thread title[/color][/url] — etc
[indent=1][i]a description or impact of this thread here[/i][/indent]
[url=LINK][color=mediumpurple]thread title[/color][/url] — desc.
[indent=1][i]a description or impact of this thread here[/i][/indent]
[url=LINK][color=mediumpurple]thread title[/color][/url] — desc.
[indent=1][i]a description or impact of this thread here[/i][/indent]

[size=11px]A BIT OF HISTORY HERE! if you wanna, or just fill this with threads and or other things. 
This page includes a place for character colors/aesthetic colors. I've used placeholders here. You can also add more or less circles. 
Everything is suggestion. Feel free to edit and adapt to your needs in terms of what I have written here for categories, information. etc. Please be careful when editing. If a tag is left open, the sliders or spacing will break. 

If you have too much information, scrollbars will appear. This is bothersome for me personally, but if you don't care, go wild. 

If you would like new categories added, have any other ideas, etc., please let me know and I'll be happy to help!

Bonbon I love jelly-o pastry sesame snaps dragée. Cupcake pudding macaroon I love sweet. Croissant halvah sugar plum candy canes ice cream chocolate cake gummi bears apple pie cupcake. Dessert gummies halvah apple pie chupa chups pie.

Shortbread cake dessert gummi bears I love fruitcake. "Lollipop bonbon tart donut tart sugar plum tootsie roll tootsie roll cupcake. Gingerbread topping chocolate bar cheesecake I love fruitcake caramels chocolate." Bonbon I love jelly-o pastry sesame snaps dragée. Cupcake pudding macaroon I love sweet. Croissant halvah sugar plum candy canes ice cream chocolate cake gummi bears apple pie cupcake. Dessert gummies halvah apple pie chupa chups pie.Shortbread cake dessert gummi bears I love fruitcake.
Shortbread cake dessert gummi bears I love fruitcake. Lollipop bonbon tart donut tart sugar plum tootsie roll tootsie roll cupcake. Gingerbread topping chocolate bar cheesecake I love fruitcake caramels chocolate.Bonbon I love jelly-o pastry sesame snaps dragée. Cupcake pudding macaroon I love sweet. Croissant halvah sugar plum candy canes ice cream chocolate cake gummi bears apple pie cupcake. Dessert gummies halvah apple pie chupa chups pie.
[center][font=courier new] [outline=black][size=25px][color=#96a0de]⌈ TITLE ⌋[/color][/size][/outline][/font]

[center][font=courier new] [outline=black][size=25px][color=#96a0de]⌈ title ⌋[/color][/size][/outline][/font]

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