oneshot nothing ever lasts forever || oneshot


ruddy !

ruddy was settling into riverclan life quite well, if you asked him. sure, there was some tension due to the fact that he was previously a pine cat, but he was working hard to prove that he was just as anti-kittypet as the rest of his clan. honestly, that was what drove him out of what was now skyclan to begin with. being around those filthy house cats was beginning to drive him up a tree.

it was about time he met up with oxbow again. the two of them hadn't been able to see each other since the clans were formed, and ruddy was itching to have a slight break from it all. oxbow slept in a hollowed out pine tree near the twoleg bridge, and she never ventured all that far. finding her wouldn't be too difficult.

as he predicted, he spotted her moments after he reached her tree. she was pacing along the river's edge, something clearly troubling her. with a sigh, ruddy made his way to her. "oxbow?" with a jump, she whirled to face him. "oh! ruddy! i didn't see you there."


she opened her mouth as if to speak, then closed it. then opened it again. then closed it. "what is it," ruddy snapped.

"i'm pregnant."

everything stopped.

she couldn't be pregnant. absolutely not. no way. ruddy wasn't ready to be a dad; he didn't even want a serious relationship with her. they were just supposed to be having fun.

"excuse me?" he asked.

"you're going to be a father. do you think cicada would accept me into riverclan?"

"no, i'm not. and you are absolutely not joining my clan."

oxbow tilted her head in confusion. "what are you-"

"the kits aren't mine. stay away from riverclan."

"ruddy, i don't understand what you're talking about. of course they're yours!"

"you heard me. i am not a father. and it would be best for you if you stayed out of my sight. go run off and find some stupid twoleg to take you in, i'm sure they'd just love some kittens."

when oxbow didn't move, ruddy unsheathed his claws. "get off riverclan territory right now," he hissed.

with that, she finally ran. ruddy didn't care to watch where she ran to. it didn't matter to him. he had washed his paws of her.

so much for continuing to have fun with her.

he was not ready to be a father. certainly not to a rogue mother.

//the formatting is bad and if i werent exhausted i'd flesh this out more but alas, i am exhausted