
catabolic seed
Aug 20, 2022
Sun overhead and the world was warm and the company was just dandy, or maybe… Not dandy. She'd been bored lately, with her bestest friend leaving one day and maybe she just slept through his visits but he hasn't been around anytime soon and its made her quite a bit angry. How dare he, you know? Word on the street (quite literally) was that there were a couple of cats living in the forest playing make believe which sounds super duper fun and maybeeee it intrigued her quite a bit, I mean, what else could she do in her friends absence? It was quite boring just sitting around and walking across fences hoping she'd spot him in a yard but all she'd spot were lazy cats who would lie in the sun and not do anything important like her and Valentine, obviously, she was convinced they'd save the world together one day and get lots of treats and yummy food in the wake of it.

Theres a twinkling of a bell that rings through the forest and shuts up all the birds as she prances, yeah, take that you stupid idiots, shut up and let the queen announce her presence as she should shes much more important than some tweet tweets in the air they're quite a bit annoying sometimes too. Ohhh, maybe shes a bit harsh, sorry birdies she thinks with a twisting frown, she thinks Valentine wouldn't like her little jokes about the birds too much and so she promptly begins to hold her head high as she swishes her tail back and forth and soft paws strike the ground before she grins.

"Yoooo hooo~ forest cats! Hereee, kitty, kitty, kitties! I'm here!" she announces with an excited trill, fixing her little embroidered collar that her housefolk so graciously descended on her. "My name is Latte and I wish to play pretend with you guys! My dearest friend has gone missing and oh, woe is me! I'm so lonely!" she puts a dramatic paw up to her forehead, a long, drawn out sigh that was a little too exaggerated leaving her lips. She'd continue walking despite calling out, she was bound to find one of these cats sooner or later!

The wild-furred molly hasn't been living with the forest cats long—just long enough to know them as SkyClan, as her clanmates—but it had been long enough to earn themself one of those "warrior names". A two-part name, a comment on her untamed mane of fur. Pantherpelt is on her way back to SkyClan from where she still lives in her twolegs' house, when the sound of a ringing bell reaches their ears.

The source of the ringing turns out to be another cat, one wearing a collar and shouting something about kitties and some dearest friend. And the she-cat is announcing herself for all the damned forest to hear; Latte, so lonely without this dearest friend. Pantherpelt steps forth, clearing their throat to announce their presence. "Quite the loud'n, ye are," they reply to the stranger, an amused lilt to their dry voice. "Ye said yer pally's gone missin'? What d'they look like?"

They toss their head, shifting their weight from paw to paw. They're willing to aid Latte in finding whoever this friend of hers is, but Panther is all too aware of how difficult it is to find a missing friend. "Could help ye find 'em, but ain't much t'be done if they ain't wantin' to be found." They don't even think to explain anything about SkyClan or how it isn't just some cats playing pretend, because they honest to god aren't even thinking about it.
✦ ★ ✦
"Playing pretend?"

Blazestar expected to meet Pantherpelt returning from the Twolegplace, but the young cat who accompanies them is brand new, scenting entirely of kittypet without any of the muddled pine scents coating the dark warrior's fur. He tilts his head and blinks at the younger molly.

"Pantherpelt's right. The pine forest is a big place. It's probably not safe for you to be here by yourself." His own initial exploration into the forest had ended with him injured and inexplicably lost. Kittypets and navigation just don't go together, he reasons with a small smile.

He pads closer to the two of them and dips his head. "I'd be happy to help you look for whoever it is, though. What's your name? You're from the Twolegplace?" He's asking an obvious question, but it's merely to confirm his suspicions. He knows a kittypet when he sees one, after all.

There is something in this cat's voice that is immediately and wholly annoying. From where she is lounged in a tree branch, Sparrowpaw's face contorts to the picture of irritation and disgust. Is this really how they spoke past these pine borders? She knows that to not be true– she was from there, once, and so too was Ikaros, who she had taken to following around sometimes. Her clanmates cannot be taking this seriously....are they? Pantherpelt seems understanding, and Blazestar is nothing if not diplomatic. Somewhere high above their heads, the young feline sighs a dramatic noise of her own, and then promptly begins her descent. She does not climb as well as she has seen Ikaros do, but she is learning. Her awkward descent turns into a jump once she is low enough, and though she does not land perfectly, her little stumble is quickly rectified as she shuffles closer to the pale point leader.

"You are not thinking of keeping this one....are you?" she whispers, though her voice does not go as low as might have been pertinent. "Too loud."

  • sparrow_trim.png
  • ──── sparrowpaw, sparrow-?. cis female, she - her pronouns.
    ──── an apprentice of skyclan. former stray & a bit of a thief.
    ──── a fluffy brown tabby with high white and dull olive eyes.
  • "speech"