*+:。.。 "WHITEPAW!" Viperpaw's ever-howling cry tears through the quiet evening as, per usual, he forgets his indoor voice despite stepping through the threshold of the medicine den. Blinking rapidly through the darkness, he trains his eyes immediately on his friend and scurries close. "Howre' you feeling? Uh - you don't look too bad!" he barks helpfully, dropping down into a crouch beside his injured clanmate. He isn't sure what to say in moments like these, but a hero never balks in the face of uncertainty! "Are you hungry? Thirsty? NAME IT AND ILL DO ANYTHING FOR YOU!" he promises with a determined nod. After all, he was certain his friend fought valiantly to earn a cool scar like that! And...losing a sibling couldn't have been easy.
☁ Viperpaw
☁ DFAB— He/Him
☁ 10 moons
☁ Son of Snakehiss and Berrysnap
☁ Brother to Rowanpaw, Snakepaw and Privetpaw
☁ Windclan — Tunneler's apprentice
☁Physically easy | mentally medium
☁Attack in bold white
☁ None currently