show your fangs. | intro



  • inside the hollow of shadowclan camp, ebonyfall made a line for the fresh-kill pile with a frog dangling from her jaws. she had just come from the northern reaches of shadowclan territory, along paths rarely traversed in hopes of catching something that the various hunting patrols of the day may have missed. while the frog was nothing to turn one's nose at, the molly couldn't help but curse herself for it regardless; why hadn't she been able to find something more?

    the first biting breath of leaf-bare hung ever-closer on the horizon. it of course meant that while the scent of the air and the temperature each sun-high shifted with the seasons, so too did the atmosphere carried among the shadowclan cats. there was a subtle sense of prickling apprehension as the world grew colder, and prey grew more scarce. logically, this added irritability made perfect sense—after all, no clan was given more strife and hardship during leaf-bare than shadowclan was.

    ebonyfall placed the frog in the pile and scrutinized what was already there with a mix of disapproval and disappointment. nocat could be blamed for the scarcity, or for the scrawniness of what little there was left hiding beneath the towering pines, and yet that did little to ease her.

    at least the exercise had been good. ebonyfall tried fruitlessly to comfort herself as she took a seat near the edge of camp, atop a low moss-covered rock where she often went to groom and brood.

    she had been a warrior of shadowclan since the great war, brought into the marshlands only days after her own birth. everything in-between birth and now hadn't been as pleasant as she imagined those first few days must have been, but while she was internally tormented by her past, she also knew just as well to stay quiet about it.

    nocat liked a crybaby, after all, and ebonyfall was among those who hated them the most.
  • ebonyfall
    shadowclan warrior, she/her, 20 moons
  • "this is what it looks like when she talks"

ebonyfall · shadowclan warrior · penned by cuzn · info
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Hunting in the marshes has never been easy. Even before Rain's group migrated to the pine forest, she remembered going to bed hungry in warm months. The oak forest had been plentiful in greenleaf, and it had taken some getting used to, choking lizards and frogs down instead of the squirrels and mice her mother had caught for them. Flickerfire is anticipating a rough leafbare, especially after the fire, but she's dismayed to see that leaf-fall has already wreaked havoc on their fresh-kill pile.

She sighs dramatically, pawing through the pieces before placing a charcoal foot on the skinny frog Ebonyfall had placed there. "This sucks!" She removes her paw and gives Ebonyfall a woeful look. "Is that the only thing you could find? I'm losing weight just lookin at this. Saddest fresh-kill pile I've ever seen."

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  • "i don't like it either, but it's all there was." ebonyfall gave her paw a few licks and drew it over her ear, only acknowledging flickerfire with a fleeting glance. it was true, the clan's food store was a shame on many different levels, but getting worked up over it wouldn't do anyone any good. "perhaps prey is more plentiful in other areas. if you'd like to go out and look, be my guest."

    she gave her paw a few extra licks, in particular focusing on warming her pads, which felt practically frozen after a chilly day of walking on damp swamp grass. the muddy floor of the camp was especially torturous for the paws; a mild leaf-fall chill had the entire ground feeling like ice. while she wasn't the type to complain about the cold—in her experience, acknowledging it only made it worse—her actions certainly spoke for themselves. making sure her paws were warm and her fur was spotless, even though it had been spotless already. ebonyfall certainly was pristine, if nothing else.
  • ebonyfall shadowclan warrior, she/her, 20 moons
  • "this is what it looks like when she talks"
ebonyfall · shadowclan warrior · penned by cuzn · info
Pretty sure Flicker just complains fer fun with her loud groaning and moanings. She's been around more than four seasons, long enough to get the idea that everythin' goes to shit soon as greenleaf ends. A dump of a territory, but it was his dump, damn it. He snorts in amusement (never a pretty sound to the younger folk, but what couldya do), draggin' closer to the pair wiff his tail in sway. "Stars forbid ya lose any more weight, already thin as an adder," he remarks. Not like he was much better, but he had the 'scuse of bein' old, at least.

Ebony accepts the critique wit' grace, drawing a paw over her dainty lil' face. Seems like she spends half f' her time alive doin' that, anyways. He barks a sudden laugh at her comment, improper maybe, definitely. "Keh—! n' other areas, ya say? Last time someone had that thought, it ended in war, missy!" he reminds 'er cheerfully.
The murmurs of her clanmates drew her attention, leaving her wondering what in the name of Starclan had happened now. “You two going to argue all day long? Of course prey is going to be running slower now that the weathers getting colder. Frog brained fools to think the prey would be plentiful for long. Need I remind you that there was a fire recently? Prey wouldn’t return that quickly.” Barkbreath would speak next, leaving Turtlenose nodding along in agreement. There wasn’t exactly any good excuse to start any fights they’d be unable to finish.
  • "i know that." ebony gave barkbreath a look with furrowed brows, somewhere in-between sheepishness and stubbornness. when she looked away with a flick of her tail, it was an attempt to hide the former behind the latter, to moderate success. "that's not what i meant." even though his cheery tone and grim subject matter had ruffled her just slightly, she didn't snap back. barkbreath, despite his uncouth attitude and... barkbreath-isms, didn't get under her fur as some other cats did. every word that came from him was at least mildly entertaining in their complete lack of propriety.

    even if it was directed at her.

    "i meant other parts of our territory. i'd hate to have to scavenge in the carrionplace, but it's becoming more necessary." the carrionplace, like many things, completely disgusted her. even aside from the poor environment, raccoons at night were a problem. fat from twoleg trash, they matched even some of shadowclan's largest in size, and ebony had known them as an absolute menace since her kithood.
  • ebonyfall shadowclan warrior, she/her, 20 moons
  • "this is what it looks like when she talks"
ebonyfall · shadowclan warrior · penned by cuzn · info
Did this fool not know what had happened recently because of thinking like that? Surely she wasn’t that blind. Snorting, Turtlenose would send a glare in her direction, wondering what it would take for her to understand what the rest of her clanmates were saying. “We don’t need anyone else dying from eating food from there. How do you know its safe for that?” She’d return, glancing at her with little empathy. “You’re welcome to go back out there if you’d like Ebonyfall.
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Ebonyfall is dismissive of Flickerfire's overdramatic complaints, telling her to go look in other areas if she thinks she can do better. The dark tortoiseshell pouts, but only for a moment. Her expression brightens again when Barkbreath wanders over.

"Hey! Some girls are into that, I'll have you know." She grins crookedly at the older tomcat, puffing her chest out.

But, sure enough, a third Clanmate comes to ruin any semblance of fun she'd been having. Turtlenose looks at them coldly, accuses them of arguing and even calls them frogbrains. Flickerfire's eyes darken, and her smirk tightens ever so subtlely. "We don't know that's what killed her," she says. "I've eaten crowfood more times 'n I can count, and I never died."

She turns her attention back to Ebonyfall and aims to shove her lightly with a black forepaw. "No worries, Ebonyfall. We can go to the carrionplace together. Make it a date." Her cackle is loud.

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  • Haha
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  • despite ebonyfall's general attitude of competency, when it came to the friendly banter between two clan cats, the jokes and the small-talk, she was actually quite shy. acting like she was above it all was a cleverly subconscious way of hiding the fact that she would never be able to be nearly as charismatic as flickerfire was, and when flickerfire's paw pushed her, ebonyfall could feel herself bristle with confusion on how to properly respond. this cluelessness was visible in her eyes for only a moment, before the sharp, pointed almost-glare of her usual expression returned. "crow-food is preferable to starving, i can say that much. what would you have us do, if leaf-bare really does take away the rest of the prey in this forest?"

    her glance towards turtlenose was harsher than she had intended. when the she-cat noticed this, she gave up on the conversation before tensions could arise any further—despite her initial aim for peace, she still did feel the intrinsic need to end things. "i only mean to use our territory to its fullest potential. there's no reason why we should admit defeat so soon while the other clans get an easy meal."

    with a flick of her tail and a few licks of her shoulder (where flickerfire had touched her—something she hoped nobody would take as rude), ebonyfall mentally dismissed turtlenose's attitude. she either willfully ignored or hadn't thought to notice the sharp edge her own tone had taken; most of what she said was faintly outlined with a vague sense of academic superiority that she herself wasn't even aware of. she was just saying what she had been thinking.
  • ebonyfall shadowclan warrior, she/her, 20 moons
  • "this is what it looks like when she talks"
ebonyfall · shadowclan warrior · penned by cuzn · info