private stay away from her &. willowroot


Jul 27, 2022
content warning for misgendering/transphobia // threats of violence !

this was ridiculous. willowroot was ruining pepper. that's right. his real name. his real identity. one that he chose to shed, which only made viper more upset. it was stupid. in all honesty, viper wouldn't have cared if anyone else had made the same moves. but this was different. this was a different thing. at least, in his eyes it was. he hadn't realized, nor would he ever, just how idiotic such thoughts were. with a click of his tongue, the tom stalked over to willowroot, clearing his throat. it had been late, luckily, so this worked out in his favor.

"hey. you. walk with me."

he didn't give her room to argue. in fact, he didn't care if they did. he had things to say to them, and they would be heard. walking rather far away from camp, but not far enough to get themselves into the dangers of the forests that plagued riverclan, viper spun around, his eyes narrowed.

"you have made him soft. i see the way pepper looks at you. the way he fixes that stupid fucking flower in his fur when you aren't looking. and i'm here to tell you to back off. leave him alone. how the hell is he supposed to survive if he's so busy trying to impress the likes of you?"

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( ) she often likes to sit alone at night. the darkness provides a comforting blanket, enveloping her pitch fur in the softness that is the nocturnal hour. tonight, the moon is but a sliver in the sky, a small scratch across the vastness, and she gazes up at it, feeling content. there has been so much going on that she's rarely gotten a moment to herself - the stars are the only ones keeping her company now, and she feels she prefers it this way tonight.

hey. you. walk with me. and she's interrupted by a voice she has never looked forward to hearing. with an audible sigh, the femme glances over, verdant eyes flickering across viper's form. when the insufferable tom stomps off and out of spite, she almost doesn't follow. the man doesn't deserve her attention, nor will he be getting it voluntarily, but after a moment, she gets to her paws and pads after, chest tight and annoyance in every step she takes.

the tomcat leads them out of camp and deeper into the territory, and suspicion is not absent from willowroot's gaze as they follow. when he finally halts, she does as well, and steps back when he spins around. his words spit like the very thing he's named after, and they can't help the rage that presses their chest. "pepper? i don't know anyone named pepper." the words are said with narrowed eyes and a tip of their head. "maybe you confused poppy's name with pepper. she's your niece, right?" oh, this is all information the lead warrior knows. but if viper is going to be antagonistic, then they'll be just as irritating. "if you're referencing someone named pepper then i'm afraid you've got the wrong cat."

she can feel her tail tip twitching in displeasure and she tries to not let her anger show too much, although her sage green eyes flash in the dim moonlight. "however, if you do mean poppy, then i'll happily tell you to fuck off." now she curls her lip, pulling herself to her full height. "she's an adult, she can do what she wants. also, i have no idea what you've seen because none of those things have happened. she's thriving right now, no thanks to you, and i've seen no evidence of her trying to impress me." even if she'd look cute doing it. even if i want her to. "personally, i'd just leave the situation alone, as obviously you take an issue with our friendship. but i suppose you don't often have her best interests in mind, especially when it comes to clawing her in the middle of the territory." lip still curled, the smoke sniffs, cocking their head once again. "you're in no place to give orders, viper. now, let's go back to camp."

the tom cat listened, but not without a few huffs and puffs of agitation in between willowroot's words. the mouth this one had reminded him a lot of that bother of a nephew. how annoying.

"a lesson that he needed to be taught. obviously, had it not been for him wanting to join this stupid clan, he would have already known."

snorting with a lash of his tail, he stood in willowroot's way, unsheathing his claws, and baring his teeth, as a grin tugged at the edge face. he would lick against his claws, a grunt of a laugh leaving him with a tilt of his head.

"sure. but i can make sure you stay away from pepper. even if it's permanently."

he promised with a hiss.

"either you stay away, or i'll make sure you do."

//feel free to powerplay any attacks! i dont wanna over step 😭😭
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( ) he sneers at her, claws glinting as he hisses, and she can't help rolling her eyes. there is something so underwhelming about this tomcat - his pathetic transphobia, his refusal to let the past die - it's all just getting tiresome. "oh no! i really believe your threat," wil finds herself taunting, lip curled in a sour expression. "you're a pitiable excuse for a warrior. you can't even intimidate me properly. it's pathetic how you whine about poppysplash while not even pausing to think that maybe you're in the wrong." the fur lifts up on her spine as he steps forward, teeth bared in an awful grin. she spits at him, a growl rumbling deep inside her chest, fueled by the fires of her rage. stepping closer to the tom on each word, she aims to intimidate as she growls out- "you're an idiotic, lonely, small man. you deserve none of poppy's love."

it seems they've overstepped. how... shocking. the silver tomcat lunges forward with a snarl, thornlike claws catching on willowroot's fur and pulling them down. a growling hiss erupts from his throat, anger driving him into a fury that fights any rationality he might have left within him. willow feels claws score across their chest, not deep enough to scar, but certainly enough to cause pain to burst across her vision. it's night - the clan is sleeping - but they hardly care as they yowl in retaliation, rolling with the attack to flip the stocky male over their shoulder, slamming him to the rocky earth. nearby the river roars along, drowning out some of the scuffle, and she stares at it for a moment, imagining bitterly the look on viper's face should she hold him underwater... bubbles leaving his lungs, his legs thrashing and kicking, trying to free himself... but she pins him there, in the unforgiving land below the surface, watches the air tear from his chest, watches the life leave his eyes...

he kicks up with a well aimed back paw and slices a cut into the femme's flank. willowroot yelps, teeth now fully bared, prepared to tear him apart, hurt him, hunt him like the mice she was raised to eliminate. he flails, spitting obscenities as her claws pierce the soft skin of his flanks. "you pathetic little man. you'll never hurt poppy again, hear me? you'll die before i let you." with a hiss, she kicks away from him, hoping to land another scar across his stomach as she does so. standing a few tail lengths away now, the smoke catches their breath, guard still up, verdant eyes flaming.

this fight is good! oh, it's good! viper can feel his blood boiling with both anger and adrenaline. this was a fight for the ages! willowroot continues to his out insults at him, and he almost has half of a mind to laugh in their face. panting heavily, he stands, his body lowered to not give away any vital points. his claws grip into the ground, as he grins pompously. he'll die? hmph. without any more warning, he leaps forward and aims to pin willowroot to the ground, hissing directly in her face, had he been successful.

"now this... this looks a little familiar. only difference, there isn't anyone to save you. what was that about me dying? yeah. right. as if. don't you worry a single fur on your pretty little head. i will be sure everyone knows of your gruesome threat. how i had no choice but to end you, to save myself."

he snapped, raising a paw to the air.

meanwhile, poppysplash has woken up from another nightmare. common, yes, but now she had a friend she could lean on. maybe if she was quiet about it... she could sneak into willowroot's nest again. that was where she found her solace. right beside the olive eyed feline. standing from her own nest, she directly went to willow's, only to be surprised that they weren't there. oh. twitching her nose, she stepped out of the den, looking around for the very femme who captured her attention the most. where were they? huffing, poppysplash took in a deep breath, following their scent, before her entire body froze. had... willowroot left with viper? swallowing thickly, claws flexing in pure and barely contained anger, poppysplash didn't even hesitate to dash off in the direction of their scents.

as she neared them, the scent of blood was evident, only making her stomach twist in knots. no. fuck! she hissed loudly, forcing herself to run faster, tears pricking at her eyes. please! for the love for the fucking stars, please be okay, willowroot! she begged to whoever could hear her, skidding to a halt as she watched her uncle pin down the love of her life one of her only friends. the one she cared about the most, and she honestly didn't care who knew it.


she snarled, running forward with as much power as her legs could spring, tumbling over and pinning viper to the ground, rage burning in her eyes as she looked down at him. he didn't say anything. he only grinned, tail lashing against the ground.

"you've finally done it, huh? lost your fucking mind. just like my mother. just like my father. you want to take away the one thing, the one fucking thing that makes me happy? i won't fucking let you!"

she yowled directly in his face, as he laughed deeply.

"you'd better hope you get the upper hand. otherwise, you can say goodbye to your precious willowroot, for good."

he promised cooly, before kicking poppysplash in her stomach with his back legs, making her recoil backwards. he lept at her, digging his teeth into her shoulder as she hissed and raked her claws into his side. he wasn't allowed to touch willowroot! anger blinded her, just as quickly as the sun would have, as suddenly she slammed the tom cat back to the ground again, delivering a messy, and final, bite to his neck until she heard a loud crunch! after that, everything fell silent, and poppysplash dropped the body, stepping back. her eyes glossed over in something unrecognizable, before she quickly turned to willowroot.

she made her way over to her, sniffing and prodding at her fur, eyes glossing over as tears fell down her cheek, a pathetic whimper leaving her.

"did he hurt you? please tell me you're okay... i'm sorry. i'm so sorry. i'm fucking sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry."
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( ) what happens next is a blur, one moment she's sizing up the man for another round, the next she's bowled over, hissing as he spits in her face. "fucking. monster." she'll whisper, baleful gaze fixated upon his own leaf strewn optics. "you're not doing this for poppy. you're doing it for yourself because you're that fucking selfish." he raises a paw and she watches cooly, body tensed, ready to spring away, to roll and crush him, to do anything. she's been afraid for her life before, felt the rush of adrenaline, desperation to stay alive. there is none of that here. she will not die before he does- she will not die while he lives to torment poppy. the paw comes swinging down and she's about to move-

with a grunt, viper is flung off of them, accompanied with a cry of no! willowroot's heart sinks. poppy is here, the dappled femme a thundercrack of rage and desperation as she knocks her uncle to the ground. she's screaming at him, tearing into him with rage fueling every move, and he's hissing back, taunting her, and willowroot is stuck in place, breath coming in gasps, hardly feeling the stinging pain of their scratches. "poppy!" they scream. "poppy, don't!" she's slamming him into the earth, teeth ripping into his skin and they're watching in horror, and they're yowling, urging their body to just get up.

the life fades from the cruel tom's body. he's limp on the ground, poppysplash is sobbing, running over to willow and all they want to do is hold her, hug her, never let her go. she stutters out apologies as crimson oozes from the smoke's wounds, but all the feline can focus on is the tears dampening the molly's fur, the griefstricken eyes. stars above i love you.

"love, don't say that. it's not your fault he's an asshole-" but the woman is still gasping out regrets. willow forces herself to her paws, presses into the other, twines their tails and tries not to break. "poppy, my love, my dear," fern hued eyes shine in the half moonlight, searching the watery goldens of her companion. "i'm okay. i'm alright, love." she buries her muzzle in the pale woman's neck, breathing in her scent relishing this closeness. behind them, the body of their villain lies, cooling in the chilled night air.

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a shiver left her body as she desperately began to groom over the small wounds that willowroot had. they had to stop the bleeding. there was so much blood. at least, to her it seemed. why wouldn't she stop bleeding? why was willowroot bleeding so much? a whine leaves her and she seems to he in some sort of trance before she hears it. she heard willowroot talking to her. my love? did they just call me... their love? she swallowed back whatever she had on her tongue, pulling away slightly, only to take in the full sight of willowroot. her gaze notably softened, as her body relaxed.

"are you sure? you mean it?"

her voice is barely above a whisper. i love you... no. no. i'm in love with you. i think. i know. i know i'm in love with you. look what you've done to me. look how i'm worrying over you, like this. stars be damned, willowroot, i love you. i'd follow you to the ends of the star lit path and back if i had to. she thinks before she just pushes hersled into willowroot's fur, taking in a deep breath. she subtly, or maybe not even that subtly, begans to listen to their heartbeat. it calms her. she wants to listen to it forever, for if it ever stops... poppysplash's would too. she can't live without her bother. she won't live without her.

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( ) "i do, i mean it," and it's true. they're okay. they're alright, nothing could ever be wrong in this moment, with the two of them so close. "i mean it, love. he didn't hurt me. not like he hurt you." as close as they are, poppy brings the gap closed, pressing in and pushing her head into their chest. a rusty purr interrupts the sudden rapid heartbeat- a jolt at the contact. they'll rasp their tongue across the tear tracks on her cheeks, adrenaline beginning to leave their body, replacing it with exhaustion. the darkness is a blanket around the two, a velvet shield from any who approach, and they take this moment to creep toward a confession.

"poppy, i don't know what you've done to me." it's murmured low, maw muffled by ash and snow. the words are not meant to be heard, nor does she expect a reply, but her heart hammers nonetheless, a giveaway to her emotions. there's a soft moment of silence, a moment when the scent of death does not overwhelm, nor does the chilled night air or the anxiety chewing her stomach. right now, all is warm and safe, and something has shifted on the wind.

willowroot pulls away for just a moment, bottleglass eyes shining with an emotion unfamiliar to the both of them. "are you okay, my love?" they ask, voice gentle, worried, suddenly very aware of what the other has done. "stars, you saved me. you didn't need to do that. you should've never had to get that close to that man, not after what he's done to you." they begin to search the molly's fur, scanning for any sign of a scratch, a tear of skin or flash of crimson. "love, what he said about distractions, about you and i... he knows nothing of our," they clear their throat, "relationship. i don't know how much you heard, or what he's said to you, but you are not what he sees you as. you're so much more, and you deserve so much more." seizing the moment, they press their forehead to hers, closing their eyes, breathing in her presence. "he won't hurt you again. stars help me, if he crawls back from the grave, i'll send him through the abyss myself. you deserve to live your own way."

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poppysplash still worried. not because she didn't trust willowroot, because stars knew she did, but because poppysplash has never felt like this before. in any degree. she never had to worry about anyone else, but herself. she never wanted to worry about anyone else. but like the thief they're so good at being, willowroot stole their worried attention, amongst other things. she listens as they say that viper hadn't hurt them like he hurt her and for a moment confusion fogs her mind. and then she realizes. she knows what willow meant and she wishes she didn't.

"i'm used to it."

barely spoken above a whisper, it is, but it's a confession. something she never thought she'd ever say outloud. even after viper tried to kill her, she brushed it off as a silly argument gone too far. she swore that viper wouldn't have actually killed her, but the scar she wore across her once beautiful and untainted face proved otherwise. with the confession comes the fatigue, like being kicked down a mountain. any and all adrenaline from the fight is long gone, and she's aching. poppy can feel wounds she hadn't known were there, gently moving to look at her own body. few wounds, but none deep enough for worried looks. she can hide them. she will hide them.

once again, the words 'my love' are tossed out. mutliple times. all directed at her. a pet name. something she wasn't used to. it left her own heart pounding against her rib cage all the same. taking in a deep breath, she nodded. but she doesn't say anything, as she listens to willow ramble and spill out words. you still talk too much... don't you dare change that. and for that reason, she knows that willowroot is fine. she'd be more worried if willow hadn't spoken at all. a small smile tugs at her overly tired features and she only nods her head. she understands but suddenly her brows furrowed. he was dead. her uncle was dead by her paws. she knew it was the only way but... she wished it was different. squeezing her eyes shut, she only takes in the sea foamed scent of willowroot once more, uttering a final sentence.

"i'd do it one hundred more times if it meant you were safe."
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