Sun in the Sky {Intro}


𝑅𝑜𝓈𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝓁𝒹 𝓈𝑜𝓊𝓁
Jun 14, 2022


A happy hum could be heard coming from the elders' den as brown tabby paws were busy at work patching up any weak spots in the walls. Even now, her whiskers would feel that the air was a bit chilly in the mornings and the last thing she wanted was for one of the older cats to get sick.

Serenemeadow would tilt her head as she stepped back to inspect her work, and once she was happy with it the tiny femme would smile brightly and turn to almost bouncing towards the fresh kill pile. It was just about to be sun high, and after picking a squirrel from the pile she would plop down onto her rump and dig right in.

What should she do next? The nursery might need some work, but she used the last of the brambles for the elders' den. Maybe she could see if Cinderfrost needed herbs or maybe she could collect moss for the kittens to play with? Her golden eyes would dart around camp as she pondered her next possible chore and any cat who caught her eye would be greeted with a cheery smile and a flick of a tail of invitation to join her in her meal.

Flycatcher had already eaten that morning when Serenemeadow gestured for him to come over. He felt rude ignoring her or declining her offer, so at the very least he would sit with her and see how she was doing this morning. "You can have all of that," Flycatcher mewed politely in regard to her invitation to join her in her meal. "I already had a mouse earlier."

He let her eat some more of her squirrel before asking, "Have you got anything planned for today?"

Weren't nothing much in this world brighter than that lady's smile- supported by her rounded features she looked warm and happy- despite workin' till the cows came home.

" you been in there since I left on patrol, darlin' … " he noted aloud as he joined the duo with a smile toward Flycatcher. The polite young man- if not, one of the most agreeable young men he'd ever met despite his age. Wasn't the early moons meant for the trouble and hissin'? couldn't pull Rocky out a puddle by the scruff at that age. Flycatcher's parents raised them a good one.

" gotta eat like a bear if you wanna be able to fight one " he jests lightly toward the pale bluish colored warrior. " only kiddin'- hell I had cricket legs when I was your age… skipped supper so much I could fit through the chicken fence " he chuckled behind a thick southern drawl.

He settles into a polite silence for Serenemeadow to answer Flycatchers question.



As Flycatcher approached, the glee on the small tabby's face was as bright as the sun, and she would wiggle in her spot. His tone was polite, but Serenedawn wanted more than polite, they were friends after all! Serene would purr loudly as she took another bite and was about to reply when Rockyridge approached next, his southern twang making her giggle like a flustered moron before kneading her paws into the ground.

"My mind is just BUZZING with all the possibilities that the day can bring! I was thinking of either hunting, border patrolling, or collecting moss for the kits. OH!" She would jump to her paws and purr warmly as she looked between the two toms, "Would you like to come with me? We could do all three! I'm sure the kittens would love the surprise and the pile has been a bit low."

Without really waiting for an answer, the molly would quickly finish her mouse, and then moved to quite literally bounce towards the entrance, "Come on guys! Those borders aren't going to patrol themselves!"

Berryheart never saw much appeal in chores. He avoided them if the could help it; besides, they were better done by those who enjoyed them, right? When one was passionate about something, they tended to do a better job- he was a nest-weaver, a hunter, and he tended to stick to those tasks so long as it was possible. When the dappled tom had been younger he had refused outright to do things he found uninterested. Thank the Stars he had come around to being useful even when he wished not to be... though, his reluctance was likely still tangible.

As Tiny spoke- quite loudly- about her ideas for what the group gathered with her could get up to on a patrol, Berryheart found his attention snagged by a couple of the ideas. An ambling gait carried him over, wonky eyes of withered holly-leafs settling with a hardly-tangible pleasant glint upon the golden-eyed molly. Who was she inviting? Blue, and that... one with the distinctive voice. Lilts.

"I'll come." It was less of an offer and more intended as given information, pleasant-toned and polite despite the lack of request. There was safety in numbers- and someone as jovial as Tiny was bound to utter something bouncy like 'the more the merrier'! Observation often helped judge character, and he'd had twenty moons to perfect it.

"I think I'll try to avoid fighting any bears," Flycatcher chuckled, in response to Rockyridge's playful jesting. At the older tom's mention of eating cricket legs Flycatcher couldn't help but smirk to himself, oddly reminded of when he had been fascinated by a cricket not so long ago and his clanmates had questioned whether he intended on eating it.

When Serenemeadow finally responds, she certainly does not lie when she said she was 'buzzing'. She quickly lists off three activities she had in mind before deciding that maybe she could do all three. In the process of saying all this, she invited the two of them to join her, but didn't really wait for an answer before finishing up her mouse and quite literally seeming to bounce towards the entrance and urging them to follow. "Maybe I should have eaten something else, after all," Flycatcher said, giving Rockyridge a sideways glance. Shaking his head in amusement, he rises to his paws and pads after Serenemeadow. When he spots Berryheart coming over to join as well, he greets the other tom with a friendly nod. "I'm sure Serenemeadow won't say no to any extra paws helping out," Flycatcher mewed to Berryheart as he fell in line with the tortoiseshell. "Besides at the rate we're going, I think we'll need them."


"Of course, I won't say no!" Serenemeadow somehow pops up between Flycatcher and Berryheart, her expression almost cartoonishly sparkling with glee as the tortoiseshell tom joined their little party. "Oh, this is gonna be great! We can swap stories, pick flowers, and carry even MORE moss for the kittens!"

The small tabby would do a little wiggle as if the energy in her tiny body was too much to contain before she spun in a circle once and bounded towards the entrance still rambling on energetically, "OH! What if! We find SO much moss that we could build a whole new den out of it! I could be like a soft little play place for the kits! Doesn't that sound cool? We should totally do that. Do you think Emberstar will mind it? Not if we invite her in I bet. OH! OH! We could even think up some cool secret password for it! Make it all secret like, but not TOO secret, don't want some kits to think they can't all play."

On and on she would talk, though it would be noted that she at made a bit of an effort to lower her volume once they slipped out of the camp entrance and set paw in the forest.

It was hard to believe most days, that Serenemeadow was thirty-two moons when one observed her behavior, but that was just her nature. Bubbly and happy and always seeming to burst with ideas that her mouth could never leave unspoken. Once they were far enough from camp, Serene would whirl in a circle before stopping to face the three who had joined her and she purred loudly, "So! What shall we do first?"

Humour lit his gaze for a moment at Blue's comment, olivine eyes creasing to crescents as they began to set off. Even if he had wished to respond, he hadn't much time to do so- for soon Tiny slipped into rambles of reverie, conjuring up dancing words of idealism about secret clubs and moss abundance. Even his mind had trouble keeping up- from the blankness of his expression, one could likely lean close and hear the whirring work of the gears of his brain.

He could truly hardly believe he was younger than this cat, who had the disposition of an apprentice excited to begin her training- though he found more pleasant amusement in the situation than anything else. Differences were what made the world interesting. If every adult acted overly responsible and every child acted constantly thrilled, the world would be constantly boring rather than just occasionally. "I'm not sure that much moss exists," he murmured frankly, tone flat and factual. Besides, if they found such an abundance, it would be better used camp-wide rather than to create a new den for the kittens.

"We can probably hunt and look for moss at the same time." At her question he offered his suggestion, raising his head to the sky to try and track any bird-scent in the trees. If they flew down to catch their own meals, it would be a prime time to strike.

It felt as though Serenemeadow barely left any room to breathe before launching into yet more ideas. She had accepted Berryheart into their ranks readily enough and had now added swapping stories and picking flowers onto their list of activities. Even before they had left camp she talked about finding enough moss to make a whole new den for the kits. Flycatcher couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at her chattering. If nothing else she is certainly enthusiastic.

When they were a small distance away from camp, Serenemeadow turned to them and asked what they should do first. Berryheart suggested they look for moss and maybe attempt some hunting at the same time. "I think that sounds like a good idea," Flycatcher mewed, nodding his head along with the other's words. "Maybe we could split into pairs and cover more ground?"