I-I-I've got a migraine
And my pain will range from
Up down and sidewaysS ✧
Colored paws moved across brown heather as hues narrowed onto the target of their focus. Not a sound came from the small feline, not even a giggle and a very serious look crossed their narrow features. A tongue poked out just ever so slightly in concentration before the figure leapt from the tall grass. Paws outstretched with claws unsheathed, a pointed pelt darted from their hiding place and on top of that was a deep chetsnut brown. It crunched under their forepaws and a satisfied grin crossed a dappled maw, gaze looking up with their excitement. Then there was a small butt wiggle before the tortie point leapt for another leaf, and giggled when it crunched as well. It was perfectly satisfying! They disliked it when the leaps where damp or didn't make the crunching noise. And my pain will range from
Up down and sidewaysS ✧
Bunnyhop lifted their head from their paws to look around camp for a moment, the young cat didn't have anything to really do at that moment. No patrols, no mentors for the first time in a while, and hunting seemed to be too terrifying for most cats. Didn't blame them with the hawks becoming a problem as of recent times. Still, this left them restless and they had to keep their paws busy or they would absolutely loose it. Bright emerald eyes moved from cat to cat before leaping onto the next leaf, but sadly it did not crunch and merely stuck to their front paw. Bunnyhop lifted a paw and swatted away the wet leaf with a huff noise.
Perhaps they should do something useful? Maybe take a patrol out or something? Maybe Dandelionwish needed more herbs or something? They weren't sure, but it had to be something. Who could they take with them, though? Many of the warriors' where older and had better things to do than indulge in their silly little games. Then again they could be wrong of course, but they did know of one particular warrior. They had graduated together but yet never seemed to have spoken before. Things had been busy for a while anyway, so suppose that could be why.
Springing to calico toes, the young warrior bounded through the clearing and towards a grey shape; Coldsnap. They didn't know much about him other than that he was rather aloof and liked his solitude. Still, he looked like he could fight off a hawk and that was all that mattered to them.