- Dec 25, 2022
- 310
- 143
- 43
( general litter cw for parental abuse & death )
( general litter cw for parental abuse & death )
This is not a story of love.
It is a story of two rogues, both tattered and jaded. Baying Hound, bitter and vengeful, a mother driven mad with misplaced grief. And Duke, a detached drifter leaving a trail of broken hearts in his wake. Both found one another while licking their wounds, resorting to the care of twolegs in order to survive. It was a companionship born of convenience. They were lonely, and both knew that they would never see one another again once they set apart.
The kits were an accident. A curse, to Baying Hound, who had already lost her eldest litter to ThunderClan. Left to raise children alone for a second time, the rogue only grew colder. Her children were unwanted, and she did not hesitate to let them know. Never to leave the fox-burrow that they call home without their mother to accompany them, the kits' world was very small: a cruel mother telling stories of a crueler world. She named them in their image, knowing it would not be enough to keep them by her side. Baying Hound waited with bared teeth and bristling fur for the day the kits will inevitably leave her, providing for them only out of a twisted sense of obligation.
It is the kits' older sister Fallowpaw who finds them, its teeth dripping with blood. Far from anyone's vision of a savior, it will nonetheless do all it can to keep them safe - starting by stealing them away to ThunderClan. They will be left in the care of Tansyshine, a foster mother who brings a gentle touch the kits have never known.
Their troubles are not over once they leave Baying Hound's grasp; the clan they are brought to is one wracked by conflict and prejudice. Their youth is not one of peace, but resilience.
Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, or silver tabbySire: LH black smoke Maine Coone w/ polydactyly (carrying non-silver)
Dam: LH chocolate lynx sepia w/ low white (carrying dilute, cinnamon, solid)
- Kits will be longhaired
- Kits can have no white or low white
- Kits w/o white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- Kits will have polydactyly
- Kits will be 50% Maine Coon and may show some breed traits
- Kits will carry chocolate or cinnamon; kits will carry sepia; kits may or may not carry dilute; tabbies will carry solid; silver kits will carry non-silver; kits will carry non-polydactyly
- Kits can have no white or low white
- Kits w/o white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- Kits will have polydactyly
- Kits will be 50% Maine Coon and may show some breed traits
- Kits will carry chocolate or cinnamon; kits will carry sepia; kits may or may not carry dilute; tabbies will carry solid; silver kits will carry non-silver; kits will carry non-polydactyly
Baying Hound is gen 1 | Duke is gen 1 | Kits will be gen 2
Kits will be maternal half-siblings to Fallowpaw, Antlerpaw, & Doepaw
Kits will unknowingly be paternal half-siblings to Lupinesong, Drowsynose, & Crowsight
This litter has a set naming theme of dogs and wolves. Any prefix which fits the theme in some way can be used. Feel free to check with me if you are unsure if your name fits, but I will be pretty lenient when it comes to this. Kits will begin with loner names and have the -kit suffix added upon joining ThunderClan.
Examples of the theme are listed below (with OOC favorites in bold):
- Dog, Wolf, Hound, Pup (literal names)
- Bark, Bay, Howl, Snarl, Growl, Whine, Yip (sound-based names)
- Bite, Snap, Fang, Thrash, Chase/Chasing (violent names)
- Bark, Bay, Howl, Snarl, Growl, Whine, Yip (sound-based names)
- Bite, Snap, Fang, Thrash, Chase/Chasing (violent names)
As the naming pool is fairly limited, it is encouraged to include an alternate prefix in your application.
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