- May 2, 2023
- 665
- 204
- 43
⋋ name alliance ⋌✧ lichenstar
previously micah [nickname laika], lichentailriverclan ✧
⋋ lichen describes the pale gray and white color of their fur ⋌
⋋ star added as customary blessing from starclan , recognized as leader of her clan ⋌
⋋tail added to describe their impeccable balance and general agility⋌
✧ non-binary femme .. they/she ✧✧ bisexual .. taken by @hazecloud ✧
⋋ lichentail is currently 44 MOONS ⋌
⋋ she ages up every 21ST ⋌ -
⋋ description .. blue lynx point with blue eyes and a white blaze ⋌
extended .. a scruffy lady in her general unruly appearance, lichenstar prefers to take pride in her actions over her looks. her parents' willful demands of beauty were not lovingly absorbed by either of their wild-natured daughters so it remains rare that her whole coat is properly groomed. each leg finds itself a darker gray hues at its points, adorned with classic stripes that add to the illusion of her long-limbed silhouette, mimicked only by her tail, which remains broken about halfway down. she is not shy about her fractured tail and openly explains the story of its early injury. behind the ruff of pale furs that lay in awkward bedraggled clumps is a face masked in fog-colored fur, darker stripes cutting down hollow cheekbones and away from the corners of weary eyes. a patch that started merely as a small speckling has grown with her age, becoming a white blaze upon half her nose as it progresses in its timeless pace. once proud to have two, lichenstar now adorns only one, small, round ear while its partner exists as a tattered mess, taken as a trophy by ghostwail of windclan. the moor runners slight her further in the long, dragging scars that rest at her shoulders. Eyes that sit among the haze are a bright, stunning blue, crystalline and sharp to match the angular structure of her body. recent incident with the red water rogues has left a new, fractured scar across her throat.
✧ smell .. wet grass and tree sap ✧
✧ voice .. gravelly, hoarse, short-spoken due to injury ✧
✧ physical illness .. early signs of asthma , long term effects of yellow cough , vocal cord trauma ✧
✧ notable features .. kinked tail , small ears , missing ear ✧
⋋ positive ⋌⋋ neutral ⋌⋋ negative ⋌protective ..calm.. nurturing .. introspectivepersistent .. reserved .. directsingle-minded .. arrogant ..reckless.. fearful
⋋ extended personality .. generally preferring to keep to herself [mostly for fear of charismatic failings], lichenstar struggles to be relatable to her clan in any deeper capacity. she values her privacy above all else and is not quick to share her feelings or opinions and still fears the quick-to-rise temper of her previous leader despite his passing. what once was a cold, quiet confidence has become a far more high-strung protector, bearing the weight of the clan's success on her own shoulders as if it is a personal mission rather than the collaboration of an entire group. though she fails to be emotionally available to others, she is happy to teach and does so in a manner that addresses the internal biases of her students- whatever strengths they perceive they have give direction to where improvement must be made. while she often can't address her interpersonal issues, she is quick to curl up into herself, internalize her guilts and muddle through navigating them in silence and while introspection can be a gift, she may lean too far into her own self-built walls to get the outside perspective she really needs. her goals to see riverclan succeed cloud her from seeing much else, being very oriented towards that one end and that end alone- it closes her off to compromise, making her a diplomatic novice in almost any situation. having proven herself time and again to be a valuable and respected member of the water-loving group, she has allowed some of that praise to go to her head and thinks others should strive to be as dedicated as she is- this arrogance has caused her to overstep on a few small occasions but it is rarely from a place of malice. having witnessed so many failures, each one more horrifying than the last, her fears have found a comfortable home in her chest and leave her to crack under pressure of her own anxieties. ⋌
mental illness .. paranoid tendencies
social quirks ..tends too talk too quickly to be heard properly the first time, uses body language more than most -
antaeya .. mother [ npc ] x hyken .. father [ npc ]
ripplesnap .. sibling [ riverclan ] x"little dove".. sibling [ npc ]
hazecloud .. mate
foxglare .. nephew [ windclan ]
twinklekit , eveningkit , horizonkit ,snowflakekit.. children
shellpaw , pebblepaw , riverpaw .. foster children
mentor .. none
apprentice .. shellpaw
past trained .. dipperfrost ,brookstorm
lichenstar is hard to get to know
she is private about her life
she will antagonize fights
she will finish fights
she will flee fights in some circumstances
peaceful, healing powerplay is often allowed but she may be jumpy ic -
diplomacy style .. uncompromising
catch phrase .. '. . .'
combat style .. distraction
special move .. lichen rushes forward before springing over the top of the enemy to draw their attention
-- blue stars indicate IC growth, white stars indicate original stats --
strength .. ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
dexterity .. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
speed .. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧
stealth .. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧
swimming .. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧
jumping .. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
hunting .. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧
combat .. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧
strategy .. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧
perception .. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧
memory .. ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
healing .. ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
wisdom .. ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
motivation .. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
charisma .. ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ -
Antaeya and Hyken were nothing but a pair of loners that had spiraled around one another their entire lives. They had met young, played together, learned together, grown together. That closeness was hard to find living in a world without clans or groups of safety and mutual trust. Their parents loathed to admit that they were perfect for each other and though they kept distance, the two couldn't be stopped from pursuing the love they shared, seeing it through to the furthest end they could. Eventually the only way they could become any closer was to raise a family together and so they did. Being a new mother meant a small litter and lucky for her, a pair of healthy twins were born.
Ridley and Micah, a matching set of blue points well beloved and cared for in the strength of small comforts. They were not comfortable or rich in prey, moving from place to place and taking what refuge they could. It was a harder life to live than they remembered; towing around two demanding scraps that could hardly hold their own. The two struggled not to resent their children for the burden that they were... it had been a choice they'd made after all. It didn't escape the wide, hopeful eyes of their children though, the occasional sorrowful glance as a mouse was spared in their direction instead of filling the growling belly of the one who had hunted it.
The two grew up knowing full well that their lives were in the paws of their parents and that they were something of a weight the longer they went without learning to fend for themselves. Micah was eager to do so, to be free of the title of 'burden.' So she hunted... and she learned... and she did what she could to keep her and her sibling afloat. She wished to see something other than sorrow in the eyes that looked at her... was that so much to ask for?
As they grew older news and whispers from passersby told story of a group, one in the marshes that sought to come together and thrive and succeed as a whole rather than forcing every individual to struggle independent of one another. It caught the attention of the idealistic young cat... Living together... in harmony. Could it really work? It meant mutual success... no more hungry nights with a family bitter that it was one, that it had the extra mouths to feed. Those mouths, as her parents had made clear, were often more trouble than they were worth.
Seeking to escape the nihilism that sunk its teeth into her parents a long time ago, Micah chose to crawl into the good graces of those Marshes, jumping at the chance to prove themself an asset; they wanted nothing more than to see where this group's growth might go. That meant some manner of conforming... she pondered for awhile how she might rename herself, choose a different life. Micah... Laika... That was close enough but still different.
They got to meet so many new faces and among those faces was a pretty girl; she said her name and Laika couldn't honestly remember hearing it. She was captivating. The two grew closer in those Marshes, fighting for a future they both believed in. There was a time even they dared to call each other 'mine' in turn. Months of that passed with their girlfriend practically wincing from sharing it with her family; was Laika an embarrassment? Growing frustrated with the silence, the secrecy, she implored her partner to be honest, to be open just for this one time.
The answer was a bitter no. One they struggled to swallow... but one they screamed in defiance of.
Their breakup was not clean nor easy, Laika left feeling dejected and angry. Not even a few moons passed by the Great Battle took them by surprise and Laika had the misfortune to finally face what fighting for a group really meant. She left that battle scarred, her tail broken... Most of their concern resonated in Ripley, who'd sustained more injuries and worse ones. The twins traveled home to see their parents, to beg them to come with them, that things were changing, that they'd fought for a cause.
All they did was fuss over her. Complaining about how her beautiful face had been ruined... not once did they cast a glance to their twin and it drove her to fury once more. They returned back to the Marshes after that... neither saying a word of what had transpired. Their parents were dead to them... that was all that mattered. And with a cruel sense of justice, Syren had lost one of her parents in the Great Battle- maybe it was the universe at work or whatever starry ancestors watched over them... She hoped it hurt just as much as she did.
That battle marked a change. The Marsh had split even further and she chose to stay with the newly founded RiverClan. That required another update of names... another slight adjustment. Lichentail is would be. Her strong opinions and drive to preserve the lives of her newly found clan at the cost of swatting down any nonsense made her something of a hard ass but it kept cats safe.
Time passes and new members filter in... most of them clash with Cicadastar and it's quick that the leader finds his first enemies within WindClan. He loses lives shortly after returning home with the blessings of StarClan and she grows wary of what this might mean for the newly formed clan. Things are worrisome in the coming months, injuries left and right and treachery from within their own ranks- Spiderfall is revealed to be a murderous wretch and Lichentail is eager to see him gone.
Fire spreads in ThunderClan and, hoping to share the good blessings of the waters, they are welcomed into their camp as refugees. Lichentail doesn't mind much... the whole point of the clans was to ensure mutual success. This seems to go by without severe consequences... the winter months come swiftly and more cats filter in, including her leader's lost sibling. Then, more disaster as Cicada loses another life. It is a turmoil that never seems to cease but good news comes in the form of Smokethroat murdering the rampant murderer they'd exiled months prior.
A new medicine cat apprentice is named, which gives her some hope that StarClan believes they're on the right path... but winter is harsh and prey is scarce, leaving them vulnerable and it is one of the lead warriors that pays a heavy price. Though new kittens are born and even ShadowClanners defect to join them, she remains worried that bellies will go unfilled. There seems to be no rest for anyone from the fiendish group of hare-eaters they call neighbors, SkyClan runs to their camp requesting aid and after struggle, it seems they are successful in helping the daylight warriors secure their medicine.
A flood takes out the RiverClanner's main home and sweeps away others to their deaths... they relocate to a miserable temporary home and do their best to survive but WindClan will not suffer them any chance to recover and attacks them in their weakened state, taking the life of Clearsight. Sensing an opportunity, ThunderClan wastes no time in claiming Sunningrocks, marking another bitter loss for RiverClan in the span of a few short moons. Lichentail grows restless with their losing battles and worries it is a sign that their survival is doomed.
Eventually the time comes to clean up their ruined home and return... It is a relief to say the least, to see it possible that they might return. She is overjoyed to be back where they are comfortable... where they are safe. Though dismayed by the threat of Twoleg traps littering their territory (it is Lichentail's mistake that finds Smokethroat caught in the crossfire of one such wire), RiverClan regains their hope and seeing a chance at vengeance, they seize the bridge by WindClan and remind their enemies they are no small minnows in a tiny pond.
Her hard work earns her more glory than just the scars she'd earned; Cicadastar chooses her to fill the void where Willowroot and Smokethroat had been, alongside Petalnose. She is eager to prove to the new deputy that she can be worthy of that trust and meekly accepts the promotion to lead warrior... She was proud of herself if not a bit embarrassed by the public praise.
Victory is short-lived and bittersweet for Lichentail as she finds herself the target of a furious WindClanner, Ghostwail. She is ambushed alone, previous wounds reopened in the struggle; her assailant takes her left ears as a trophy and she is forced to run home bleeding... her life is spared though only with threats that it is temporary.
penned by tieirlys !!
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