we can be an army - mentorship begins

Her last attempt at a training session had gone bad, really bad. Though she had dismissed everyone with nods and smiles, Emberstar felt like it had been a bit of a disaster. With how many cats she was responsible for teaching, she had no idea if any single one of them had really learned anything. She had no desire to repeat it. Her clan needed to know how to defend themselves though, that she still believed. It would just have to be done another way. She couldn't do what she had done in the pine group, but she was certain she could figure something out.

With some time, her thoughts had wandered back to training with her mother. That was where she took her cues for teaching after all. With just the two of them, it had been so simple. Her mother showed her what to do and she just followed along. If she did anything wrong then it was easy for her mother to correct her. Since it was just the two of them, all the attention was on her. Perhaps that was the key.

"Thunderclan!" she called out from atop highrock. "Today, we're tryin' something new with training. Instead of me teaching all of you, we are going to try pairing up! We have plenty of great hunters and fighters in this clan already, so if you feel like you need a bit of help, come learn a thing or two from them!" the announcement was punctuated with a confident smile, hiding her nervousness about this idea. Unlike her previous attempt, she had never tried anything like this, and it felt uncomfortable delegating the work to her clanmates instead of doing it herself. "If you are confident in your abilities, make your voice known and help out one of your clanmates!"

//this is going to be the beginning of mentorship as the thread title states. ember is going to make it permanent once she sees how well it goes, so if you have a mentor apprentice pair get those characters to work together in this thread if you can. if you cant or dont have one feel free to just pair up with any other character in the thread. also, you can still post in the least thread in this plotline, just wanted to get this up before the gathering.
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Tybalt turned towards the highrock at Emberstar's call. They'd be pairing up for training now. Tybalt lifted his head confidently. He certainly didn't need any training, thank you very much. His parents had trained him from the time he was a small kitten, and he'd been more than confident in his abilities since he was only a few moons old. He didn't speak up though, simply sat back and waited to see who needed his help.

(@QUAILFEATHER time to ruin his life muahuahaha)
Emberstar is still trying things. It's what leaders do, Quail reasons -- it's what young cats do, and it's how they learn. She admires the flame point for getting back up after failure. Had her training session been a bit of a disaster? Sure, but that doesn't mean some order and organization won't fix things.

Her gaze flits around the group of cats, mouth drawn firmly as she waits for a cat to approach her and ask for her assistance.

For whatever reason, they fall on the tawny pelt and nicked ears of the most impudent young cat in the Clan. "Right, then, Tybalt," she says, voice brisk. "Shall we pair up?"

She fully expects him to growl at her or say something rude, but she steels herself to the child, her business mask activated. She isn't going to let him get away with disrespecting her, not today. Emberstar has given them a task, and she intends to fulfill it.

// literally never saw this thread i'm crying i hope it's not too late @Tybalt


At Emberstars' call, the annoyed-looking blue point would emerge from his nest and take a seat. His eyes were still half-closed with sleep, and Leaf couldn't help to grumble at his leaders' cheeriness.

Where in the hell did she even get all that energy? Why? Did she never have a bad day?

Leaf would sit near Tybalt and Quailfeather as the mini-meeting began and he would blink in slight interest at the idea that Emberstar gave about pairing up for teachings. He was intrigued, almost excited, at the idea of teaching another cat how to hunt and fight. His mind flashed back to all of the...less than pleasant training sessions he had had with his father when he was younger, and his claws would subconsciously dig into the ground as he gritted his teeth.

No. He wouldn't be like that. Leaf swore to himself that if any cat chose him as a teacher he would do his best to be better than his father, though truthfully that wasn't a real hard thing to accomplish.

"I'll teach anyone who is willing to learn." Would be the only words spoken from the pointed tom, her tail lashing behind him and he didn't quite realize that with his scowl and flattened ears he looked....less than welcoming.

// He's to be paired with Rev's Palepaw once the time comes!

Tybalt lashed his tail in agitation as Quail approached him. Did she really need to take every opportunity to get under his fur? Besides, he didn’t need her help. He didn’t need anyone’s help. He was plenty capable of hunting and fighting already. His parents had taught him everything he needed to know before he’d even left kithood.

The young tom’s pelt prickled, and he’d opened his mouth to tell her all of this, but as he looked around it quickly became apparent that he’d be expected to pair up with her regardless. “Not like I have a choice,” he grumbled.

“Just know I don’t need your help,” Tybalt growled. “Or anyone else’s, for that matter. I can take care of myself.”
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Emberstar only grinned as she watched the cats below her pair up. The few arguments that cropped up lost among the din. If nothing else, this would at least give her clanmates a reason to get to know each other better. That alone made it worth its time. They weren't just a group of cats living together after all, not in her mind. They were a family!

"I'm of course going to be mentoring as well!" the leader called out enthusiastically. She didn't want to be left out after all. Besides, her friends in the pine group had told her she was a good teacher. She was about to hop down to join in the discussion when a thought hit her. "Oh, by the way," she added, as a bit of an after thought. "To denote apprentices, they wil get paw added to the end of their name. To symbolize that the path their paws are on until they became warriors." She nodded to herself, that sounded cool.
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