private when the owl sings (owl tree discovery) the night is silent

// @TWIG @Slowpoke
An important task had been assigned to the trio on this night. A creature of fearsome size and hooked talons had been spotted several evenings in a row. It isup to them to discover where the tawny owl resides so they can warn the rest of the clan. They walk near the river, ears pricked and eyes on the sky. Howling Wind doesn't know either of these cats well, not yet, but all she can think is how ridiculous that a kittypet had been sent along with them. What help will he provide? His nose isn't trained, his ears unused to the sounds of the forest and pampered eyes never needing to see in the dark. Twig, on the other paw, she hopes is more helpful. "Shall we try near Fourtrees?" She mews, imagining the massive predator living in one of the massive oak trees that bordered the sacred clearing, if not a tree nearby.

Slow had been surprised to be called on for this task, and his only thought beforehand was that he was grateful to have had a nap earlier in the day. Now, with pointed steps, the inky tom slipped behind Twig and Howling Wind. He was determined to stay alert, the forest was daunting enough without the looming threat of an owl nearby. The soft-winged birds were rare in the twoleg place, their silent prowling more common at the fringes. His only encounter with one, hunched below a regimented hedgerow, had impressed upon him just how quiet they can be.

Briefly ignoring the two mollies, he lifted his snout to the wind. It was likely useless this close to camp but his skittish core wouldn't allow him rest. Only the scent of dried grass and earth touched his palette. So caught up in the assessment, Howling Wind's words took several moments to register. "Oh- yeah, yeah sounds good. You know best." A fumbling stutter, his words were weak and distracted. A slice of his mind clawed back- how could he let himself look like such a twit? With a sigh he turned away, one ear still tracking the bark-striped warrior. It was true, she would know the territory better than him.

Inept paws started on the path to the ring of oaks, Slow settling into a lethargic walk. He wanted to be able to bolt at a moment's notice and wasting energy on the way there would only hamper that.



She was a ThunderClanner, she belonged to a group.
It was strange not to be out on her own anymore, last time she had been in the consistent company of cats had been with her parents.

Yet here she was, entrusted so easily to be a part of an important task. They were to figure out where the tawny owl in the territory lived. At first Twig didn't get it... but with some thought she supposed it was probably a good idea to know where the bird lived. Were owls like hawks? Would they snatch cats up...? She shivers at the thought of sharing a home with such a predator.

Hopefully she wouldn't get unexpectantly snatched tonight on their search...

Twig travels behind Slow and Howling, aware she was new and likely held the least authority in this situation. She didn't want to step on toes- not that she usually cared but... she didn't want to find out what happened when you displeased cats in a clan. Not yet anyways.

"Fourtrees?" She echos in question, unsure of the location the two felines were referring to.

Howling Wind nods curtly when the kittypet speaks, her tail flicking in acknowledgment. He was at least endearing - that was something. She still wasn't impressed. She finally turns her head to look over her shoulder when Twig speaks, and she replies, "It's neutral ground just past the stream. Some cats said they've seen it around the WindClan border." They draw closer to said stream, the unnamed lone tree standing just on the other side of it. Suddenly, the screech of an owl cuts through the night air and the tabby freezes, fur bristling as she looks wildly to the sky. "Hide!" She hisses, scurrying under nearby fern.

The dismissive acknowledgement from Howling Wind did not go unnoticed. A flush hit Slow's ears but he let the breeze temper it slightly, enough for him to take a mental note of it. At Twig's query he chose to stay silent. He had passed the oaks on his trek from Windclan territory. Their lofty heights had been striking.

His attention remained split as they plunged on. When the hissed warning was spat out the tom dashed into a low hollow. Roots tangled into heaving flanks, his eyes buzzed across the skyline. "Well we've definitely found it. We... don't have to kill it right?" he huffed out, words barely audible. The thought of tackling the winged assassin certainly wasn't top on his agenda.

Its scratching wails pierced his ears a second more before the sky dropped into silence. The apprehension flooded his bones with frost.