// @TWIG @Slowpoke
An important task had been assigned to the trio on this night. A creature of fearsome size and hooked talons had been spotted several evenings in a row. It isup to them to discover where the tawny owl resides so they can warn the rest of the clan. They walk near the river, ears pricked and eyes on the sky. Howling Wind doesn't know either of these cats well, not yet, but all she can think is how ridiculous that a kittypet had been sent along with them. What help will he provide? His nose isn't trained, his ears unused to the sounds of the forest and pampered eyes never needing to see in the dark. Twig, on the other paw, she hopes is more helpful. "Shall we try near Fourtrees?" She mews, imagining the massive predator living in one of the massive oak trees that bordered the sacred clearing, if not a tree nearby.