sensitive topics why was it me | night terror




-- tw for gore, blood

With the day over with and everyone settling in for the night, Slither finds himself also tired. He's been concentrating so much these days that he's forgotten about the stress that he is actually under. He curls up in the nest he shares with Inkylotus, flexing his little claws against it before he curls up and lays his head down upon the ground. It's still a bit uncomfortable not having anything above his head but he's slowly getting used to it. Mismatched eyes look up to the starry night before finally his gaze lulls him into a deeper and deeper sleep. As the night progresses he starts to struggle in the nest, breathing heavy as if something is going on.

Standing on a dark and heavily cracked thunderpath he feels paralyzed, he can't move. Blood seeps through those cracks, guided to his paws and dying them crimson as he watches the scene before him with horror on his face. In a pool of blood is the broken and torn a part form of his mother. It jolts and snaps, shaking and shivering, bones crack and shift as Briarstar seems to reanimate. Torn flesh drags at the ground as she hoists herself up on legs that shouldn't be capable of holding her up anymore. Guts drag the ground and yet she inches her way closer and closer to him. His breathing quickens and he tries to move but he just can't feel his legs. "P-please, I didn't.... It was an ac-acci-accident. I swear!" Yet she continues to advance upon him and he can hear her ragged breathing, breath smelling of carrion as her dead and blood stained eyes seem to look through him. The moment she gets near him his body jolts, blood cold running through his fur.........

And suddenly he's screaming, oh he is screaming. His throat is raw from how hard he screams. He's kicking his legs and struggling to move, to wake up from his sleep. Jerking fitfully.
nestled close to a few of her clanmates, the sepia apprentice was curled into a bit of a loose ball while she slumbered underneath the open sky. shrewpaw was having a pleasant dream, one where she felt as light as a feather as she made great bounds across the fluffiest of clouds above the moors. it wasn't until a sudden scream broke through the fantasy causing the molly startle awake with a quiet gasp before scrambling into a more upright position to look around the clearing in a disoriented fashion.

were they getting attacked?! ambused by a group of foxes?!

a few heavy heartbeats would pass before shrewpaw just barely managed to adjust to her surroundings that she realized it was nothing of the sort and that the hoarse screaming was coming from a few whisker lengths away. relieved that it wasn't an attack of any sort, the apprentice would push herself up to all fours and investigate just who was screaming bloody murder in the middle of the night. darkened paws would lead her to the nest that houses inkylotus and their newest addition to windclan, slither, who jerked sporadically in their sleep from what she assumed was a nightmare.

an ear would twitch as she listened to the sounds of shuffling which she only assumed meant the screaming didn't just wake her up but others too. gently, shrewpaw placed her paw upon the youngers shoulder and began to shake him in hopes to bring him back to reality.
[ penned by cobi ]

Nightmares weren't normally things that Galepaw experienced. It was very rare, and tonight was no different. His slumber was blessed with dreams filled with fat mice and plump pheasants, each of the richest flavours known to cats! It naturally led to him drooling as he slept, a neat little pool forming beneath his chin. In his dream he was just about to ask a kindly rabbit to have a bite of its succulent flesh when suddenly it began to scream...?

The apprentice was jolted from his sleep in an instant and he scrambled to sit up, his fur sticking out in all directions and a strand of drool hanging from his maw. "Wha... what's going on?" He frantically blinked the sleep from his eyes as his brain tried to catch up with reality. Tracing the source of the commotion he saw that it was Slitherpaw, seemingly caught up in a horrific nightmare.

He slowly approached until he was finally able to stand beside Shrewpaw, who was already trying to poke the other apprentice awake. "Jeez! Seems like a serious one."


When she had first thought of having kits with Lavenderstorm, Hyacinthbreath had dreamed of the gagging and choking of her family as they died right in front of her. Reminded constantly of her failure, of the fact that she shouldn't have survived that day. There wasn't a moment she slept where she didn't dream of what could have become of Mockingbird, her first mate- what could have come between herself and Lavenderstorm, the love of her life. She'd told herself Lavenderstorm would be the one she'd spend the rest of her life with, bad or good, in sickness and in health- but that was ripped from her claws as quick as she thought of it.

The whimpers and shuffling and soft murmurs of worry awakens the silver lynx, blue eyes half-lidded with sleep. Only when she sees the poor Slitherkit kicking his feet in the distance does she stand up and look for Inkylotus. The black-furred tom was curled up with the kit, of course, and Hyacinthbreath wonders how he'll deal with this situation. He cannot see, so perhaps he would deal with it in other ways. She directs a glance towards the two apprentices, shaking her head at them.

"You must wake him up gently, ja? It is not pleasant to be shaken awake from a night terror." She meows softly, her back paw reaching out to forcefully shove at her once-apprentice- almost out of habit after so long of training him. "Wake up, Coldsnap. Fetch some wet moss for the kit."

@Coldpaw | Coldsnap
periwinklekit | 02 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff

Screams of terror pull peri from his daze - staring up at the stars from the edge of the nursery, careful to keep within sight of his worried mother should she wake. He knows his family worries about him sometimes - about his sleeping sickness, and the way he feels so wobbly lately, restless and unable to fall into the pull of sleep and yet bone-heavy exhaustion wears down his limbs. None of this matters however as the cries pierce the air, his fur stands on edge and he's suddenly wide awake, worry dancing in pale gaze as he recognizes warriors and apprentices gathering around slitherkit. Skittishly, the small tom pads over, worried - "Wh-what's wron' with s-s-slither-kit?" he manages, looking up at the nearest adult in terror. They aren't friends yet - or maybe they are? he certainly hadn't said as much, not the way dust had - but he still likes the other tom very much. He doesn't want to see him hurt - doesn't want anyone to be hurt.


Coldsnap head already been wide awake when the kits screaming started. Ears pinning against his sull, he'd tensed in anticipation of some threat only to realize the shrieks of terror were coming from a sleeping child- the new one that Duskfire and Inkylotus seemed to have taken in. Broad shoulders would relax, his tension replaced instead with annoyance. Thanks to Hyacinths unique brand of training his sleep schedule was entirely flipped, and while he no longer had to train with the shecat as her apprentice, often he would still choose to train alone at night- and if the two crossed paths because the shecat had let all her haunting grounds slip during his training, then that wasn't his problem.

Besides, training alone at night with Hyacinth just meant he didn't have to deal with the dayshifts bullshit.

Unsurprisingly, the screaming managed to wake up and scare the piss out of half the clan, and a moment later he was practically shoved out of his nest by Hyacinth, ordering him to fetch some wet moss. A scoff was quick to fall past his lips, tail giving an annoyed flick as he caught himself and shook out his pelt. "Have you already forgotten i'm not your apprentice anymore?" he shot at the shecat, the words seeming to lack their usual barb, but turned to pad off to do as she'd asked all the same, returning a few minutes later with the wet moss.

windclan warrior - male - 8 months - a large, dark grey tabby with yellow eyes

I'll fetch @honeytwist or @Dandelionpaw just in case.” Nodding softly to the gathered group, she'd head off in search of the medicinecat and her apprentice. Seeing as the nursery was already crowded with cats, there wasn't anything useful she could do in the situation. Being that close would only make things worse when the young apprentice awoke.

Dandelionpaw found himself roused and lifted his head, offering Ivoryflight a brief smile before moving to stand and trot on out the den and make his way over to the nursery, with so many cats gathered it was hard to get himself close enough to see what was going on but once he was there he glanced around and took it all in. Slitherkit was crying out, flailing his paws but seemingly still asleep; trapped in a nightmare and unable to awaken. His mismatched gaze widened and then softened in concern before Hyacinthbreath's words fell into his thoughts to push him into action, "Ah-yeah! Give'em some gentle licks, can use the moss too-it'll help. Don't go wakin'em violently or nothin." He was quite sure being woken in a way that jolted him would only cause the kitten more grief and trauma to sort through-he had no idea what it was that had lead to Slitherkit being with them now but he could only imagine it was horrible if it plagued even his brief moments of peace at night.
He wondered if there was anything they could give to help a kit sleep that wouldn't hurt them, too many herbs were meant for adult cats but maybe they could give a single poppy seed? They made you drowsy, helped with shock-he was just worried that it would do the opposite of help and not actually stop the terrors: leaving Slitherkit trapped to fight them alone from the effects of the medicine. The sepia point had prodded Honeytwist a few times before coming here, perhaps she would know better.

Where Dandelionpaw goes, Honeytwist is not far behind, lurking much like a shadow- Dandelion was speaking and Honey steps out from the darkness like a phantom, gaze softening as eyes sweep over the form of Slitherkit. Thrashing, crying, poor thing, as she stares she sees her own babies and she steps forwards even farther. "Give him space. We'll take him to the medicine den so Dandelion and I can monitor." perhaps its selfishness that drives her to speak, a deep breath. Nightmares were terrifying and if she were to give him any poppy seeds then she'd need to make sure his condition and fear does not worsen with the drowsiness it brings.

"We don't know what he's been through, don't shake him, someone get some damp moss." she dips her head to rasp at the top of Slithers head, not minding if thrashing paws came bashing against her face. "Come on, little darling, you're okay."