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  • hi icy someone told me you looked nice today, like, another riverclaner (who is a different one from me) said it, i don't remember who but they said you were really pretty and your fur is shiny they also said that. and that you have nice eyes. it was on
    e of the apprentices i think. i dont rememebr. i just overheard it they were telling someone about the prettiest people and i thought you should know they said you, because you're pretty and your really nice so you deserve to know when people think that you're pretty
    which people do, think that, everyone thinks it probably. you're like super cool and also a great fighter. like a REALLY great fighter its so cool and amazing. i mean that's what they said anyway. because i overheard that too, people just say nice things about you. a lot. have a nice day bye
    oh-- oh. i... can you. tell them that i am expressing gratitude? and also that their eyes are pretty. i mean-- yeah-- yes. yes. tell them... that.
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