Recent content by AGATERAIN.


    development Deaf with Fear ☣ Panicking

    Agaterain has dealt with his fair share of fear and internalized thoughts. Some of which made it incredibly hard to breath, try as he might. So when Silentkit barreled into him and curled up, he recognized the signs. "Silentkit?" he softly asked, crouching down but not daring to touch him. "Can...

    pafp WHAT'S IN STORE - gossiping

    Agaterain had felt better about life since he and Stonestrike had made up. The insecurities and loathing in his head didn't vanish, not at all, but at least he wasn't lonely. Not by a longshot. The omen weighed heavy on his mind, and the image still would pop into his head, making him feel...

    private ROCK OF AGES - stonestrike

    Mismatched eyes landed on his brother's lilac-colored pelt, and Agaterain breathed in. It'd been a long while since they'd talked one on one. Since they'd much of anything together, really. He missed Stonestrike. Missed the days where they'd take things from other people, when the treasure hoard...


    It was a day he'd never thought would come. Every failure had pushed his self confidence down. When he passed his assessment, he half assumed it was just luck, or a cruel joke. Or pity. Whatever it was, it was still a success. Not just for him, but for many others too. Stonepaw, Plumpaw...

    pafp and that's what you missed - tense energy

    When it came to Stonepaw, Agatepaw felt mostly guilt. Regret. But also inferiority. The driving force behind his decision in a heat of the moment decision. But there was no turning back for the bi-colored tom now. He would deal with it. Even if he missed talking and hanging out with his best...

    development SINKING THROUGH TIME \ disappearance

    Sleeplessness knew Agatepaw all too well, and yet the one night he succumbed to sweet slumber for a while rather than just pretending... His mismatched eyes were wide, and he shuddered upon hearing Marblepaw's voice, asking where Mirestar had went. He didn't know. He didn't know and that...

    private AN OUTSTRETCHED HAND - talonpaw

    "Oh..." Agatepaw murmured softly, ears twitching as he looked at the frog. "Uh..." Would it be weird to...? "We should share it," he stated softly. "We both have to keep our energy up. And... and it's like... rationing? Kinda? Maybe? I don't really know." So smart, wow. He mentally chastised...

    pafp READ THE NEWS, PASS THE TIME [🐦‍⬛] fortifying dens

    Humming as he went, Agatepaw wasn't really paying attention to his fellow apprentice around him at first. It was a good day, despite the cold, and the task was simple enough for him to do. However, his ears twitched when he was addressed and he paused his weaving. "Oh, uh... Well... I'm not the...

    do you hear the people sing`- phase iv, material gathering

    The cold was angry and biting, and Agatepaw felt it. Just like his previous endeavors, he started by looking in the thorns for feathers. Unfortunately, there was nothing. He let out a noise of disapproval before he began to search for the place where he found some ferns the last time. His paws...

    camp A PENNY IN THE COUCH \ celebration

    Agatepaw looked at Branchpaw with a sense of empathy. If it had been Mudfern, he was certain he’d not be up to celebrating their achievements. He had not grieved someone he truly held dear before. Chilledstar and Smogstar, yes, but not someone who had raised him. Though, in a way, he supposed...

    private AN OUTSTRETCHED HAND - talonpaw

    Agatepaw found himself a little lonely these days. Things had been better under Swansong's tutelage and ever since he came out, but he missed Stonepaw. At least a little. But it was better this way. Stonepaw didn't need him. Stonepaw was strong and independent and so much better than Agatepaw...

    SNUGGLE UP IN BED - material gathering [PHASE 2]

    He remembered looking in the briars for feathers and such with Swansong before. Maybe this time, Agatepaw wouldn’t screw it up. He followed the warriors in the patrol, hoping that this time would be different. If not for bedding, a feather would certainly keep the kittens entertained, but it...

    PENTAGRAMS IN THE NIGHT SKY ☽。⋆ windclan territory hunting patrol

    Agatepaw wasn’t sure how he felt about hunting on another Clan’s territory, but if it meant he and his Clanmates might be well fed… He’d take that chance, especially if it made him useful. He looked to Plumpaw after her failure, and shot her a sympathetic look - he knew he might be in a similar...

    camp PERSERVERANCE - coming out

    Agatepaw took a deep breath in, staring at his parents in front of him. Mudfern and Shadenight looked at him expectantly, albeit with worry in their eyes. They knew about the falling out, they knew he had been struggling, and now they would know about… this. “Please don’t be mad,” he whispered...

    oneshot REFLECT - development

    Agatepaw would not be the first to come to such a conclusion, and likely not the last. But the thought of it soothed... him. Him. It soothed him. Him, him, him. His, his, his. He, he, he. It sounded good. It sounded nice to him. He liked it. Maybe it wasn't just the he felt that Stonepaw was...