There hadn't been a time for Betonyfrost to languish in the medicine for long enough that her emergences was notable. She had never been so weak, or she has never been so hurt. Lilacfur reacquaints herself with movement and with the subtle changes to one's body injury of any amount can make...
Her position is perhaps a unique one—old enough to have clear memories of both a time before ShadowClan and of it's inception, but young enough at the time to have not known the importance of it. Betonyfrost thinks over the apprentice's question—recalls the transitions from one leader to the...
Wilted ears tilt to the muffled sounds of kits' voices and then immediately fold in annoyance. Betonyfrost stirs from a restless sleep. Her body is the kind of ache that can only be born from inaction and her fur is flattened into odd angles—how long has she been laying down? When she rises she...
Although she doesn't know exactly when she fell into a restless sleep, Betonyfrost does wake having already remembered what brought her out of camp. There wasn't a world or a lifetime in which Betonyfrost could have stayed for that vigil—that burial. She couldn't live to watch it, her pelt...
It is only a mild concern that finds Betonyfrost when a sizable patrol returns to camp. It is something in the way they all carry themselves—Betonyfrost knows what bad news looks like. She braces herself, sharp shoulders pointing up from her back and head loweres, as Mirepurr speaks in a weak...
Betonyfrost knows cold better than most. Others cannot look at her and ignore that fact—she wears her experience on the top of her head. Sharpshadow's snide voice rankles Betonyfrost more than she thought it would—maybe she was missing her ears. They fold now but, before she can find something...
"Tell yourself those kits are harmless if it makes your conscious clear," She spits, and this is as calmly as she can speak at the moment, "I'm sure after the moons pass us by and we find the first of many bodies—I'm sure we'll all hang our heads and say that we had no way to know such a cat was...
Under normal circumstances the bulk of Betonyfrost's feelings are acknowledged only in passing and always as insults. Subtly had never come to Betonyfrost about her love, even in the start when it was butterflies and daisies. Now that it is hunger, now that Betonyfrost knows starvation, there...
Betonyfrost can so easily recall ShadowClan's own fire and the lean moons that had followed. She had been among those who had ventured into ThunderClan's territory, paws uncertain on the dry ground. It was different than this—ShadowClan had been owed a meal while WindClan had already taken far...
The anger that sparks so suddenly in Betonyfrost’s chest is a familiar one. It feels like her jealousy—it says this is mine and it says you’ve stepped into a space that belongs to me. It isn’t protectiveness that drives her forward in three ground eating bounds, her back arched higher than her...
It isn't a notable thing to Betonyfrost when Smogmaw diverts the patrol. Neither is it notable when he takes his claws to the Burnt Sycamore's flank—the only notable thing it has ever done has been to burn. Her wilted ears don't perk until Smogmaw speaks on how soothing it is to dig his claws...
"An honor," Betonyfrost shakes her head as she speaks; quiet disagreement. It hadn't felt like an honor at the time; it didn't feel like an honor now. Betonyfrost had been born at the correct time, or she had been born at the incorrect time. Perhaps her life would be easier for her to swallow...
It is easy for Betonyfrost to imagine that her life is divided into a series of befores and afters—there are a dozen or so that she could choose from as defining moments. The marsh colony is doubtless a before to the after of ShadowClan. At the time, Betonyfrost hadn’t felt the significance in...
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