Recent content by candorosa

  1. candorosa


    Chickadeepaw [♀] - Apprentice - A tall blue silver rosette tabby with a white freckled face and blue eyes - @chickadeepaw
  2. candorosa


    Parsnippaw [⚥] - Apprentice - a fawn tortie with white and bright green eyes @parsnip
  3. candorosa

    "The Sewers" Rogue Mini-Family Adopts

    name. nameless - responds to anything so long as he knows you're referring to him. most of his names come from what different twolegs would call him when he would beg for food. (for the sake of referring to him you can just call him "cat") gender. cis male sexuality. bisexual biromantic age. 29...
  4. candorosa

    "The Sewers" Rogue Mini-Family Adopts

    👀 ... i might . apply w cat for this, tracking for now
  5. candorosa

    gap between a tragedy and comedy / storage

    this is still a wip its probs gonna look ugly for a hot min ough i. "cat" (casual) ii. parsnippaw iii. chickadeepaw
  6. candorosa

    omg testing & storage

    [font=courier new][size=17px][outline=#231619]SHE SAID "IT JUST FEELS INHUMANE TO LOSE THIS MUCH!"
  7. candorosa

    omg testing & storage

    o. the fool NAME GENERAL ⤸ name ― nicknames ― pronunciation ― meaning ↳ optional notes AGE ― aging rate ↳ birthday ― created DATE gender ― pro/nouns group ― rank ― no titles RELATIONSHIPS ⤸ name xx name [g?] ↳ notes orientations ― single? ― no crushes ― ½ of ? ↳ notes APPEARANCE ⤸ basic...
  8. candorosa

    omg testing & storage

    time for me to fill a thread w messy codes n whatever else comes to mind!!
  9. candorosa


    hi everyone!! it's nice to meet u all !! ill def reach out if i have any questions thank u all so much <33 n omg hi sae, willie n cosmo!! (sorry idk if u'd like me to refer to u guys as the names i know u as or as ur users 😭) it's so nice to see u guys again, im excited to rp with y'all...
  10. candorosa


    hi! im candorosa but u can call me cand or anything else i dont rlly mind. im once again leaving my hermit cave to join a catsite bc i have no self control <3 happy to meet u if i dont know u and happy to see u again if i did!!