Recent content by claythorn

  1. claythorn

    camp MYSTIC EYES = [ cleaning nests out ]

    Her breath curled white in the air when she stepped free of the nursery. Her kits were near-grown, ready for their names next month. She herself was ready to get back to work- her paws itched to move, her heart yearned to be free of the trap called 'the nursery'. Mismatched goldens lowered to...
  2. claythorn

    camp set me free ࿐࿔ december '24 meeting

    She had been watching from the nursery- once again, to make sure her own didn't scatter amongst the crowd. Though, they were permitted to actually listen this time, sitting just beside or behind her. Mismatched goldens watch their leader take her perch. Despite the look in Lichenstar's eyes, she...
  3. claythorn


    Since she had sat despondent, aware of how she had lost Otterbite, there had been plenty of thinking done. If Claythorn hadn't been limited by his fears, if she had fought despite being a queen, if she hadn't put her claws down for him to begin with.. he'd be alive. No, there was no mistaking...
  4. claythorn

    private winter wonderland ❀ claythorn

    The ache in her heart had slowly subsided with time, with meals, with company. Loveburn was the first to urge her out of the stunned state she had been in- closely followed by her smallest daughter. She had been taking the time to rest, to let her brood be watched by other kits, to tuck her nose...
  5. claythorn

    sensitive topics COCKTAIL MOLOTOV [ despondent ]

    Loveburn wasn't someone she had interacted with much- his sibling was her best friend, arguably, and Beefang.. well, Beefang was a cat in her orbit, at least more then Loveburn. Still, guarded eyes flicked towards him as he approached, seemingly wary. She stares for a long moment as Loveburn...
  6. claythorn

    sensitive topics COCKTAIL MOLOTOV [ despondent ]

    // tw for grief and heavy themes!! Claythorn's eyes were glazed over. She had sat down like normal, ready to protect her kits from running out of camp. They weren't playing like they had been before she told them. Their wails, something that broke her heart to even begin to remember...
  7. claythorn

    camp IT'S JUST BEGUN [ return from sunningrocks ]

    She pushes from the nursery at the clamor, the rising calls, of those who return from the battle. A dulled sword, one that had not been chosen for the fight. Her eyes flashed with devout attention to all those that walked, and.. well, those that didn't. Her vision swept across the mass of red...
  8. claythorn

    and did the twin flame bruise paint you blue? — fire

    CRACK! Claythorn awakes with a start, having dozed off at some point. Her ears are ringing, eyes narrowed against the flash of light across the distance... and then the flames began. She's in a panic then. Counting, always counting, always ensuring her young are near or safe. Dropletkit finds...
  9. claythorn

    I WILL PREVAIL [ moonbeam ]

    Claythorn doesn't think of her father often. No, she hardly thinks of her mother, really. Those thoughts are best left drowning in the riverbed. The very beings that gave her life cast her out, dug their claws into her flesh and rended her as not theirs, unwanted, meat to be eaten. A sickening...
  10. claythorn

    no angst FIGHT NIGHT!! + sparring round one!

    Claythorn looks... akin to a ghast. But she was here- she was making the effort to stand in front of Valesight, but her head was throbbing, and her eyes felt like they had sand in them. Valesight was.. a peer. She remembered trying to defend him- or was she trying to fight him- during...
  11. claythorn

    pafp doctor doctor, what's my diagnosis? // cleaning the nursery

    Her eyes are narrowed, slitted, at the nursery as she hesitates in front of it. She can hear Lilacbird and Warblerpaw talking to one another, Robinheart too- her own kits scampered about camp while the warriors and apprentices worked together on making the nursery safe again. But all Claythorn...
  12. claythorn

    pafp hot girl bummer anthem // flirting

    Claythorn looks on in near-silence at the events. She feels.. perhaps similar to what Carawaysong does- sarcasm, humor. Her vision shifts alongside those in front of her, Salmonshade trying her damndest to find her footing in this conversation where Carawaysong and Cherrytwist seemed to float...
  13. claythorn

    camp to come home ࿐࿔ reclaiming camp

    Her paw is still sore when Lichenstar takes the helm once more to announce their imminent return. Ears twitch weakly, and she picks her head up from where she has slumbered. Here, in the beach copse, she did her best to keep her kits alongside her- to keep her, and them, fed as much as possible...
  14. claythorn

    let me know what you find out. i mean what

    let me know what you find out. i mean what
  15. claythorn

    Doctor Worm | triage and wounded check-in

    Dropletkit is still in her jaws by the time the flame-wreathed cat arrives, her eyes narrowed and on a limp that she cannot ignore, gait awkward and breathing ragged. It isn't until she is passing Lichenstar and Salmonshade, eyes adverted with heavy guilt that was near sickening, and closest to...