fennel's latest activity

  • fennel
    fennel reacted to emily ★'s post in the thread hiatus with Love Love.
    hello! i'm not going to leave any type of long-winded explanation as to why i'm taking a hiatus from the site, but i feel recent events...
  • fennel
    fennel reacted to AVA's post in the thread bye bye with Love Love.
    I'm sorry your experience has been poor on Tabby Tales, Jester. We strive to make everyone feel welcomed here and I'm sorry we weren't...
  • fennel
    fennel reacted to beatae's post in the thread bye bye with Love Love.
    jester, the feelings you have regarding your experiences are completely valid and deserved to be brought up for the improvement of ppl...
  • fennel
    fennel reacted to jester's post in the thread bye bye with Love Love.
    @scar @TAYLOR @yeomna @Jadefeather12 aww tysm you guys are so nice !! i really appreciate your kind messages and i'm really glad to hear...