Recent content by Palemoon

  1. Palemoon

    someone to you — palemoon

    Palemoon's fall and the inevitable fore coming of her blindness lead to her becoming an elder after a discussion with Orangestar. Her ghostly blue was now fixating a blinded haze covering the cataracts, her vision at approximately now almost completely gone. Her blindness didn't stop her from...
  2. Palemoon

    development WITHERING [FALL]

    Even as her blindness persisted, Palemoon sought to maintain her independence by doing things without relying on others. The lynx point found herself out in the territory as she gazes upon a tree and allows her paws to feel the bark, her nerves tingling slightly. Everything will be fine. She...
  3. Palemoon

    pafp carry me back home — returning

    Time often flies whenever she's with Duskpool, which is clear evidence of how she enjoys time with him. She enjoyed relishing in the night until the sun rose over the horizons with him by her side. The sunrise reflected his molten honey gaze with their ranging from yellow to red, even if his...
  4. Palemoon

    back to you — palemoon

    Her ghostly blue eyes crease as she giggles softly as he touches her cheek. ”Mm... you're not wrong...” Palemoon responds with as her face softens in an affectionate smile. A gentle purr radiates from her frame as she gives a quick stretch. She watches the tom in the momentary silence and takes...
  5. Palemoon

    pafp you are here and so am i || camp tour

    The beautiful she-cat slinks forth and offers a soft smile towards Florabreeze, a soft purr rumbling from her. ”Ah... How are the... kits doing, Flora...?” Palemoon asks softly with a purr as she rubs a mismatched white and fawn paw against her right eye, glancing towards the nursery...
  6. Palemoon

    border mischief in the making ] rogues

    The strange scent of rogues tingled on her nose and she instinctively finds the grace of the stars guiding her toward them. A gentle hum leaves the ethereal beauty's lips as she slinks into the opening and eventually stops before the rogues, a blockade to their little prancing on their...
  7. Palemoon

    back to you — palemoon

    A gentle chuckle parts her lips as she rests in Duskpool's embrace, crooning. ”...They work in mysterious ways...” Palemoon coos softly after listening to the words of the rugged tom. His colossal frame shadows her as he sinks into her like jello, and the sight instantly makes her heart tinge...
  8. Palemoon


    A soft yawn leaves the old beauty's jaws as the two bellow and scream at each other, glancing at Duskpool as she leans into the comfort of his shoulder. In the past, Robinsky was one of the few elders in the den, but now it is filled with those who retired due to their age. A plush tail sways...
  9. Palemoon

    back to you — palemoon

    She felt a mysterious pull from the stars today, leading her to wander without purpose. Her small paws felt every blade of grass, the gentle breeze of the world around her tickled her whiskers. Ghostly pale blues closed as she seemed to accept the inevitable fate of her future, and soon a...
  10. Palemoon


    Another day, another moon. Had it been that long already? Time passed like clockwork and there was never enough time, it seemed. The call of the scarred orange-and-white leader brought her forth to the High branch as a ghostly blue gaze flicks across everyone who already gathered. Orangestar...
  11. Palemoon

    little talks — palemoon

    ”... Hmph ...” Palemoon would pout quietly after his statement, ghostly blues closing as his nose bumps against her temple. Once he finished his affectionate touch finished, long lashes flutter as her eyes open, meeting a molten gaze momentarily. In contrast to Duskpool, Palemoon didn't think...
  12. Palemoon

    little talks — palemoon

    Palemoon enjoyed the comfort and warmth from her close friend, and it was something she wouldn't trade for the world. Duskpool had a rugged life and experienced many death-facing situations, but he always prevailed and made it onto the next day. Sometimes, his stubbornness would finally be...
  13. Palemoon

    private THE MOON IN THE DUSKY SKY - palemoon

    A chirpy series of 'hey' catches her attention as she glances down at the small grandchild of Duskpool, offering a soft smile. How cute... Palemoon would think as it seems as the child observes her, beautiful droopy eyes blinking slowly. Oriolekit seems to be in a daze as she gazes upon her, a...
  14. Palemoon

    little talks — palemoon

    While he may consider he was or wasn't a good grandfather, it was obvious he was better than most grandparents and parents in general compared to some out there. He voluntarily took time out of his day, gave them the love and attention which they deserved. His grandchildren loved him dearly and...
  15. Palemoon

    little talks — palemoon

    The soft breeze brushes against her face, a light ruffle of her wavy mane but mostly blocked by her close friend's stocky frame. A fiercely vibrant amber gaze burning into her soft coat which catches the attention of her half-open ghostly blues, a gentle smile curling at the corner of her lips...