Recent content by pebbletail

  1. pebbletail

    camp FOGGY MORNINGS / official move

    PEBBLETAILHE/HIM RIVERCLAN LEAD WARRIOR white splashed paws kneed gently at the earth, river-dappled ears flicking as the tomcat fusses and preens around his mate. "i'm sure, lovely," he purrs, warmth soaking his tone as he pushes the bundle of moss and feathers towards the nursery. tail hovered...
  2. pebbletail

    Just Fish - Otterpaw Intro!

    PEBBLETAILHE/HIM RIVERCLAN LEAD WARRIOR crouched by the bank with his apprentice, the young man doesn't notice otterpaw's attempts at first. his amber gaze fixes upon ryepaw's form as the smaller girl crouches, attempting her best fisher's crouch. "good," he praises, tapping his tail against the...
  3. pebbletail


    PEBBLETAILHE/HIM RIVERCLAN LEAD WARRIOR chill still forms frost-like patterns within his lungs, bites at his ear tips, which are now too damaged from kithood to return fully. it bites at the scrapes on his body, the one clawmark there from midnightash hidden amongst the others caused by the...
  4. pebbletail

    private tethered to the stars // pebbletail

    PEBBLETAILHE/HIM RIVERCLAN LEAD WARRIOR "stars, snow, i forgot to tell you," white dashed whiskers twitch, a playful nudge to his mate's body. "my mom - er, lichenstar - confronted me the other day. she said hazecloud was practically bursting at the seams to know what was up with us." a humored...
  5. pebbletail

    sensitive topics the scent of night ࿐࿔ cunning

    PEBBLETAILHE/HIM RIVERCLAN LEAD WARRIOR dull anger fights with stinging pain as the tomcat pushes against his mother’s shoulder, aiding her journey home. his body feels like its shaking, adrenaline and fear mixed into a hellish cocktail as he ducks through the reeds and into camp. his sister’s...
  6. pebbletail

    border DYING DAYS OF THE HOLOCENE \ large skyclan patrol

    PEBBLETAILHE/HIM RIVERCLAN LEAD WARRIOR swirling blue and white, the river’s own child makes himself known beside his sister - cool colors contrast her warmer looks, though burning amber eyes alight upon the skyclan patrol in much the same manner. cleared from the medicine den days ago, it has...
  7. pebbletail

    pafp subtle grace of gravity ࿐࿔ new-leaf hopes

    PEBBLETAILHE/HIM RIVERCLAN LEAD WARRIOR the soft conversation reaches the frostbitten ears of the young man as he rests outside of the medicine den. raising his white patched head, pebbletail listens quietly as his mother and her former apprentice converse, comfortable with each other, though...
  8. pebbletail

    GURENGE \ border patrol

    PEBBLETAILHE/HIM RIVERCLAN LEAD WARRIOR striding along beside his mother, the blue furred tom finds himself slightly distracted. a yawn stretches his jaw, eyes sandy from tiredness. the rising sun warms his dappled back, a chilled breeze not unpleasant wafting through his mane of fur. as...
  9. pebbletail

    ROAR OF THE KRAKEN [hunting]

    PEBBLETAILHE/HIM RIVERCLAN LEAD WARRIOR "hey, no worries crabchill!" the chipper voice of the man rings throughout the forest as he follows his patrol leader out towards the river. pebbletail is content to take a backseat in this particular patrol - he is well aware of the ginger tom's anxieties...
  10. pebbletail

    development aren't you glad | open; near drowning

    PEBBLETAILHE/HIM RIVERCLAN LEAD WARRIOR darkness shrouds the tomcat's vision, blurring in on all sides as he feels his body begin to sink. all air has left his lungs, water beginning to trickle in even as he fights. above, a shadow falls across the sunlit ice, a muted yowl reaching his ears...
  11. pebbletail

    girl help ive drifted out to sea

    girl help ive drifted out to sea
  12. pebbletail

    private tethered to the stars // pebbletail

    PEBBLETAILHE/HIM RIVERCLAN LEAD WARRIOR pebbletail’s heart sings when splashdance is nearby. not a loud, proud song, nothing too exuberant or rowdy. simply a lovely gentle tune, one of stories and myths, a lullaby. it’s singing now as they walk along, both stolen away from their duties for a...
  13. pebbletail

    development aren't you glad | open; near drowning

    PEBBLETAILHE/HIM RIVERCLAN LEAD WARRIOR she spits fire back at him but he does not flinch. eyes hardened into frozen amber, lips curled in an outraged snarl, pebbletail holds his ground. he is not the clanmate-pleasing, obedient, pushover he had been in apprenticeship. he is not bound to his...
  14. pebbletail

    development aren't you glad | open; near drowning

    (☼) guilt gnaws at the man like a desperate warrior gnaws on ever dwindling prey. with every shard of happiness comes the stinging remorse, angry even as it makes him, that midnightash must suffer this way. she is a formidable warrior, trained by a former lead, and now a lead herself in her own...
  15. pebbletail

    advice for new lead warriors how to get others to listen to you how young is too young to be a...

    advice for new lead warriors how to get others to listen to you how young is too young to be a lead? is it ok to boss around your friends if you're in charge of them? date ideas