In the future, he may scold himself for going back in the blizzard, for he already went out in search of food for the clan. He returned empty pawed. Some might have said that he had done enough and should retire for the day, but he refused to sleep in warmth without bringing something for...
It's times like these he curses his pelt. His short fur does little to keep him warm, but judging from Willowroot who had been blessed with long fur... Looks like everyone's doomed. The silver tom can barely make out her orders against the howling wind, his frame trembling, teeth chattering. The...
I can't help but agree! This will feed a good lot of us! The exhaustion ebbs away at the sheer sight of their haul. Dare say he was ready to swim laps through the frigid river after a bit or two. Oh, how the lack of food had gotten to him. Leaf Bare was always difficult, but this one had seemed...
Despite Cloudpaw's energy, it wasn't enough to stop the air from being suffocating. He is well aware of why. Iciclefang and Lichenstar are here. Without a doubt, Lichenstar knows the truth of Iciclefang's kits. When he volunteered he didn't expect for both mollies to volunteer as well...
The cool winds cause the tom to shiver, his fur bristling. After what transpired at sunningrocks, throwing himself into tasks prevented his mind from running rampant. He didn't need to think about Iciclefang or her kits. No, he needed to continue with his duties. They had won the battle, but...
Of course, Iciclefang would not understand. He can't help the chuff that leaves his maw, when she snorts. The time for it is wrong, but she is not wrong. You hear that Ferndance? She called us romantic. "I will stand there. My children don't need to know who I am. I will forgive them, after all...
The silver tom is beside Snakeblink, like the warrior beside him, fighting is something he dreads. Pikesplash is not known as the fiercest warrior. He is known as a weakling, a coward, and a traitor. There were things he can't take back and if asked he would say without a doubt he would break...
The only reason why he had volunteered had been because of Snakeblink. Even through everything the tom was never cruel with him. Their friendship may have been a little strained, but he will always be grateful towards Snakeblink. After all, it was Snakeblink who told him that there was a place...
The clan needed food and maybe it wasn't the best of times to try his luck with trying to catch land prey such as voles, shrews, or rabbits (if they somehow ran into one). Pikesplash many moons ago had arrived to Riverclan with a collar and a shiny bell attached to it. He had recalled many cats...
Yet again the winds have become frigid. The sun rises only to fall quickly. The period of darkness they find themselves in has increased, and yet he finds himself pulled by the moon. Despite the chill that passes through his bones, he finds himself near the water's edge, lost in thought. Faintly...
One would think Pikesplash had grown out of listening to gossip, but that is one thing that has never changed. Perhaps that is where his daughter Splashdance had gotten it from. Although, if he's being honest. While he hasn't grown too old for gossip, it seems like the gossip around camp has...
While he is grateful that his family was not lost to the flood, many have been swept away by it. Blackpaw was one of many who had been swept away, and ever since then he's been watching Ravendusk search tirelessly for his apprentice. Pikesplash understands it. He has mentored Catfishleap and...
Sablemist had been gone for far too long. He couldn't say that he was close to the younger warrior, but he did know her mother. Boneripple, who he had failed before. Before her mother had disappeared she still had not lost a limb. It was when he had brought her to a monster he stumbled across...
The warrior had experienced many greenleafs and leafbares within Riverclan. When he had joined the clans he was much younger, he'd only experienced one full season before he showed up at Riverclan, a collar in tow. Pikesplash had been a kittypet. He didn't know how to hunt or fight and yet...
Pikesplash has become accustomed to Lichentail making announcements to them, but what he is not prepared for her is not sitting atop the river rock. Instead, she opts to weave herself among them as if they were equals. Her opening statement confounds him. The fish... What? Like stand and walk on...
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