

Redpath of the Bloody Tides

Age: 3 years (36 moons)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual

Redpath is a large fiery colored molly with mismatched golden and sapphire eyes. Her coat is medium length, shining in the light. She holds her looks with pride and can often be seen grooming to keep up her appearance. Her muscles are fine tuned from swimming and can be seen rippling under her pelt at times. Her claws are sharp and her teeth are just as.



Redpath is cheerful and excitable, sometimes forgetting she is as big as she is. She is silly and sometimes immature, but is a fully capable adult and will step up to a situation if need be. She uses her size to intimidate and her piercing glare to strike fear into her enemies or gain order. Her voice is strong, which helps her speak with authority if she ever has to.

Redpath is not afraid to draw blood. She is not afraid to kill. It is something she is numb to, probably needs therapy over, and will avoid the subject of why she is like that. It is not a side often shown, but her name is Redpath for a reason. She is fierce, and will protect her clanmates by any means necessary and stars help you if you're on the other side of those claws.




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    Can't stop!

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    30 messages posted. You must like it here!
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