private ˙✧˖° Of earthly plunder | Graypaw ༘ ⋆。˚


You're a desperate man. What is the cause?
Aug 27, 2024
Fascinating is the sight that Blackwater had stopped to behold, however he is not anchored to his post some short distance away by confusion nor shock, but rather intrigue. A young tom, pacing back and forth across the familiar riverbank that snaked endlessly around RiverClan's territory, the symphony brought forth by its endless torrent and the visual of a steady ebb and flow something that brought the splotched tabby a great deal of comfort many a lonely night. Given the former, it would be of little surprise to find him back here, beckoned by the water's call to which he would answer without fail, though now it seemed he was not the only one to be summoned by it.

Blackwater slunk soundlessly closer, his head craning forward warily in an attempt to gain a clearer visual of what it was the apprentice was looking for. His deep teal eyes were so eager to hone into the movement of the other they failed to break their focus in favor of anything else, resulting in his outstretched paw to hit something unexpectedly hard and slightly damp- a pile of meticulously stacked pebbles that had now been scattered every which way, the sound of clattering sediment making his presence known. He startled slightly when the other cat's eyes met his, glancing down at the misplaced collection undoubtedly made by the other.

"I'm sorry." His gravelly voice was curt and carried no sign of genuine remorse, however his gaze was sympathetic. "I didn't realize you were on a mission." There was a moment of mutual silence between them, and it was clear to Blackwater that he was certainly an unexpected presence. "...What is it you're doing, exactly?"
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  • ooc: @Graypaw
  • 87824601_19tbMJIMInii6Ec.png
    SH blue tabby/blue chimera with low white. born to riverclan and eternally devoted to their ranks, he often prioritizes the wellbeing of others over himself and is prone to doing much more than he is physically capable of as a means to prove not only to others that he is deserving of his position, but also to himself. although not something he displays externally, he is imbittered and melancholic regarding his physical ailments and incapability. despite this repressed mental unrest, he is quite laid-back and gentle towards those around him, often content to converse and connect to any who may desire it- although admittedly, he is not the most observant or quick-witted when it comes to recognizing social cues.
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The elders once told him a story. A tale of a cat who, every single day, would push a large rock to the top of a mountain and every single time he got to the top the rock would go tumbling right back down again. An impossible task, to get that rock to the top of the mountain, but every sunrise that determined cat would start all over again. "Why?" Graykit had asked "Because he must was the elders answer. Back then, he hadn't understood, but he does now.

His sleep is anything but restful. Every night, he lays his head down on that mossy bed and when he closes his eyes he sees it on repeat, that awful day. When he had awoken from a particularly bad dream in which it had happened again this time with Claythorn's kits, he had gotten up and set out on a mission. A mission to ensure no other kit befell the same fate as Streamkit.

After his training, his body ached for his nest, for a patch of shade and a tongue to rasp over his still-damp pelt, but instead he turned towards the camp, his features set in a determined line as he got to work collecting all the pebbles, meticulously combing the sand until his eyes burned from the strain. Whenever he found one, he would bring it to the pile with all the others.

The sun is starting to set by the time he feels ready to push the rocks he had gathered into the river. He turns, green eyes flashing, only to hear a clatter of stones tumbling against one another, his pile scattering. Distantly, he think of that cat the elders told him about. "It's okay" he says, but the strain in his voice conveys the tiredness that he feels in his bones, in his soul, as he moves forward to once again set them into a pile, his movements sluggish. His ear flicks as Blackwater asks what he's doing. "Getting rid of all the rocks in the camp" he murmurs softly in response, pale gray fur and sightless eyes flashing in his mind.

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  • 87416503_aDBREL7FbwZvPsF.png
    A plush coated apprentice with a pelt marbled in varying shades of gray and white. He has dull green eyes and a tall stature. Most of his personality can be described as carefree though some also say that unmotivated is a more than apt term. His trust and love is easily won through praise but he will do little work to receive it.
    easy in battle + no formal training