private ˙ ˖ ✶ a blazing course ┊ little wolf.

This morning the grass is fresh and dewy beneath their paws, twins black and white striding at equal paces across the plush meadows. The sun is a cool white thing smothered behind a downy nest of cloud, creeping across the jagged blue spires of mountains distant. Cherrypaw stifles a yawn. Someone had roused them all early today, claiming the placid weather as enough reason to get moving, and Cherrypaw couldn't complain hard enough to stall the tide of rising cats.

She trots alongside Little Wolf for now, only a couple whisker-lengths away from the rest of the herd with the black molly. It's not like she doesn't trust her though—among all the non-SkyClanners, Little Wolf might be the one she trusted the most. Scorchpaw was fun to run around with, and Fernpaw was nice to talk to, but Little Wolf she could trust to the extent that she did Orangeblossom. "Do you think I'd be part of TigerClan, LionClan, or LeopardClan?" Cherrypaw wonders aloud, glancing at the lithe ThunderClanner. She'd been there for at least one of her storytelling sessions; it was too easy to make it all about herself.

ooc: @LITTLE WOLF, takes place between the rockslide & cliff-climbing​

There is nothing in the world that Little Wolf enjoys more than telling stories. It is something her mother had done for her as a kit, and she always would remember how they made her felt. Her eyes would be full of wonder as she imagined herself and her sister as great warriors of LionClan, their pelts golden like the sun. Nothing would ever dare challenge them if they were like the great beasts of old. Not a badger or fox or even twolegs. She would wrestle with her sister and declare that she would be taking what had been the nursery of sorts in the marshes for LionClan's territory, that one day LionClan would rule the forest and they would be kind enough to allow the other cats to live in peace under their rule. She was grown now, but she still looks back on those memories fondly, still feels the joy she had once felt when she was a kit when she tells her stories to the youth and watches them play in a similar manner.

When Cherrypaw falls into step next to her, Little Wolf doesnt mind in the slightest. Her tail, which flies straight in the air like a banner, waves in greeting and she offers the tortoiseshell a warm smile. Her question is an unexpected one and Little Wolf finds her whiskers twitching ever so slightly as her face alights with amusement. "Hmmmm" she says, studying the young apprentices features carefully "LeopardClan is swift but sure. TigerClan is cunning and sneaky and LionClan is strong and brave. I think you most resemble LionClan. It was very brave of you to come on such a journey, and you are very strong to have made it all this way" she knows that had she been Cherrypaw's age she would've been terrified to come, to leave her mother and all her family behind.

  • ooc : — ​

  • 69550785_AWuqgyCUN35Qx9x.png

    ➵ she / her
    ➵ thunderclan warrior
    ➵ single
    ➵ bisexual
    ➵ small black she cat with green eyes
    ➵ toyhouse [ ]

Little Wolf's verdant gaze gently caresses her face, eyes twinkling the plush green of a dew-glazed meadow. Her answer is thoughtful, sketched out through a quaint revisit of the ancient clans Cherrypaw is beginning to know so well. LeopardClan is the one whose warriors all have spots instead of tabby stripes, neither of which dapple Cherrypaw's patched coat. Out of the three, TigerClan seems the most similar to one of the living clans. Not all ShadowClanners have stripes, but they all sneak around in the shadows. The apprentice isn't so sure that's a bad thing now: if Sharp-paw hadn't been there to guide them through, they might've been swallowed whole and forever by the rocks.

The ThunderClanner crowns her with the title of LionClanner instead, bold and true. "You think so?" Pride, unusually serotinous with careful thought, puffs out her chest and lifts her tail. "My ma didn't think I was good enough to come, but Blazestar thought I was strong too." The meaning of the name of SkyClan's leader is lost on Cherrypaw, and she blinks at Little Wolf with guileless good humor. "I would be a LionClan warrior too! You don't have a mane though." Cherrypaw pauses for a moment to lift a paw to her own ample cheek fur, twirling a few strands around a pale toe in thought. "Do you, like, ever get cold?"
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