backwritten ˙ ˖ ✶ a creature without dream ┊ lupinepaw.

Cherrypaw noses her way through the hazel branches. She almost dissolves into a sneezing fit at the overwhelming scent of herbs, a tidal wave to which the great plant's fronds had acted as a dam to. The only thing that holds her twitching nose still is the sleeping bodies strewn around the clearing, barely wide enough to hold all those afflicted with yellowcough. The sunset filters softly through the den's canopy, dappling pelts with orange and purple hues, as though they've all already donned lavender garlands on their way to the funeral pyre.

She finds who she's looking for easily enough. There were only so many big black cats in SkyClan, even fewer in Dawnglare's den, and from those two she'd only have to pick out the one with white. The apprentice picks her way over to the girl, for once careful as to not disturb Crowpaw and the rest of the patients. "Lu," she whispers, crouching down besides her friend. She presses her nose to the tall back of one of her ears, and its unnatural heat startles her once more. "Lu, are you awake? Are you doing okay?" Like I told you you'd be?

❀‿ Lupinepaw is awake—achy, disoriented, and exhausted, but awake. Though, there wasn't much to do in the medicine den besides sleep, or attempt to anyways. Her eyes are closed, and perhaps she was just beginning to doze off, but she's brought to attention by a familiar voice and a touch to her feverish ear.

"Hi Cher, I'm awake..." She lifted her head to face her better, cursing the amount of effort it took her to do even that. "I'm okay, I think. I'm not like, good but... yeah. Okay." Lupinepaw thought that being given the herb would make her feel better right away, but apparently, it would take a while, maybe even a moon before she would be let out again. And that was if she didn't get worse. She did not glance back at Mouser, who was curled a few nests away, who seemed to be breathing rougher and weaker than he was earlier that morning.

She knew why Cherrypaw had come, it was the day of the full moon. She offered a small smile, determined not to look too sad, even if that dark and sludgy creature writhed in her stomach. "You're leaving soon, huh... Are you excited?"

  • OOC:
  • lupine_fullbodyy.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 5mo apprentice of skyclan
    — ??? ; single
    — tall, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by saturnid, fullbody and chibi by nya
    — penned by eezy
Lupinepaw must pry her jade eyes open to meet hers, head wobbling upon her swan neck, and another breeze of disquiet flutters through her. "You're getting better," Cherrypaw remarks quietly, because that's the only thing she'd take away from that. Knowing Crowpaw's recovery, she wasn't exactly expecting Lupinepaw to be out patrolling by the next sunrise. Even so, her friend still seemed as helpless as she was in the corner of camp that morning, though at least not delirious with anxiety anymore.

The two of them aren't yet close enough to where Cherry can see through the smile Lu offers, and she'd be hard-pressed to notice the intricacies of another's face at this point anyway. "Yeah." Even whispered, her voice rings with confidence. "I'm going to the mountains, Lu! I'll bring you back some pretty mountain flowers, or, like, a giant feather or something." She kneads the earth where she crouches, the smile she gives Lupinepaw brilliantly genuine in return.

"My ma'll be there with me, and Slate too I guess, oh and—Bobbie." The day they sat in the nursery together, after the dog attack; Lupinekit had been so worried about Bobbie that he cried. In the present, sitting in the darkness of yet another den, Cherrypaw gives the girl a focused look. "We'll take care of your ma, okay?"
❀‿ "Yeah, bring me something cute while you're there,"Cherrypaw's brazen enthusiasm was infectious enough that her small smile twitched wider with genuine feeling. Of course the shimmering fireburst-spirited girl who had the guts to volunteer to go on a dangerous adventure would find it light work to believe in Lupinepaw's ability to fight off something as simple as an illness. She didn't have time to pad in circles like the likes of Lupine fretting over things like danger and death.

"Thank you, Cherrypaw..." Lupinepaw purred hoarsely at her promise to look after Bobbie. Of course, she would fret over the both of them the entire time regardless, but the young tortie's promise was heartwarming. She knew that Cherrypaw did not say anything she didn't mean. She wanted to make a promise in return, "And when I get better I'll make sure to watch Eggpaw and Glimmerpaw, make sure they eat n' stuff." It wasn't much, but she would watch them like she did her own siblings.

"You'll make sure that you'll..." she said slowly, feeling another wave of sleepiness wash over her body, setting her head down on the edge of the nest, "you'll take care of yourself too. I don't want you to come back with any ugly scars or anything, mmkay?"

  • OOC:
  • lupine_fullbodyy.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 5mo apprentice of skyclan
    — ??? ; single
    — tall, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by saturnid, fullbody and chibi by nya
    — penned by eezy
Lu's purr is shaky, trembling in the bruised thumbprints yellowcough's chokehold had left on her. Even so, she answers her promise with one of her own. Cherrypaw's purr is so much stronger in comparison, even dimmed by awareness of the sick strewn all around them. "Thanks. Don't forget about Hiccup-paw and Sunshinepaw. They can all be kinda feather-brained sometimes," Cherrypaw murmurs, smile curving into something more impish.

Mismatched ears flick forwards at the sudden lull in the girl's words. Concern is the slight narrowing of her eyes as Lupinepaw sets her head down again, laying her delicate muzzle into the down-and-grass nest. Cherrypaw giggles it away. "Mm, yeah. Don't wanna look like Slate." The droop of ebony eyelids is telltale, especially on a face she's beginning to know well, so Cherrypaw stands up. "Don't—" Be bored? Get sicker? (Die?) "—let Dawnglare creep you out too much. Bye, Lu." She drapes her tail over Lupinepaw's slender shoulder for a moment, sweeping it across her raven-feather fur as she leaves.​