pafp ˙ ˖ ✶ her gold beauty is greening ┊ hairstyling.

It's not weird to be adorning someone else's mother with flowers. Bobbie just happened to be nearby when Cherrykit was struck by the star of inspiration. In her little maw she holds a bundle of flowers, with more ensnared in silken lilac fur, and even more scattered on the ground alongside the thin wisps of grass that manage to grow beneath all of SkyClan's paws. The growing calico sits just behind the queen as she rests before the nursery, their backs turned to the once-bloodstained walls. The evening breeze weaves through Cherrykit's outstretched, busy limbs as she scrambles to retrieve her gathered flowers from the ground, critically examine the dwindling free real estate on Bobbie's pelt, and neatly tangle the chosen flower into her hair. She hopes it doesn't hurt, mussing up her fur like that, but Drowsykit, Lupinekit, and Crowkit probably already do that a lot. StarClan knows she knots up her own mama's pelt whenever she climbs on her.

The end result looks like she spilled a rainbow on the ground and Bobbie had been caught in the middle of it. Some of the flowers were plucked from Yukio's efforts at decorating the nursery; others were courtesy of warriors she'd begged to collect some on their patrols. The bushy purple ones are lupines, Bobbie had told her, but most of the others go still unnamed for her. "You're soooo pretty," Cherrykit gushes, leaning forwards to inspect a little further. Satisfied after a cursory glance, she plops backwards. "I hope Blazestar sees this," she adds, for no reason other than minute associations she managed to pick up through proximity to the queen and Blazestar's visits. Plus, she hopes the leader would approve of her work. And Orangeblossom, of course. "Mamaaaa, look what I did to Bobbie!" Cherrykit calls, unable to hide her proud grin.

// please wait for @bobbie to post!​

✿—— bobbie has obediently settled herself before the nursery and tried to stay relatively still as she entertained cherrykit's whims. it had been her luck (she genuinely feels it is!) to be nearby when the little calico had decided on this particular entertainment. flowers, she thinks, have been a fixture of her new life in skyclan; flower crowns with yukio, a tradition passed from him to her and then to her own kits alongside the clan's youth, and now cherrykit's impromptu decorations. it's nice, especially given the flourishing excess greenleaf has given the clan; before this, the most flowers bobbie knew were the simple, stunted ones that grew in neat sprigs outside her twoleg's big den. here, they riot; huge starbursts of muted rainbows creeping around every fern and bank.

perhaps that has some kind of symbolism, but she has little thought devoted to that, content to stay here and entertain the she-kit's whims. once busy white limbs mostly settle, bobbie's lilac fur is a flurry of patchwork colors; as though she's been showered by one of the bright rainbows that follow storms. her heavy white-streaked main is dotted with flowers, some of them the purple namesakes of her son, and cherrykit sits back with a distinctly satisfied expression. the small queen smiles indulgently at the quickly-growing calico, her round ears turning down a bit with a warmth she can't explain at the kit's second remark; she mews, "th-thank you, cherrykit. you made me l-look very pretty." she does her best to make the words genuine for the kit's sake, offering a slightly-embarassed smile to any nearby cats with attention drawn by cherrykit's proud call. with the faintest trace of amusement, the tabby mews, "perhaps you o-ought to put some on your mother sometime." the vision of intimidating orangeblossom adorned in the same multicolored storm of blooms makes bobbie suppress a giggle.

  • ooc: ——
  • xFuluhM.png
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 38 ☾s
    —— bobbie is a beautiful but insecure lilac tabby, dotted with white patches and with pale green eyes. a queen of skyclan, she's sweet and kind if prone to melancholy; the heartbreaking end of a lifelong romance has left her scarred..
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)


The gentle beauty of flowers could easily be ranked toward the top as one of Sparrowpaw's favorite things. A vast array of colors, shapes, and sizes, all topped with a pleasant scent that made them feel warm inside.

The small tabby finds themself watching Bobbie's transformation from afar, but doesn't yet approach until Cherrykit releases her to call for her mother. There's a smile on their face as they approach, gaze flitting from flower to flower. "You look so pretty!" the feline chirps, settling down nearby.

How would they look when adorned with flowers, they wonder? With gray eyes fixed upon a small yellow flower, they hummed softly. "Do you think my fur is too short for flowers?" they uttered aloud.


Cherrykit's glad Bobbie likes her work, because there would've been consequences if she didn't. "You're welcome!" the kitten purrs, kneading the earth and slowly spinning around. She misses Bobbie's slightly rueful smile towards the passersby, which Cherrykit beams at. Bobbie mentions her mother, stilling her paws and twisting her head to blink at her. Truthfully, she hadn't even thought of decorating her own mother. Orangeblossom is off somewhere, being as much as a deputy as she can while chained down by kittens, maybe even escorting someone like Yukio or one of the new loners through the territory. Cherrykit tries to bother her as much as possible when she's around, but there are four other kittens competing for her attention, and sometimes she's just...busy. "Maybe!" she meows brightly, and that's it.

Sparrowpaw is one of the mentioned passersby who departs from the undulating pool of cats, and she perks up at their attention. "I know, right? I did that," she trills, giving them a cheek-aching grin. The tabby deigns to sit with them, reaching for a little yellow daub forgotten in the colorful crowd and musing over it. "No!" Cherrykit cries in response. She scoots over to them, tail vaulted high into the air. "You need flowers," she meows. She attempts to pat the pale fur on their leg, ostensibly referencing their dulled colors compared to the orange flaring on one side of her face. "Accessories," she adds, as if it makes her point clearer. A flutter of pride; she hopes Spiderpaw comes around to look too.

"Here," the girl offers, scrounging around for a suitable color. With a scrap of sky blue in her paw, she rears up to try and ruffle the fur on Sparrowpaw's chest backwards, stick the stem into the parted fur, then smooth it back down. "See?" she'd meow, staring at them proudly. It'd fall out at the slightest movement, but it makes their eyes look the slightest bit bluer while it's there.​
eggkit | 03 months | male | he/him | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #108297
Eggkit is drawn over to the sound of his sisters voice, but the pale furred boy h=only has eyes for the pretty flowers that litter bobbies frame. He stands there for a moment in silent awe, grey-blue gaze wide and awed, before he finally speaks. "Pretty - I want some too, can I-?" his speech is oddly quiet and stammered, for once not rambling a mile a minute. He wants - pretty flowers in his fur to match the pretty butterfly that already lies tangled beside his ear.
( tags ) "Wow, Cherrykit, you're really good at that," came a soft chirp from the entryway of the nursery. Bobbie looked as pretty as ever, but Lupinekit was glad that there were other cats who agreed with that sentiment. "You look gorrr-geous," he said to his mother, trying out the new word he'd recently learned meant 'really really really pretty'.

He pawed up a few of the favorite blooms that littered the floor, and as Eggkit came over asking timidly if he could participate, he was excited to attempt to push the purple petals into his cream-fluff fur. "These are lupines," he purred smugly, "aren't they cool?" If there was one thing Lupinekit was proud of, it was his name. He was glad to have such a pretty and nice-smelling namesake.



✿—— naturally, cherrykit's furiously colorful work draws a slight crowd of other kits, or perhaps those just inclined towards the little joys of life. the first among them is sparrowpaw, who she honestly quite likes; their shy kindness appeals to her somehow, and they seem to have quite a way with some of the kits to boot. they approach with a smile to settle down and watch the calico's antics, offering her a chirpy compliment that makes the queen instinctively smile. she does her best to keep the mood up for her company's sake, though she feels slightly ridiculous and perhaps a bit self-conscious, so thoroughly showered in the riot of blooms she feels somewhat silly. bobbie offers sparrowpaw her own suggestion moments before cherrykit steps in, "thank you! you can certainly g-give it a try. it won't hurt anything, after a-all."

cherrykit herself appears, unsurprisingly, very pleased with her own work. she grins proudly at sparrowpaw and bounds over shortly after bobbie speaks her own opinion, the tabby queen watching with rueful amusement as the calico sticks blossoms into sparrowpaw's much shorter fur, the flowers poking out at a slightly haphazard angle. "it does look ni-nice!" she offers. of course, cherrykit's brother is attracted by the commotion, staring at the flowers dotting her fur with wide storm-colored eyes before asking cherrykit whether he can have some too. the queen's gaze drifts to the calico she-kit, not offering words but eyes clear: cherrykit should answer with a yes. she's not the kit's own mother, but she is aware cherrykit can be a little .... immersed in herself at times.

her own kit arrives shortly after, the flower-spotted queen greeting lupinekit with a soft purr and smile; she was glad to see him out and socializing with the other kits. she worried sometimes that he and his littermates might grow into recluses, but that seemed to be proving wrong, thank the stars. "aw, thanks, l-love. that's nice of you to help eggkit." it cheers the tabby to see him offering to help eggkit gain some flowers of his own, the ones she'd named him after. named after what had been bright spots in a life then clouded with sadness. how fitting it seemed now.

  • ooc: ——
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 38 ☾s
    —— bobbie is a beautiful but insecure lilac tabby, dotted with white patches and with pale green eyes. a queen of skyclan, she's sweet and kind if prone to melancholy; the heartbreaking end of a lifelong romance has left her scarred..
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)


Cherrykit very swiftly insists that Sparrowpaw needed flowers, giving them a pat on the leg for emphasis. Accessories, she reiterates. They wouldn't mind that. The calico kit rushed away to snatch up a selection for them, and the tabby glanced over to Bobbie again, once again envisioning themself decorated in the bright petals. On second thought, they might look silly in comparison, but it would be fun!

Lupinekit and Eggkit wander over with interest, complimenting both the flowers and Bobbie. Cherrykit reaches out, blue blossoms in jaw, and begins to ruffle their fur. Without a word, Sparrowpaw leans back to let her as a smile grows on their maw. It seemed to be a difficult task. Maybe their fur simply wasn't meant for flowers.

Ostensibly the flower is stuck into their chest, the kit steps back, and with their breath held, it stays. See? Cherrykit says. Sparrowpaw laughed softly, inevitably dislodging the flower from its precarious spot. It fluttered to the ground, leaving them to hum in disappointment. "That's okay," they eventually said. "I still think it's pretty." Then, with a paw, they pulled it a little closer.


the large fluffy warrior had wandered over at some point, a soft rumbling purr coming from her as cherrykit has finishing giving Bobbie a make over, and moving on to the kits that joined in. "You all are very pretty, you're doing an amazing job," she offered the compliment to cherrykit.

her tall frame would settle down, her fur falling around her in the cloud frame she felt was another reason for her name. Her kind nature helped as well. often times, she herself would play with the pretty coloured petals, even as a warrior. it was relaxing, and something she would easily call self - care, and many warriors lacked the ability to make sure they tended to themselves.

it was helpful with the kits, reminding her at least that there is time in life to have fun, even when times seemed to be going hard and would make her unsure. sure there was separating the time for what was fun and play, and when you needed to step out to help and work. but at least having an hour to do something you enjoyed, she believed that is what kept spirits high.

"I have some spare flowers in my nest if you would like to put them to use?" she offered, a friendly smile on her face.
Disappointment drags her ears down when Sparrowpaw's chuckle dislodges her carefully placed flower, but only for a moment. At least they appreciated her efforts. A familiar warble soon distracts her. Bobbie needn't worry about Cherrykit bulldozing her brother━her own brother! Stepping over his precious little toes would be abhorrent to the girl, whose flesh and blood might be feckless but sweet to her nonetheless. She cocks her head at him, waiting for more words than just the seven he'd managed, but they don't come. Flame-and-ash brows furrow as suspicions creep up on her: sickness, sadness, or what else heavy enough to weigh the boy's windblown tongue down. With another few seconds, Cherrykit shrugs them off. Whatever's bothering her brother is only enough to still his tongue; it remains dry of tears and blood.

Lupinekit's voice trickles from the entrance of the nursery before she can fully address Eggkit, a soft, short song of praise. She gives him a smile and waves her tail in the air. "Thank you," she purrs smoothly, to her usual tune of "I know." He calls his mother "gorrr-geous," a word that Cherrykit jots down and stows away for later given Bobbie's positive reaction to it. Something along the lines of beautiful, maybe, given that she's certainly made Bobbie look beautiful. She picks up a bundle of flowers at the same time the other boy makes his way over to her brother. "We have flowers all around our nest, silly," she purrs through the floral clump in her jaws, which ruffles against her cheeks as she also trots over to the rounder kit.

"These are fresh though," she adds. Cherrykit unceremoniously dumps them out of her mouth and at Eggkit's paws, then blinks at Lupinekit's choice. Lupines, of course. If she were named after a flower (which she was, but had never seen it in bloom), she would flaunt it around too. "They're so fluffy," she agrees, reaching out to tickle the petals against Eggkit's chest. "They're very purple." That's a good thing. She presses a cluster of small blue flowers to her paw pad, then offers them to the now violet-speckled boy. "These look nice too." "On you," is left unspoken and hardly even realized. The delicate blue petals fluttering beneath her toes seems to bring out the faintest hint of blue in his overcast eyes.

Flowercloud makes her way over, and Cherrykit positively glows at her compliment, yet another on the tall stack she's accumulated. "Thanks," she once more meows smugly. The warrior stands the tallest cat here, but quickly flourishes down to lie at the local average height. "The warriors den has flowers too?" she wonders. She spares a quick glance towards the bramble bush, which lies deserted in the wake of evening patrol and hunters taking advantage of the sunset light. Living with the warriors never seemed as exciting as living with the kits and queens, always a flurry of activity despite never doing anything near as important as hunting or battling. Flowers...would make it a little more palatable, she supposes, but the prospect of being a full-fledged warrior is already exciting enough.​
Last edited:
eggkit | 03 months | male | he/him | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #108297
The boy listens attentively as th others speak, his little brain soaking in all the knowledge like a dutiful sponge. "It's pretty, very purple!" he says thoughtfully, brows furrowed as he stares down at the petal. "if your lupine-kit, why aren't you purple?" he questions, though he's soon distracted by the continuing conversation fluttering around him. He sits as still as he can, listening to sparrowpaw and flowercloud, fluffy tail and long whiskers twitching, as the two girls fuss about with his fur - leaving behind purple and blue petals on eggshell locks. Neck cranes down in an attempt to look, and though it's hard too see he thinks he likes it - and says as much. "Thank you! Now I have pretty flowers too, like the nest's 'n camp 'n bobbie 'n cherrykit 'n lupinekit 'n- well, yeah," he says, head bobbing frantically as though to prove his point. There too may names to list them all, but he's said the important ones at least. Now he's pretty, like them.