pafp ˙ ˖ ✶ in the casita ┊ gossiping ii.

Sleepy evening light filters through the pines. The nursery holly is slowly creeping its way between the leafless branches of Snowpath's grave, and its glossy leaves gleam warmly in the falling sun. Two mottled clumps of fur huddle beneath the leaves, dashed and dappled not only in the leaves' shade but in StarClan-given coats. Cherrykit runs her tongue through the knot behind Sunshinekit's left ear, nose wrinkling at the challenge of detangling it with her jaws only. It'd been a little difficult wrangling her sister into sharing tongues, but they could become apprentices at any moment, and Cherrykit would die of shame if she was caught in shambles by it.

For now, she gives up on detangling her chosen patch and leans back. Pollen-dusted eyes drift around the sun-filled camp. Warriors are returning from the evening patrol; she watches them duck through the bramble tunnel with practiced ease, some chattering like starlings, others stoic as ever. Mismatched ears prick at the sight of their mother among them, but she heads off in the other direction, maybe to give Blazestar a report or chastise some rowdy young warriors. Sparrowpaw interrupts her view when they pad by. The long scar on their flank seems to flicker with their movement, glinting a dusty rose in the sun, then disappearing into shadow when they turn away. "Hey, Sunshinekit," she meows, softly poking her side. "Where do you think Mama and Sparrowpaw got their scars?" Orangeblossom's scarred muzzle precedes her appearance round a distant corner. The starting thread of a story dangles playfully from her question, and Cherrykit impatiently waits for her sister to take it.

// please wait for @sunshinekit to post!​