private ೃ⁀➷ It's all you | Sharpshadow ೀ

⚛︎₊˚‧ If you had told Amberhaze that he would one day willingly seek out the intransigent molly that was Sharpshadow, he would have met your statement with a slacking jaw and bulging eyes filled to the brim with unveiled disbelief. Perhaps he even would have laughed- not one of cruelty, of course not- but a chuckle, a barking "ha" that signaled discomfort. He didn't dislike the cataclysmic lead warrior, in fact he would go as far as to say he admired her for her resilience and experience that showed itself through her actions and dedication to a clan long since reduced to shambles and ash. Able to retain his high status as a council member over the cycle of three leaders, he had seen and experienced much in his short life, things that reshaped one's mind and bestowed the gift of wisdom to anyone who managed to survive through the worst mother nature had to offer you. Sharpshadow had done it, and he continues to push forward to this very day. Surely then, there was none more capable to provide some much needed advice to someone than he?

It wasn't hard to spot him, the angular and taut shape of the black smoke made all the more prominent by an abysmal posture standing out like a sore thumb amongst almost any crowd. Sharpshadow was quite the hard worker, however the way he would brood as if it were a competitive sport in his free time was not to be discredited. With a deep breath and an involuntary whimper that Amberhaze willed the universe to ensure nobody else had noticed, he would approach the lead warrior with silent, trembling paws. "Um- S-Sharpshadow? Hi. Hey." He would attempt a smile, but it looked more like a grimace, the corners of his mouth twitching as his face contorted with visible stress. "Do you- um...have a minute? I-I wanted to- to ask you something. If I can."
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  • whaddahaell3.png
    black oriental shorthair. a short but lengthy black cat with a boney build and striking ocher eyes filled with unveiled trepidation.
  • Nervous
It feels like a bad omen when Amberhaze looks at him. ...Not like that was new, really. For as much as he could say about the tom's own superstitions, ironically, he kind of dredged up something similar from her. Bad luck or something, it feels like. Even though obviously, it was a ShadowClan thing. That amount of misfortune couldn't all be stuffed inside of Amberhaze's skinny ribs, obviously. He has to remind himself of that practically every time he's in the warrior's vicinity. Amberhaze steps up to him as if he's a predator. But then, Sharpshadow's pretty sure he looks like that all the time. It begs an uncomfortable question about his own resting face, doesn't it?

Sharpshadow cranes his neck at him; blinks slow. Dark eyelids arrange themselves with an odd sort of squint, scrutinizing the other warrior as if he might cough up a swarm of bees at any moment. She sure hopes she doesn't sound this awkward all the time. ( And she winces, inwardly knowing it's probably true. ) " Hey. " At least Sharpshadow knew her smile looked terrible. That's why she doesn't do it. " Uh, ask away. " He doesn't really owe it to him to hide his suspicion.
⚛︎₊˚‧ He didn't know what he expected. Of course Sharpshadow wouldn't be happy to see him- she wasn't happy to see anybody, really- and yet the way she never even tried to hide her disdain for not only him, her clanmates, the entire world as a whole would never fail to cause his eyes to widen just a bit further, if it were even possible. At least she didn't outright push him away, he deduced. Not much of an improvement, really, but better than the alternative that he was certain she would prefer.

"Uh- thanks." He took a moment to steady himself, his growing nerves causing his throat to tighten alongside stiffening joints. How embarrassing was it for him to ask something of a lead warrior, only to immediately will the universe to turn back time so that he could convince himself to do the complete opposite. Come on, Amber- you need this. Clearing his throat and straightening his jagged posture, he would muster up as much courage as he possibly could despite the way he could not meet Sharpshadow's hollow eyes. "You- You've mentored a l-lot of...uh- apprentices. A-And they- they've all become warriors...g-good ones, too. I think." He thinks? "Uh- Sorry, point is y-you know wh-what you're doing. And I-I...don't." He would allow his voice to trail for much longer here, his back arching so that he seemed to curl in on himself. Was it shame that made his eyes quiver as they flitted across the camp in every direction other than where Sharpshadow stood? Defeat? Desperation? The answer would have been all of the above, should you be after one.

"T-Talonpaw...Everyone knows what- what's happened to him by now...It's imp- impossible n-not to, the way- uh... Amberhaze flinched as he spoke, as if recounting the description caused him physical pain. "His scar...B-But besides that- t-the battle... I-I told him I'd k-keep him safe. That I wouldn't- um- let anything l-like that happen again...Instead I spent m-my energy defending an- an apprentice t-that wasn't even mine. A-And now he- Talonpaw, um- ...Those scars on h-his back- they're g-gonna remind him of m-my failure forever. O-Of the- uh- the promise I broke." Truthfully, he knew he hadn't promised, for promises were so difficult to keep in such an unforgiving world, especially when it concerned your safety and the safety of others. But he knew he should have tried harder at least, to stay true to the word he put forth.

"Uh- I-I guess what I'm asking is- um...How?" Harvest moon eyes would sear through the black smoke then, the way the smaller of the two leaned forward with bared teeth and a pleading demeanor surely uncomfortable. He didn't notice nor did he care, his perception clouded by the feeling of distress.
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  • ooc:
  • whaddahaell3.png
    black oriental shorthair. a short but lengthy black cat with a boney build and striking ocher eyes filled with unveiled trepidation.
  • Crying
Reactions: Deidre
How long it takes him to actually spit it out does nothing but make him more anxious ( As if he has never done anything similar ) She tells herself Amberhaze just... doing that very Amberhaze thing of his. That it wasn't anything actually worth agonizing over. He was going to give him, like, some stupid hypothetically. Ask him, what would you do if the world suddenly caught on fire, and somehow expect some answer besides "curl up and die." Sharpshadow blinks down at him. Amberhaze does not meet his eye. It reminded him too much of Smogstar and a younger him.

He's come to ask about her apprentices, apparently... Sharpshadow's gaze goes from scrutinous to bewildered. It's the first time anyone's ever... said something like that to him. Mentioned it, even. Something... real. Not the halfhearted comment from a Leader, preening at you just to saddle you with another charge. Amberhaze isn't even done rattling on yet, but he already feels like he should say something... Correct him, more like. The, " Uh- " that peeps from his is severed and absolutely aimless. He can't say he'd ever expect Amberhaze to be a stellar mentor... but it's weird, still, being approached as if she were so much better than him. At same time, she couldn't stand the idea of being the same as him. ...It didn't have to be like that— black and white. It really didn't, and yet it felt as if that was all it could possibly be.

So... this was about Talonpaw, obviously. Sharpshadow listens to him with a pinched expression, trying to pull a face that was neutral and not necessarily failing... but you can tell its forced, she's sure. Stars, wasn't it stupid to promise something like that? Safety in a place like ShadowClan? If Chilledstar couldn't have anticipated the dog that ripped their life away, why would Amberhaze be able to do any better? Or... no, anticipate was not the word, but prevent.

I guess what I'm asking is... how?

Neutrality's mask is shattered, amongst the pieces is something like fear; a pinched frown and wide, disbelieving eyes. How could he give the answer to a question that may or may not be fundamentally wrong? Yellowed teeth graze his lip. " Halfsun is a loudmouth. " She hears her verbal bear-poking at the border, sees a mouse ripped to shreds beneath her claws. " She- She's too emotional. So is Sneezeduck. " ...So am I. " B-but I guess they're... alive. "

Obviously, that wasn't all it took to be a good warrior. If that was what he believed, he isn't sure what he would have been working for the past... who knows how long. " I don't really know what I'm doing, " he tells him, and maybe he shouldn't admit it so easily. " I just... I think about what Rainshade did for me. What- What Smogstar did for me. I try to think about what I would've wanted... " Is it stupid to base so many things off of herself? Off of someone who graduated late, off of someone who was less than perfect?

...Smogstar had never been perfect. She'd never thought he was, either. She just knew that.... That whatever he did worked.

" With Talonpaw, you can't... " Sharpshadow takes a breath. " You can make sure he never leaves camp alone... You can give him the tools he needs to keep himself alive, but- but you can't protect him from war, Amberhaze. " To cross the border is to declare yourself willing to bleed for your Clan. " Surely you knew... Knew protecting him would be impossible to do without keeping him home. "
⚛︎₊˚‧ Subconsciously, he already knew the answer Sharpshadow gave him would not be the one he had hoped for. Of course not, not when everything that Shadowclan was and anything Shadowclan could be was anything beyond wretched disappointment. What she told him he already knew, the harsh truth of the matter being that he could not keep Talonpaw safe, he could not protect him nor could he save him from whatever unsavory fate lies in wait for him beyond the walls of camp. Walls that feigned the safety they were meant to provide, that in reality were so weak and useless they may have not even been there in the first place. So what would he do? Nothing? It felt so simple to just do nothing, the way the solution of doing nothing was so easy it felt like some kind of joke...He couldn't just accept that, surely?

What did surprise him, however, was the prospect of Sharpshadow- the calculated, resilient, level headed, responsible Sharpshadow- not knowing what he's doing. Amberhaze would never have considered that they shared any similarities, much less ones of a more cynical nature, ones that could be seen as falling short of your mark. And yet here they both were, face to face in a moment of silence that stretched endlessly on so that for a moment it felt as though this would be all that remained of their conversation. The oriental's expression had morphed in phases, much more plainly seen by the eye compared to his companion, for he felt no reason to hide what he felt- or perhaps he simply didn't know how. Anxious, hopeful, disappointment, surprise, confusion...and calm. He understood now. He knew, as much as he wished that he could do nothing more but ignore it, he knew. He never needed Sharpshadow to tell him, for it was within him all along, her words only reinforcing what he lamented facing alone.

"I know. I-I think I already knew from the start. I just- um...I didn't want to- to accept it." A timid smile would slip through the cracks of his twisted expression, and for a moment it seemed as though he might cry. But his voice did not waver, at least not by his standards. "A-And honestly, I think maybe- maybe it's less about Talonpaw a-and more" The revelation came before he even had the opportunity to process it for himself. "He was- is- my chance to p-prove myself. To show everyone that- that I'm not just- c-crazy old Amberhaze, jumping a-at his own sh-shadow. T-That I can be more than w-what everyone thinks I am. What I think I am." There was a pause, and he seemed horrified- desperate- eyes growing wider and more animalistic in a way that was almost tragic, his very spirit breaking as he realized that everything he had ever thought of himself, everything he told himself, what he had promised himself to be- it was just another sick delusion. He was a delusion.

"If he dies, will be because- because I d-did not- I was not... strong enough." There was more to strength than mere physical prowess, and he hoped that his companion would understand just how deep the strength he was referring to ran, something beyond the force of raking claws and snapping teeth. He was not strong by means of physicality, of course- but he was also not strong in the way of mental fortitude, in the way of handling emotion, in the way of determination and resilience- all of the things he promised himself to be, the things he had allowed himself to pretend that he was for who knows how long. "Uh- T-There's this saying...'Those w-who can't do; teach'...But I-I don't think I can d-do either. So then what- what's left for me? ...Is there anything- ...left for me?"

The weight of his tears dropping down onto the peaty earth seemed to reverberate with an overwhelming echo. He didn't know when they had begun or when they would end, having drowned himself in the weight of his own turmoil. A desperate reach for another to help him- to pull him out of what he was sure was killing him- but what could others do for him, if they were all drowning together?
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  • ooc:
  • 92958548_fAE0o6Vsf8fZ9nl.gif
    black oriental shorthair. a short but lengthy black cat with a boney build and striking ocher eyes filled with unveiled trepidation.
Sharpshadow feels a prickle at his pelt. Something about too similar of a sentiment... Possibly the worst thing Amberhaze could be— never mind the paranoia, the fretting, the delusion— is someone that anyone could relate to. He rattles when he walks, clenches his teeth at the onset of nothing. His eyes spare no detail of what he's feeling... Any enemy would scoff at this face guarding ShadowClan's borders, wouldn't they? It makes her stomach lurch, the moment where their eyes mirror each other. Sharpshadow wills herself to be calm, to be anything but like him. He starts to wonder just how long ago he'd lost that battle.

Crazy old Amberhaze. And suddenly, there's a singe of guilt along her nape. Amberhaze earned it for himself, hadn't he? They all did. Every muttered word, every scene, every action... That didn't change just because they weren't satisfied with it. Sharpshadow doesn't know who he would be if it was that easy. But he nearly thinks— What gave him the right to judge him, really? Certainly not his scars. Not a rank that meant nothing. Not the amount of loudmouthed warriors she's trained. Amberhaze could smile at least, despite it all. That was something she wouldn't do— couldn't do, as Amberhaze gazes up at her.

Amberhaze must not realize he's picked one of the worst cats he possibly could have to cry in front of. He thinks its obvious— but then, Amberhaze didn't seem to realize a lot of obvious things about her. Sharpshadow isn't stupid, he knows the twist of his stomach. That thing that comes when he'd like to do something he has no hope of doing. He's all... brambles. Named as obviously as he possibly could have. Even if he could move, if he could offer a shoulder... he'd probably just make him bleed.

" Amberhaze... " For too long, it's all he says. His own jaw is clenched, an expression he's seen Amberhaze wear one too many times. " Talonpaw's alive, isn't he? " Who knows how long that would last... it's the depressing truth, but, " Y-you're talking like its over already. "

Dark paws shift across muddied ground. He makes himself a wall around Amberhaze so the rest of camp wouldn't see him cry. If nothing else, he could spare him some embarrassment " Our Leaders get nine lives, Amberhaze, and we can hardly even keep them for a season. " If things were different, he'd call it a blessing, that the two of them still live... but it's just dumb luck, isn't it? " Things keep happening. We can't do anything about it. " It's probably the opposite of what Amberhaze wants to hear...

" But I... We try our best. " she cranes her neck, tries to catch Amberhaze's eye. Maybe the one thing worse than glimpsing a face like hers would be watching yourself cry. " Even though it's probably pointless... And anyone that— that really pays attention... " He can hear his own swallow. Sharpshadow's face furrows. The narrow of slitted silver is slight, but he tries; really tries. " At least— At least I hope... will see you for what you try to do. "

" I... " his jaw parts. He glimpses the warrior up and down, and something catches at the back of his throat. He loses it as quickly as it had come. Uselessly, he gapes. " Um, hopefully I didn't— I hope that made any sense. At all. "

  • OOC: . . .
  • 73390234_LSR50dhLCVxUutC.gif
    A large, scrappy feline with pessimism seemingly baked into his bones. It's clear she doesn't make much of an effort to maintain herself, though the namesake of her coat would likely stand out either way.
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! This mf is mentally ill
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⚛︎₊˚‧ He could hardly see an inch in front of him, his own tears blinding him as they continued to pour from inflamed ducts. For once, his eyes were not wide nor did they hold the weight of the entire world's terror inside of them- they were slits, and he would squeeze them shut multiple times in a repetitive motion as if he were trying to cut off the insatiable flow of liquid salt and sorrow. It didn't work, to nobodies surprise, and yet he would allow his eyelids to remain pasted shut, immovable and unseeing. He didn't allow himself to glance into the faces of passers by, nor would he stare back into the empty grey orbs that reflected his own hopelessness and the understanding that he was nothing more than what he was. There was no "could be," only... is. And what he is was his ultimate burden, that he was him.

Would it be enough to be someone else? If change was impossible- and it surely felt that way- then could reshaping yourself into something unrecognizable be the solution? No, it would be harder. To remake yourself from the ground up after having lived your entire life as what you are, it was just as impossible and pointless as trying to break away from everything that you ever were. The security of familiarity- even the familiarity of what one might detest- was familiarity all the same...and it bred comfort. That was all they ever did, Shadowclan...finding comfort in what they despised. Because what else was there, if it could not be altered or improved no matter how much you may wish for it? Like Starclan seemed to do, he and many others would turn a forcefully ignorant eye upon the truth of their circumstances. He did the same for his own misfortunes, as was apparent by whatever he was trying to mend or prevent when it came to Talonpaw.

Amberhaze felt Sharpshadow's body shift, his eyes finally opening to blink away the remaining streaks of tears. He still didn't look her in the eye- how could he? She was everything he wasn't, and although it was something he admired...her presence made him feel so small. Not because of the way she towered over him, or the way she stood on unwavering paws, but because her spirit seemed indestructible. It may be battered and old and broken in many places just like his tail- and yet he still carried it with him, dragging it along like a bloated corpse. It should be dead and gone, and remained. He held onto it. He hadn't given up on the miniscule chance that perhaps someday, it could be something more. That they could all be something more.

The older tom would try his best to comfort Amberhaze, but it seemed to slip away from him. He lamented the idea of voicing nothing but deflection straight to his face, and so he would remain silent as Sharpshadow continued to fumble over his own words in an attempt to do something- anything- for the despondent oriental.

"Talonpaw's alive, isn't he?"

For now.

"Y-you're talking like its over already."

Isn't that all I ever do?

"Our Leaders get nine lives, Amberhaze, and we can hardly even keep them for a season."

So what should become of the rest of us, who have only one?

"Things keep happening. We can't do anything about it."

So are we just doomed to this life forever?

"But I... We try our best." Amberhaze's breath would hitch then, his claws flexing so that the ivory talons hidden beneath glinted in the dimming light overhead. "Even though it's probably pointless... And anyone that— that really pays attention..." The pause that came after seemed to stretch on forever, and yet for possibly the first time ever, Amberhaze stood entirely still. Frozen in place and not even the slightest bit of noise escaping his pink-rimmed lips, he would only wait and listen. "At least— At least I hope... will see you for what you try to do." As if shattering a veil, Amberhaze's ocher eyes would reset into their familiar position of being just slightly too wide for whatever normal interaction he found himself in. They bore into Sharpshadow, searching for something that he didn't say aloud. It was almost as if he were seeing him for the first time- truly seeing him, looking with something beyond just his vision. It cut deeper than the surface, but what he saw was muddled by years of disappointment and false hope.

"...Do you...see it?" The question was nearly a whisper, and he would draw further into himself, crouching down as if the weight of the world were set upon his boney shoulders. "I see you, you know. W-What you do...And- And have done. For all of us." Paws shifted against peaty earth, familiar terror-filled eyes beginning to trail away from the prickly figure in front of him. For a moment, he wondered if his words even meant anything, how much weight they carried. Did she even care? She didn't seem to care about anything else. But perhaps it was because nobody ever gave her the chance to. Nobody gave her a reason to. Would this be enough? That spark of hope was reignited at the prospect of the near impossible reality of Sharpshadow feeling anything other than a hollowed emptiness that ate him alive every waking moment. Amberhaze may be nothing special, but Sharpshadow was...but he didn't even realize it. How could he, after being blind for so long?

"Sharpshadow-" Amberhaze jumped to his feet, taking an eager step forward so that his muzzle was mere inches from Sharpshadow's own- they almost collided entirely before his head reeled back before either could feel the ache of impact. "I- I hope you know...Um...S-Shadowclan wouldn't have b-been able go on. N-Not for nearly long as we- we have. Not- uh- n-not without you. Y-Your guidance. Your- Your protection or...your hope." A gentle smile tugged at the corners of a twitching maw. "And- I-I know you don't...y-you don't believe there's much left. N-Not for us. Or for yourself. But- But I-I're proof that there is. The- The fact y-you, who's endured...s-so still standing here d-despite it all. Um-" He felt his voice falter with a flush of embarrassment, his cheeks warming as he felt that cold, empty stare piercing through him despite his attempts to avoid it. Was he talking too much? Was this just more pointless banter from crazy Amberhaze? It was too late to take anything back now, he figured he might as well finish. Then he could chew him out and call him a fool before leaving him to do...whatever it was Amberhaze did. Continue to spiral, probably.

He sucked in a breath in an attempt to steady his growing nerves, willing his voice to remain steady and clear. "You...are the- the hope that we- we've been looking for."
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  • ooc:
  • 92958548_fAE0o6Vsf8fZ9nl.gif
    black oriental shorthair. a short but lengthy black cat with a boney build and striking ocher eyes filled with unveiled trepidation.
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He's not sure what he'd said to make Amberhaze look at him like that... Like— like he was something beyond another of ShadowClan's soldiers. It should be want he wants, to see Amberhaze stop crying... To see him return to his own... twisted version of normal, with eyes too big for his sockets. It was a good trait, to be watchful, but it hurt him more than it helped him, didn't it? He saw things that not even she did, both realistic and not. Maybe if he had been SkyClan, it'd be a superpower. To see ShadowClan's future... it'd just upset you, wouldn't it?

In shielding Amberhaze's tears from the rest of the world, unknowingly, he's made it his job to bear the brunt... Her ears pin to her head. Her stomach dips beneath the scrutiny. And he asks that thing she'd really hoped that he wouldn't. Do you see it?

She doesn't really get to answer. It's for more than one reason— not just her being a terrible... (friend? friend was wrong) clanmate. Lead warrior, whatever. Her hesitation was pre-destined, really. Amberhaze always keeps her on her toes. From crying in the middle of camp to...

They're mirrored now, dark-furred, wide-eyed, cut across the face. One of them did not look less-terrible than the other, and wasn't that thought just awful? Sharpshadow swallows down a lump in her throat. She doesn't... know what to say. Obviously, she doesn't know what to say. He gawks as they're muzzle-to-muzzle all of a sudden. And it's weird— feeling warm in the middle of Leaf-Bare... without the muggy, swamp air, but somehow almost just as uncomfortable. Amberhaze straightens himself, and of course, she's... glad. He speaks, and she'd be glad to have something else to reply to, if only he'd said anything else. If only he'd done anything else but this.

He's saying— he doesn't know what he's saying, really; besides every single thing Sharpshadow never would. Not about himself; not about any other cat. It's... idealistic, picturesque. Or he should just call it what it is: stupid to call any one thing The thing. The one that keeps it all from burning down, that one that keeps things hopeful, when all else seems impossible. A trap is what it was. A nice one— one that he would love to fall for really. He wishes he could've seen Chilledstar atop that podium... or Smogstar, or Mirestar, and thought they would be the one. Or maybe he didn't wish for that at all. Maybe he'd just be another piece of rubble by now, if he had ever allowed himself to hope that much. Hoping just enough was the key. Just enough to remind yourself that you were, every once in awhile.

If no Leader could ever bring about such a thing, what hope did she ever have?

...But wasn't it want she wanted?

Wants were stupid most of the time. Wouldn't anyone want for that? To be an inspiration? To be... the inspiration? The thought doesn't stop her pelt from burning. And- And Amberhaze is looking at her with those too-wide eyes of his, still.

He's silent for a long time, standing still with their noses too-close for... for StarClan knows how long before he remembers he's supposed to say something back. " I— " It feels like he's had an eternity to think of what to say, and yet he hadn't used a single scrap of it. " W-what? I... This isn't about me, it's- it's about you," he croaks. It feels hard to breathe. Should he say thank you? It felt... felt rude not to, but he couldn't just accept it. He couldn't just thank him as if any of that was true... "I'm just... ShadowClan, Amberhaze, I— T-there's nothing else I could- could do. Could be. "

Sharpshadow takes a breath. His heart is beating as if he's just run across the moor... " I'm— I s-see it, Amberhaze. " She's not sure if she's saying it because it's true, or because she can't handle Amberhaze's namesake on her any longer. " You're... you're doing all that you can. " Amberhaze wasn't any better than her... but she wasn't any better than him, either. They were just living. Or trying to, anyways. She puts some space between them at last; takes a step back, but seemingly against his own will, warily maintains his eye.
  • Crying
Reactions: Sloane