ᴡɪɴᴛᴇʀ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀʟᴀɴᴅ | [intro, o.]




Leaf-Bare. It was one of the most punishable seasons of the four, bringing in near freezing temperatures with howling winds—and not to mention, the sheer lack of food. Hungry bellies grumble throughout the night without being filled. Tension rising between clans and within their camps, and the worst of it all—whitecough.
There were some perks of it cooler temperatures to the right individual, as beauty lay in the eye of the beholder. Ice crystals would occasionally fall from clouded skies, piling up within the thick branches of trees and blanketing on top of tendril-like roots. His mother would tell him of harsh Leaf-Bares during kithood, how hard the clans suffered; but, there would be miraculous occurrences that would happen to bring joy to the right individual.
The purest of white, the chilliness under foot as you walked, it was invigorating. Something different. A feeling that poked at your inner child to come alive and plow through the stuff. One of the most eerie characteristics after a snow fall—was the silence. Every ounce of prey and predator alike would hide away in their burrows unless absolutely necessary. Unless you were a warrior like Stormchaser.
Stormchaser absolutely was thrilled to find out snow had fallen late last night. To wake up to a bone-chilling breeze, slicing through feathered fur had him nearly leaping from his nest in surprise. Holy StarClan! His mind whirled as goosebumps raced up his spine. The temperature was definitely a lot lower than yesterday, or at least that's what it felt like. He stumbled out of the Warrior's Den, eyes still dreary from slumber to only set his paw pads onto freezing snow. A small gasp was yanked out of lungs as if he was just kicked in the stomach, his limbs instinctively springing up into the air. "
WHEW!" He exclaimed, trying to regain his composure with a swift lick to his ruffled chest. That definitely caught me off guard, he smirked with a singular tail flick over his ear to rid himself from a clump of snow that fell on him during his...clumsiness.
Once the grogginess disappeared from his mind, Stormchaser gave one final shake to fluff out his feathered fur and immediately slipped out of the now frozen gorse tunnel. Snow showered his back like a powdered blanket, the ice already melting away from his body temperature. He stood at the foot of the ravine, his warm gaze observing the ridged textures now smoothed over by snow. A light pull at his lips turning into a small smile, energy gathering in his limbs as he sprang up with a mighty leap, splashing into lustrous power at the top of the ravine. The sudden sound of flapping wings jerked his attention away, instinct taking over as he watched prey leaving his presence, causing a light huff to escape his nostrils. How could he be so childish? Too busy wanting to run around like a kit again to remember some birds still resided in the forest around this time. Usually birds would leave when it got cold like this.
Some time had passed as he sauntered through the forest, admiring the beauty of ice and snow that covered ThunderClan territory. Long limbs easily carried him through the snow, light paws barely creating tracks as he glided as if he were a ghost. The gurgling sound of a bubbling stream came within ear shot; and as if on cue, Stormchaser's throat became uncomfortably dry, his body reminding him it needed the refreshment of water. He took off in a sure-footed trot, leaping over shrubs and fallen branches with ease until he felt the pebbly shore of the stream, the rushing water keeping the snow at bay. He silently watched, admiration bubbling within his golden gaze at the sight of it all. A true winter wonderland.
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nightbird moved through the forest, a dark shadow against pure white background. she tread lightly, gaze trained on the snow for any hint's of little creatures scurrying about. the warrior kept coming up blank. no food to return home with, only frozen paws and a bitter attitude. if only those could feed her clanmates.

she drew her head from the ground with a sigh that left a puff of foggy air in front of her. giving one last glance around, she was ready to return to camp and thaw out a bit, when she noticed a grey furred tom, frolicking about through the snow. long legs lifted him over the forest debris before he landed at the shore of a stream.

approaching silently, nightbird made a swift leap to the other side before taking a parallel position to his. admiration and joy seemed to flood his gaze, it almost made her want to reach a paw across to dunk his head into the water. wouldn't be so awestruck then. "i wouldn't recommend a swim," she said, settling for a sarcastic remark instead of a drowning.
[ ☾✩ ]


Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

Being the stubborn she-cat she was, instead of resting, she was out hunting. So far, with luck she had managed to catch a plump shrew. She had almost managed to catch a squirrel...but she was reminded yet again that she was slower now than she was used to. As she was starting to head back to the camp, she spotted a grey figure and an ebony figure near the stream. It wasn't too far out of her way, so she decided to go say hello. Maybe they had noticed some prey trails that she somehow missed.

As she got closer, she recognized Stormcatcher and Nightbird. The red tabby would set the shrew down on her paws, not wanting to set it down in the snow. She glanced at the water, slightly surprised that it hadn't froze over like some of the other smaller streams had. "Too bad there isn't any fish in it. I'm not one for fish, but that would be better than nothing."

Too preoccupied within his own world to notice a shadowy figure that landed beside him, a familiar voice broke the eerie silence and jerked him back to reality. Stormchaser's heart nearly leaped out of his chest, a starving gasp that sucked in too much cold air that erupted into a series of coughs. "GAH" He spat, whirling to face the smaller she-cat with wide eyes. "Announce your presence next time, Nightbird! What are you, an assassin?!" He scolded to the spindly female, a smirk pulling at his lips, knowing she'd wholeheartedly agreed to the term.
He shook himself off to relieve the tension, exhaling dramatically calm his coughing fit. "You sure know how to scare the scat out someone, that's for sure. I'd have no choice other than to take a dive just to clean off after that." The blue warrior chuckled, giving his chest fur a few swift licks in order for his fur to lie back flat. Stormchaser glanced at his clan mate out of his peripheral, a small smile etching back onto his angular maw. "You don't seem to be much of a fan of the snow, hm? I guess I can understand why, with empty bellies and these freezing temperatures. You and I sure aren't built for weather like this, being built like a couple of twigs and all. Heheh. What're you doing out here? I'm sure you didn't come out here just to scare the piss out of someone. Unless, you did—then in that case, well done!" He flicked his plumy tail across her shoulder, dusting off some snow on her obsidian colored pelt.
Now that his dissociation had come to an end, more paw steps crunched through the snow to reveal an orange and white tabby pelt—Flamewhisker. Stormchaser arched a brow at her, wasn't there something about her resting in the nursery? Wasn't she expecting? He opened his mouth to protest but, decided against his better judgement. Besides, at least she caught something. She was doing better than he was, even though he hadn't quite put in the effort to hunt. He was more enthusiastic about the snow than anything. Flamewhisker mentioned the stream before them, noting about the lack of fish in it. He nodded in agreement to the other warrior, turning his golden gaze back towards the flowing stream. He wasn't one of the cats who hated fish; in fact, he enjoyed the taste. The texture wasn't the best but, the flavor was one of his favorites. "I'd definitely be down for some fish. I wonder how many would still turn their nose up at it with hungry bellies? Heheh. I'd like to see their faces twist up in disgust." He smirked again, a chuckle escaping him.
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almost right after she spoke, a series of gasps and coughs filled her ears. her intention was not to scare him, but that didn't mean it wasn't an enjoyable reaction. "if i were, you wouldn't have stood much of a chance," nightbird responded coolly, bringing her tail around her paws. stormchaser's next words were answered only by a soft chuckle of amusement. it would certainly be interesting to see the warrior dive into the water. however, it wouldn't be nearly as interesting to have to drag his frozen body back to camp.

his ramble was only listened to halfheartedly, besides the part where he called them both twigs. that was answered with a slightly narrowed glare. it was short lived though, as she did not have the energy to support an argument at the moment. the weather was draining, the lack of food was draining, and she still felt rather drained from her quarrel with lightpaw. "i was hunting, or trying to at least. was on my way back when i saw you frolicking like a kitten witnessing their first snow," she chided, silver eyes flicking down to where he moved his tail to free her pelt from snow. a confused glance was tossed back, but she had little time to dwell. flamewhisker had approached carrying a shrew, nightbird flicked an ear as a greeting to the lead warrior.

idly, she listened to their conversation about fish, only offering a few nods of agreement. she had rarely tasted it, but it seemed to keep the riverclanners plump and satisfied. the warrior only wanted the same for her clan. something that was becoming harder and harder each day.
[ ☾✩ ]


Oh, is someone swimming? Cove likes to swim, preferably not in leafbare but she'll take what she gets. "I know how to fish. Flames right, too bad there isn't any, I could have nabbed some." a soft meow as she slides over to the gathered group, blinking warmly in greeting. Turns out, no one was in fact swimming which did slightly bum her out but whatever, you know? "Nice catch, Flame." prideful glance at the shrew, but Cove knows Flame should be back in camp... She won't say anything and chooses to directly avoid the problem. It's nice to see her clanmates getting along. She smiles.
✦ ★ ✦

A toothy grin drew upon his lips, revealing ivory incisors at Nightbird's retorts. She was right, he'd have been too preoccupied to do anything and it'd be over. Stormchaser paid no mind to her narrowed glare at his little jab towards the both of them, except another chuckle would force it's way from his throat. "Awh, don't do that! Stop trying to stab me with your eyes, Nightbird." He chortled, matching her silver hued haze with his golden ones.
At the mention of her attempted hunt, the warrior's empty stomach churned and growled, hunger nipping at his abdomen. He sighed, dropping his gaze from her and back onto the bubbling stream. "I can't help it. When I see ran or snow, I just get caught up in the beauty of it. I know the cold sucks, trust me, I feel like my hind end is going to fall off. But—it just never gets old for me. I love how the weather changes. It's so fascinating." As he spoke, his smile began to fade to a small smirk and his voice dropped to a murmur. The snow was a creation of a greater power than they were, bowing to no one; blanketing the ground in soft ice crystals.
A soft voice spoke then, neither Nightbird's or Flamewhisker's, his sharp angular head turning to see Covecatcher emerging from the frozen tendrils to join everyone. He shared a smile with her, shifting his body to give her more room. "I've fished a few times before! But, uh—I'm not that great at it. It's hard to keep my shadow out of the water—heheh. I wonder if there's any streams around here with fish?"