Jan 27, 2023
  • GENERALi am healthy, i am wealthy
    CINDER; for one who wears fur of recently departed flames. KIT; for one who is a child​
    female, she/her
    ↪ lesbian - not crushing​
    3 moons, ages at roleplayers will
    ShadowClan, kit
  • APPEARANCEi am rich, i am that bitch
    A black she-kit with yellow eyes.
    ↪ Born of Persian breed lineage, the first any cat will notice about her is her flat muzzle and distinguished cheeks. Atop her head sits two rounded ears that are just barely visible above her long coat. Underneath the ears, just below the forehead, are narrow amber eyes that shimmer a friendly warmth. Adorned with a tiny, scrunchy pink nose, a jolly grin almost always can be found beneath it!

    Despite a thick kittypet pedigree, Cinder was built perfectly for the marshes. Her long and typically knotted fur keeps her safe from many dangers in the climate, and her black pelt allows her to blend right in with the dark forest. One who did not have keen eyesight could easily mistake her as part of the night if they did not look close enough, it makes her a frightening ambusher, especially with her burly frame. She has adapted water resilient fur and webbed paws, befitting for the ShadowClan cat she is.​

    smells like murky water with a strong tinge of mildew
    carries a low, scratchy voice. Her tone can become quite nasally at times due to narrow airways
    experiences some common Persian health problems such as; overgrown claws; matting & tangled fur; dental issues (underbite); struggles with breathing after intensive physical activities
    ↪ link to toyhouse!​
  • PERSONALITYi’m gonna go get that bag
    POSITIVE TRAITS: upbeat; numerous; devoted; strong; sporting; playful
    NEUTRAL TRAITS: ambitious; loud; sarcastic; defensive; proud; outspoken;
    NEGATIVE TRAITS: aggressive; distractible; impulsive; childish; lazy
    ↪ Some may be prejudiced against her for her kittypet blood, but for those who can open their hearts Cinder is an undeniably upbeat and a joy to have around. Her silly and abrasive humor will either get your character on their back laughing and gasping for air or with steam coming out of their ears with how irritable she can accidentally be. Overall she means little to no harm to all who surround her, very little hate is carried in her big heart for her clan-mates; even those who tend to wrong her.

    No matter how annoying she may be, no one can deny her loyalty. To have Cinder as a clan-mate is a blessing from StarClan themselves, for she is always one of the first cats on sight when a ShadowClan cat is in need. If you manage to secure her as your best friend, keep her at your side forever because you’ll never find a more loyal and supportive bestie in all the five clans!​
  • RELATIONSHIPSand i am not gonna take your shit
    ↪ only child​
    mates with N/a
    ↪ no offspring​
    mentored by tbd
    ↪ currently mentoring N/a
    ↪ mentored no one​
    DISLIKES: All clans, disregarding ShadowClan
  • INTERACTIONi‘m a queen, i’m a dream
    fights clean in battle, is unlikely to kill but will maim. Sings battle chants as she fights
    will start fights, will end fights, will reluctantly flee
    ↪ STRENGTH: ★★★★★
    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ SPEED: ★★☆☆☆
    ↪ STEALTH: ★★★★★
    ↪ SWIMMING: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ HUNTING: ★★★​
    very bubbly & loud, often is asked to lower her voice
    a big conversationalist, super friendly to ShadowClan cats. Becomes more reserved with outsiders
    ↪ STRATEGY: ★★☆☆☆
    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★★☆☆☆
    ↪ MEMORY: ★★★★★
    ↪ HEALING: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ WISDOM: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★★★☆☆​
[fleft][img width=125px]https://tabbytales.net/attachments/79087159-7c58-4694-9a80-244993fa0389-png.437/[/img][/fleft][outline=black][justify][font=tahoma]TEXT[/font][/justify][/outline]
[spoiler=TAGS ★ 01/07][CENTER][img width=150px]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/60554223_vcFPPxH2GrBJoga.png[/img]
[SIZE=2]( [B]secondary character[/B] / "[COLOR=#ea6f17]speech[/COLOR]" / ic opinions )[/SIZE][/CENTER]
[SIZE=2][left][B]╰ ★ ჻ 001 GENERAL INFORMATION ,[/B]
· [B]SOOTSTAR[/B], female — she / her
╰ ‣ 3 moons . ages on the first
╰ ‣ shadowclan kit . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ carries 100% kittypet & Persian blood

[B]╰ ★ ჻ 002 VISUALS & AESTHETICS ,[/B]
· PERSIAN, smells like murky water and mildew , status — [I]100%[/I]
╰ ‣ black-furred . flat-faced, knotted fur . orange eyes

[size=2╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

╰ ‣ lesbian.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . reluctant to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in [U]underline[/U] . penned by user @ava.[/SIZE][/spoiler][/box]
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