
A future UNOFFICIAL clan to be founded by Sootstar loyalists early-2024.
When Sootstar averts her gaze from StarClan, not all of WindClan turns against her. Many have come to find their own comfort and prosperity in her "survival of the fittest" enviorment. Much like rogues, they admire her strength and cunning with little care for her faithless and immoral practices. When whispers and threats of dethroning the blue she-cat erupt, her loyalists are the cats who keep the rebellion-seeking cats in a frightened silence.

Sootstar's loyalists wind up becoming a power of themselves in the clan. A pawful of them going as far as being promoted onto council and replacing lead warriors and eventually… Sunstride himself. With their beloved leader at the realm they bring on WindClan's coldest and cruelest era that'll stain the clan's history for moons after they are gone. (Hover for some ideas)

Having enough of the tyranny of the viscious group, Sunstride bands together with the true warriors of WindClan for a final stand against their bloodthirsty leader. An rebellion erupts in the camp and after blood stains the snow, Sootstar's loyalists are forced out of their power and into the loner lands. They have no choice but to leave behind their leader, Sootstar, whose fallen and dying on the cold ground, leaving Sunstride to take her blood-stained crown as king of the moors.

The loyalists, believing themselves to be true clan cats regardless of their exile, start a new clan called 'DuskClan'. Named fittingly after the period just before nightfall where the sky is often stained red with not a star in the sky.

They continue living much like they did in their final days on the moors and occassionally harassing WindClan.

  • Before diving in, please note these rules AND overall plot are subjected to change. IC often goes ways we don't expect, some additions or subtractions to rules and plot may be made.

    1. Character can either already be created OR be made for this plot. Just give me a heads up.
    2. OCs are automatically approved, but feel free to post your character's bio below if you'd wish!
    3. If you change your mind about your character remaining a Sootstar loyalist you MUST let ava know as soon as possible.
    4. Character may be killed before, during, or after the rebellion at any time. It's still your character, go wild!
    5. Any temporary promotions made will be created without hosting tryouts. It'll be based on ic realism (which shouldn't be hard as a loyalist) & activity.
    6. The temporary promoted deputy will have the option to control and manage "DuskClan" as if it's their own creation. Ava does not care how you manage it or how active it is. Please be willing and flexible to work with the new leader of WindClan's wishes and wants.
    7. The clan will not constantly harass WindClan, once they are chased out of the forest territories please give the clan a 6-9 month 'cooldown period' before approaching current leader for plots. Focus on them making their new clan and plots of the groups own!
    8. If the unofficial clan at any point falls entirely inactive, if the WindClan leader desires it to be used as a plot they may revamp it and make any changes they see fit. INCLUDING new "management" & "hps".
    9. The only thing remaining, ava wishes that within 2 ooc years from creation that this clan has dissolved. Odd wish, but I'm more or less looking for them to feel like a BloodClan/DarkClan that is inevitably slain once and for all. Them being around FOREVER doesn't make sense. Once the clan has icly disbanded please do not reboot it, as its time and purpose has passed.

    TT Unofficial Clan Rules
    1. No territory changing plots, official events/badges, or plots involving the main clans (unless ran by that clan's leader) will be allowed.
    2. No StarClan interaction. Unofficial clan cats will not go to StarClan unless that cat is taught by a clan cat (ex: Tallstar taught Jake about them so Jake got to go). This is to avoid a bunch of non-clan cats filling up an afterlife that is for clan cats. StarClan will not view these groups as clans as the only accepted clans are the five in the forest.
    3. No guide, census, or discord for the group. The loner lands discord can be used for this just like other loner groups.
    4. Group should not expect to have many (if any) interactions with the main clans unless ran by that clan's leader. Groups won't be going to Gatherings, either.
    5. Overall, staff's focus won't be on these groups. They will be considered the same as background loner groups without staff-ran plots or official HPs so that focus can always remain on the site's purpose: the five main clans.
    6. Leaders will not receive nine lives. There will be no medicine cats per the site's healing rule.
    7. Unofficial clans are new territory for us on TT. Therefore, these rules can be edited or added to at any time at staff's discretion. Changes will always be announced!
  • A list of current loyalists that are planned to stick by Sootstar's side and fight for her in the rebellion.
    - Hollowcreek

    - Rosepaw