
the rabbit is starving
Jul 28, 2024
general tw for violent outbursts, internal conflict, animal death and canon - realistic gore. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.


playing in the swamp of alligator blood, behind our house in the marshy lawn, he'd always hold my head under the water a little too long. he wanted me to be all guts, no glory — ALL SURVIVOR, NO GUILT.
nicole dollanganger, alligator blood .

through the dark of mire and marsh, you can see it ; gleaming eyes against oilslick backdrop, the hum of flies following the rosen scent of rot that seems to emanate from its direction. it’s . . shaped like a cat, all except for its f̶̨̡̦̫̥̾̈́͆a̸̘̜̯̻͙̿͘ċ̷͜ė̷̗͖̎̀͗.

LOONFACE ; loonkit, loonpaw / cisgender, he / it / she pronouns.
⤷ named at birth for his unusually oilsleek head, similar to that of a loon. bestown the suffix -face for the very same reason.
MOCKINGBIRDCRY xx FATHER, brother to kestrelsong.
kept firmly away from any talk of his father, and any mention is met with uncharacteristic, chilling aggression ( silence them, lest mother overhear ).​
— twenty three months ; sounds like anthony perkins as norman bates

an air of abnormality lingers about him. something not quite right. he seems nice enough, though.

tall, haunting lilac tabby with shadowed features and syrupy brown eyes ❥ ҉ ༄ smells like crushed flowers and carrion. he carries through life an uncanniness he cannot shed. a unique culmination of atypical traits has given it stature like something dredged of nightmare ; like his mother he is doused in sleek waves of marbled lilac, plush softens the underlying jut of sinew and bone at his chest. from afar, he seems unworldly, if a bit sick ; all popping vertebrae and thickly veined membrane, doused in thick waves of fur like his mother. if it weren’t for a face like oil - slick rot & buzz of hungry horseflies clouding it’s features into pitch black, cutting off sharply at the neck as if earth has come to reclaim him. his long snout is torn in ribbons stretching towards the outer corner of his ear in an overgrown and toothy glasgow smile, the only cut of age - tinged color against stark shadow.

beneath the tear in its wolfish snout are rows of crooked fang, jutting and sideways and crossing at uncomfortable angles in a case of obvious hyperdontia. broken, aged and brittle with exposure to the elements, the weakness in his jaws have left him with a distinct favor for soft, comfortable foods. favoring ripening carrion, frog pods, tadpoles, crushed eggs & yolk to freshkill . . he has picked up a particular scent, reeking like rot and iron despite how he may desperately roll in neddle and swamp rose.

like purgatory, settled between the heavens and hell below. abyss - soaked, tainted and macabre, inaccessible.

lh lilac smoke / black chimera with amber eyes

notes for design: analog horror freak proportions and face. head should be completely blacked out save for eyes and jagged tooth - revealing scar on one side. neck and rest of body should be standard lilac smoke, albeit abnormally scrawny and tall. eyes should appear red against the backdrop.

positive: gentle, empathetic, affectionate, warm neutral: mischievous, uncanny, jealous, insecure negative: dependent, weak - willed, secretive, selfish ୨୧ upon first meeting him, loonface is little more than a gentle - voiced mama’s boy ; so sickly sweet it rots the stomach, a naturally touchy, affectionate soul with voice like a mourning dove. it is a coy, cooing thing, syrupy dark eyes ever held at easygoing half-mast, voice like silk and clattering mandibles. he is born with a presence similar to his mothers, an instinctual warmth that seems to disarm his peers, a serene docility in each soft curve of him ; in the watery stare of sapdark eyes, eyes like void, cushioned in thick lashes against an abyssal backdrop.

though known primarily as a gentle giant ( if that ; giant only in height, lacking broadness in any sense of the word ), loonface holds himself close and quiet, often seen with a dreary thousand - yard stare she refuses to speak upon. amidst rosy flushes and soft - murmured nothings, loon seems to have an immaculate ability to disassociate himself in any situation. this has led to speculation and concern from its peers, though a quick snap back to reality is often enough to soothe suspicious nerves. most chalk it up to recent turmoil in the friendship of he and thrasherthroat, which has led to mutual cold shoulders.
NOTABLE ATTRIBUTES | ❝ sleepy, hollow - eyed stares, tender smiles with too many teeth, speaks in chitters like the rustling of chitin and insect legs thrumming slow through hazy summer afternoon. prefers soft foods ; often found scavenging for snake eggs, grubs and sloughing ' fall - apart ' prey ( often faces stomach problems for this reason. ).

• unusually tall and slim, but walks with a noticeable tuck of his head. walks with a prim and careful step, as if gliding above the mud ( webbed paws. ).
• his favorite food is slightly aged frog and snake eggs. considers grubs & slugs a little treat..
• calls mockingbirdcry mother, and spent most of his early days with her instead of his peers. has little friends as a result, and is known amongst cats his age as a weird mommas boy. or just weird in general, even by shadowclan’s standards.
• gained his gnarly facial scar in apprenticeship after catching on a loose piece of wire fencing around carrionplace while attempting to flee a hunting expedition turned bad . . it rakes thickly up the side of his face and ends around the bottom of a tall ear, giving him a cruel smile that reveals juts of overgrown teeth.
• so obsessed with anyone who gives him the time of day. a pathetic wet napkin saved only by being fluffy and sweet, hindered by looking like a mandela catalogue alternate.
• fully believes himself in love with thrasherthroat despite how secret and underhanded their relationship had been. enthralled with him still, and can be seen following him out on patrol without them knowing. obsessive.
• has little of his mothers interest in war and politics, though he likes to pretend so he’s involved. takes after her warmongering to an excitable degree.
• loves birds. dead ones. they are his favorite animal, and he eats them delicately as to save the pretty feathers.
• secretly longs for a partner or friend or will eat with him regularly and give him the soft bits rip but he is too embarrassed to ask for help

born to mockingbirdcry and an unknown sire, the smaller and strange - looking brother of kestrelsong. trained by serpentspine. harboring a grief-stricken idolization of chilledstar, and the recent ex - partner to thrasherthroat. mentoring no one.

• born alongside his sister, at the time kestrelkit, into shadowclan to mockingbirdcry. a silent birth, eerily quiet and steadfast at his mothers heel for the first few months of his life. a known mamas boy, first to hunt for the nursery and first to offer to walk a queen out, it’s been rumored that he is using his mother as a crutch, that he never outlived the reputation he’d garnered as a kit and compensates too greatly — rumor had it that he was awfully lonely outside his duties, and that that loneliness made him strange, twitchy. that despite his softness and lilting tone, he is odd and unwell, face twisted into pseudo-nausea when he thinks no one’s looking.. and rumor had it that he and his only friend are is an ugly, ugly spat that seemed only to dredge up an ugly past. what’s all that about?
enters the story in the direct aftermath of a messy breakup, result of a hidden fling between he and a tom who’s commitments lie elsewhere. a naturally possessive and all - encompassed soul, spiderstep does not take it well ; growing fidgety and cut eyed in wake of his and thrasherthroat’s parting, trembling with something most would assume to be nerves. his story will begin on a poor note, and will only continue downward as he explores what makes him tick so badly..

& . KITTENHOOD / a relatively normal childhood, he is born to a shadowclan permaqueen and raised under her watchful eye, with little word of his fathers identity or whereabouts. his mother’s proclivity for attention seeps into him ; the idea of love and affecton painting his early days in lieu of shadowclans frequent harshness. with little word of his fathers identity or whereabouts. his mother’s proclivity for attention seeps into him ; the idea of love and affecton painting his early days in lieu of shadowclans frequent harshness. as good as this sounds, spiderkit was a notably troubled child in the nursery. while quiet and shy, he held a temperament that rattled the nerves of those around him — queens and kits alike. he plays with his food, speaks offputting and darkly, and holds a shockingly complex relationship with empathy. he plays haunting games, plays out the final moments of his peers until they run crying to their mother. mockingbirdcry protects him, in that moment. it’s said that he never truly leaves her umbrella of snapping independence, all the doormat she feigned to be.

& . ADOLESCENCE / upon apprenticeship, spiderpaw learns to soften and purr his way through life, though he does so with a clumsiness that many find ( blessedly ) endearing. he is still odd, and unliked by his peer’s parents, but he is never lonely. apprenticed to whisperfang, a lean elder warrior, spiderpaw begins his training alongside another young apprentice named splinterpaw. his best friend ; splinterpaw and spiderpaw are rarely seen apart.


. . woof

  • i.

    a tall, haunting lilac tabby with dark features and syrupy amber eyes.
    he carries through life an uncanniness he cannot shed. a unique culmination of atypical traits has given it stature like something dredged of nightmare ; like his mother he is doused in sleek waves of marbled lilac, plush softens the underlying jut of sinew and bone at his chest. from afar, he seems unworldly, if a bit sick ; all popping vertebrae and thickly veined membrane, doused in thick waves of fur like his mother. if it weren’t for a face like oil - slick rot & buzz of hungry horseflies clouding it’s features into pitch black, cutting off sharply at the neck as if earth has come to reclaim him. his long snout is torn in ribbons stretching towards the outer corner of his ear in an overgrown and toothy glasgow smile, the only cut of age - tinged color against stark shadow.
    severely hyperdontial. maw is seemingly overcrowded with teeth ; occasionally catches on his lips and inner cheek, especially when eating or speaking.

[justify][size=12px][color=#c4c4c4][font=VERDANA]. . woof

[tabs][slide=†][color=#796b68]i. [/color]
[slide=𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐁𝐎𝐘]
[/slide] [SLIDE= 𖥔  ࣪  ᥫ᭡ .]
[/SLIDE][slide=【 𝑵𝑨𝑻𝑼𝑹𝑨𝑳 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑶𝑫𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑰𝑵𝑬𝑫 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑵𝑫 】] [color=#796b68][i][b]LOONFACE[/b][/i][/color][color=#c8b8b5][font=impact] [b][s][color=transparent]———————[/color][/s][/b][/font][/color][font=impact] [/font] HE / IT / SHE, WARRIOR OF SHADOWCLAN. [abbr=penned by dejavu.]MOCKINGBIRDCRY[/abbr] xx [abbr=good as dead.][i][s]FATHER[/s][/i][/abbr]. 23 MOONS OLD, SMELLS LIKE CRUSHED FLOWERS & CARRION. PENNED BY ANTLERS.
[color=#796b68][abbr=longhaired lilac tabby / black shorthair chimera]a tall, haunting lilac tabby with dark features and syrupy amber eyes.[/abbr][/color][abbr=longhaired lilac tabby / black shorthair chimera][/abbr] [fright][img width=200px]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/89540268_3S6Rz7EvLVhW61D.png[/img][/fright] he carries through life an uncanniness he cannot shed. a unique culmination of atypical traits has given it stature like something dredged of nightmare ; like his mother he is doused in sleek waves of marbled lilac, plush softens the underlying jut of sinew and bone at his chest. from afar, he seems unworldly, if a bit sick ; all popping vertebrae and thickly veined membrane, doused in thick waves of fur like his mother. if it weren’t for a face like oil - slick rot & buzz of hungry horseflies clouding it’s features into pitch black, cutting off sharply at the neck as if earth has come to reclaim him. his long snout is torn in ribbons stretching towards the outer corner of his ear in an overgrown and toothy glasgow smile, the only cut of age - tinged color against stark shadow. 
[quote]severely hyperdontial. maw is seemingly overcrowded with teeth ; occasionally catches on his lips and inner cheek, especially when eating or speaking.  [/quote]
